George Pita (Democratic Union)

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George Pita
250px-GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile color.jpg
Emperor of The Glorious Empire
Duration of office
June 6, 1996 - July 19,2006
Date of Birth
November 4 1959

Early Life

George Pita was born on November 4, 1979 in New Rome. He dreamt of Being a lawyer and was a teacher's dream. He was destined for Greatness. He was a member of the Model UN at his school and began early in his International Politics carrer. He was facinated with Demons, and they at this Point "Revealed" his purpose and Linage to him, He as the Unholy Bloodline, The Soon of Satan that would rule the World

Service in the Solist War

Pita joined the Imperial Army during the Great War. He and his unit fought and where never defeated. A story tells that He was in a trench and he heard his name. he moved toward the spot where he heard his name being called and then he heard a big noise. He looked behind him at the spot where he was standing and he saw that a stray artillery shell land o direcly where he was standing (this would later serve as invaluable propaganda). THis strenghted his belief in the Fact that he was chosen by Satan.

Return from the war

Pita was shocked by the defeat of The Glorious Empire. the Monarchy was overthone and replaced with a Democracy. He was furious at this and formed a political party called the National Capitalist German Workers Party. He quickly gained support.

Rise to Power

Munich Coup

With his support growing. Pita saw an oppertuinity. He and his brown Shrits moved from Munich to Berlin to Overthrow the Government. He moved to Coglone and the Police did battle with the brown shirts. The Brown shirts where defeated and Pita was placed under arrest with his liutenents.


Pita was convicted of treasion but due to his popular support not killed but placed in a nice prision. He served only 2 years out of his 10 year sentance.

Relase and elections

After his relase he decided to "Use the flaws of Democracy aganist it" and ran for president. He was defeated in a close election but in an attempt to stop another much better organized Coup gave Pita the Office of Chancoller.


He became President after the death of the Previous President. The Reichstag capital building was burned down by the Imperialists and he was given Dictatorial power by the Parliment. He then began many reforms. The flag of the Former Government was outlawed and all dissedents where killed. He also began a campign aganist the Floydists. Church property was confiscated and National-Capitalist Monumnets where put in their place. Floydists also are rounded up and taken away to only god now where by the SS

Ascention to God

Pita Declared himself a God on June 6, 2006 He has scince been worhisphed as A god. He however has removed most of his old National Capitalist firends and has assumed full control as God Emperor.

The Ozone Catastrophe

During This Catastophe Pita was "Kidnapped" by several Mutants that felt that he needed to become one with his People. He was Mutated but reatined Most of His Humanity. He for the Most Part looks Human save a few added Extentions (He had wings surigcally added to him, Genetically engineered from a Giant Bat)

Marriage to The Imoy-Ikust

Pita having managed to stay in Power throught the Ozone Disaster, found that the Imoy-Ikust had entered the Glorious Empire. She arrived to Pita, Proclaiming that Pita is the Dark Lord of all Humanity, and She has come to offer her hand in marrage. Pita Accepted, The Glorious Empire offically became Hell in terms of Solists as being the Domain of the Imoy-Ikust

Cruzada de O Império Glorious

During the Crusade Pita lead many Victorious Campigans, He Re-captured the TGFR, and Defeated Brezec, He Launched an Attack on the Palixian Colonies, But soon moved out to attack Philanchez, This Proved to be a Fatal Mistake


Pita Soon began to realize that the war was Lost, Simply There where far to many enemy troops and his armies could not Defeat them all, He Decreed that all TGEians would Fight to the Death, and Ordred the Systematic Destruction of EE, He was Believed to be Unstable, and Seveal Members of the TGE Elite, and The Commander of the Praetorian Guard Had Pita Arrested. He was to be turned over to the Allies to stand trial for War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes against Humanity, but the plane carring him crashed, and Soon the true purpose of the Praetorian Guards involvment was reveled


Pita Shortly after his Plane Crashed appeared on a Tape. He stated that he was still alive and had known about the attempted Coup long before it took Place. He ordered the Commander of the Praetorian Guard to join them and convince them that the Praetorians are capable of Arresting him. The Commander Sejanus did as he was ordered and "Arrested" Pita. In truth Pita was moved to a safe house in TGE and a CLone of Pita was to be sent in his Place. The Clone soon resurfaced in Eyygui and began a Satanic Resistence movement there.

He soon commanded the Loyalty of 99% of the Military. with only a few troops in New Rome Remaining loyal to the Republican government. The Nation was about to be Plunged into a Civil war, but Pita offered the Republican Government a differnt way. They would hold an Election. Pita vs the Current Government. But with an Estimated 98% of the Populice supporting Pita, it would be a Landslide victory.

And indeed it was, After Varimov attacked a Reporter, Pita won the Election with 98% of the Vote. Pita was made President and soon after, We would be Declared Emperor again.

Stepping down

Pita Became Emperor, and After several Incidents that nearly brought the Region to DUW 3 he stepped down from office, He moved to a Private Island with his Praetorian Guard, There he planned to spend the Rest of His Days. He only appears to make statements about Current Political Decisions but he has been stopped by the SS who have taken over the Island and keep him under wraps

Realization of Destiny

After being kept down for several Years by the SS, Pita Ordered his Praetorian Guard to Destroy his Keepers. After what was refered to as "The Night of Retrebution" The Praetorian Guard killed all of the SS men on the Island and Pita soon speed of to lead a Second Revolution. Soon The Army defected to Pita Side and the Nakis Fell. He returned to His Post as Emperor Making him the Longest Ruler of The Glorious Empire.