Sherlock Holmes

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Sherlock Holmes is the Minister of Public Safety for the government of Newfoundcanada.

History as a detective

Sherlock Holmes was a national hero in his day because of his charitable and great detective work. He completly devoted most of his life to fighting crime. He would do work for anybody and rarly gave fees to anybody. He is internationaly known for some of his greater feats of brilliance.

Drug addiction scandal

After some pappers where taken out that showed in his down periods Sherlock Holmes has done on several occasions morphine, cocaine and to suffer from bipolar disorder. Public opinions of this usualy highly essteemed figure plumeted. The general public was calling for his resignation. But Joe Quimby stuck by him and a series of great political manuvers by Charlie Luciano resotred his popularity.

There have been no reports of such behavior in a mounths but the public still deeply suspect he is just hiding it better. [Category:Characters] [Category:NewfoundCanada]