Repeal "Metric System"

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Repeal Text

Repeal "Metric System"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal Resolution: #24 Proposed By:  ?

UN Resolution #24: Metric System (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The United Nations,

APPRECIATING the scientific advantages and the simplistic nature of the metric system,

NOTING that the resolution imposes the costs of converting to the metric system onto all nations, regardless of economic conditions, upon their entry into the United Nations,

CONCERNED that the economic burden of converting to the metric system will offset the stated purpose of the original resolution, particularly in developing nations,

BELIEVING that Nations should have the right to choose their own forms of measurement,

OBSERVING that systems of measurement may be as much a part of a nation's culture as language,

FURTHER OBSERVING that some non-metric systems allow even simpler division by a broader array of integers, and may therefore be considered preferable in certain applications,

CONSIDERING that in light of these flaws there would be no direct international benefit to the forced conversion of domestic measurement units:

REPEALS United Nations Resolution #24, "Metric System".

Co-authored by the members of ACCEL

Votes For: 5,149
Votes Against: 8,581
Voting Ended: Thu Aug 3 2006

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