Turkimen History

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Turkimen History

Era of the Kagga

From nomadic tribes. Thats how most of civilization was formed at first, and Turkimen is no exception. Born from what amounts to as Bedouin nomads of Narcilia (the continent in which Turkimen lies) they set up a small town, Turkimen's capital, Ge'mat (recently renamed to Fredonan in honor of Turkimen's founder.) and formed a small cheifdom in around 1232 AD. Similar to the era of American history ruled by the Articles of Confederation, numerous cheifs, or Kagga, passed through as ruler of the small Turkish tribe without any consequence or memorable feats, and thus were quickly forgotten to the sands of time. The most infamous of these though would be a man by the name of Umad al Erza, or Umad the Red. His brutal reign was dominated predominantly by supressing and gradually assimilating the other nearby cheifdoms. This was met with brutal resistance, and later, under the rule of Fahmed al Karzi, enveloped the entirety of Narcilia in war. The Turko-Grecoman War, as contemporary historians have called it, assimilated much of Narcilia under the loose tribal leadership of the Kagga.

Era of the Republic

Soon enough however, the populace became to large and too vocal for only one cheif and his advisor to control effectively, and a bloodless coup was launched in 1431 AD. Considered the first of the two "civil wars" in Turkimen, the Coup of the Kagga setup the first true republic, and a new era of Turkimen had started. Ge'mat by now had become a diverse multinational capital, with native "Greek" and "German" populations having migrated to the city as either representatives, merchants, or simply a change of lifestyle. the Era of the Republic was considered a stagnant era for Turkimen. While physical growth was on the rise, the economy and technology was at a standstill. The Era of the Republic brought Turkimen through the beginnings of the gunpowder age, and the use of basic firearms, through the establishment of contact with other countries on nearby continents, to the start of the industrial revolution. As a true republic, no leaders dominated the frontal stage, yet a handful of conflicts, both political and foreign, happened during the long span of the Republican Era, and threatened to shape the rest of Turkimen history.

The Early White Party

The beginning of the White Party, or Monarchist Party, in Turkimen was during the Era of the Republic. At first considered a radical group, the White Party loyalists grew in strength and numbers over the centuries, to the point that in the early years of Frederian the Glorious's rule, over half the country supported some sort of monarchial rule. The major confrontation between Republican and Whitist supporters was a failed attempt at an armed rebellion in the province of Erza, the province known as the birthplace of Umad the Red. While White Party supporters managed to kill the delegates of Erza to the Senate in Ge'mat, as well as over three hundred republican loyalists, the local militia managed to quickly subdue the rebels with promises to appoint the head members of the local White Party sector as the new Delegates. With newfound voice in the Senate, it seemed that the problems with the White Party were over, but they didn't wish to simply become a part of the system they loathed, and plans were brewing by the early 20th century to overthrow the Senate from the inside.

Civil Disobedience

Besides the Rebellion at Erza, other acts of civil disobedience took place during the Era of the Republic. Many of the non-domesticated tribes on the outskirts of Narcilia began raids on their fellow towns and in some cases their own former countrymen. They considered their joining with Turkimen in the first place to have been a mistake, and they considered their countrymen who did nothing as much traitors as the native Turks were. However the Senate thought the same of them, and labeled all who opposed the republic as enemies of the state, and in some cases local delegatations passed bounties for the heads of certain rebels, or the scalps of any rebel. Besides this, other traditionalists within the Turks own ethnic boundaries were claiming that they had become to ethically integrated with the other groups within Turkimen. Violence soon erupted in riots between traditionalist and "traitors," with many who had not been considered rebels being scalped for bounties. Soon enough the Republican Guard was sent in to instigate martial law. The practice of scalping was outlawed under the penalty of death, and the delegates were all removed and new ones were elected after certain groups claimed the delegates as instigators.

Rule of Frederian the Glorious

After many years of living under this type of rule, a figure of major importance in modern Turkimen stepped forth. Frederian I, or Frederian the Glorious took the reigns of the legislature by force, declaring himself the new cheif of Turkimen, and abolished the Republic in its entirety. He issued a modernization of Turkimen, causing the living standard to go from that of a third world country, to that of a respectable, but still currupt and backwater, nation. He modernized the army issuing orders for massive numbers of modern firearms, and the first mechanized units at the discovery of the internal combustion engine in the 1860's. This revolutionized its ability to destroy all of the other surrounding tribes, making Narcilia only one "tribe," Turkimen.

While his kingship was very controversial and a few attempts at revolution were put forth unsuccesfully, including a few by his original supporters, the White Party, which considered his lack of recognition of the White Party's place in his rise to power both insulting and unfair. However, for all the civil strife that carried over from the Era of the Republic with him, Frederian did many things right. He reigned in the old Turkish traditions, abolishing many of the stagnant ones, such as ones predominantly based on the old polytheistic religions, and putting new precendents in their place. He formally sponsored Christianity, in particular the Lutheran sect of the Protestant faith, as the national religion of Turkimen. He made alliances and added the surrounding conquered tribes officials to his as governors and advisors to replace the long held system of delegates. He kept careful watch on them, but allowed them to rule as they once did with little intervention. His reign brought forth economic prosperity, and much more foreign respect, as he was considered a very charismatic person.

The Turkimen Civil War

However, after Frederian I died, Turkimen again fractured. The people who still favored Republicanism and those who wanted a monarchy exploded into a civil war. The Frederian Jihad it was called at the time, but recent text simply calls it the Turkimen Civil War. It is considered one of the most important factors in the shaping of the modern Turkimen state. However, with it's importance came a large price in human life. An estimated two hundred thousand were killed within the first month of fighting, with many more being wounded. It put a huge dent in the Turkimen population, and destroyed a good portion of Frederian's accomplishments. Anarchy reigned, and during this time money became next to useless, leading to looting and a veritable mobocracy ruling Fredonan and it's surrounds. Splinter countries , tribes that had been conquered rather then assimilated, declared their independence soon after the war had begun. Not surprisingly though, the civil war spilled over to their lands, and it soon became unimportant weather or not you claimed to actually be a member of Turkimen or not. A few major battles worth noting were...

The Siege of Fredonan

After the Monarchists had fled to the capital of Turkimen, Fredonan, the Republicans, having acquired artillery pieces from their scavenging of a few taken army bases, led a two month siege of the city. The Monarchists, led by Frederian II, helpless by this point after loosing battle after battle near the capital city, which still generally wanted the refounding of a Republican system, could do nothing but wait for reinforcements from the victories out in the border countries. Finally, General Travis Von Libben, leading a series of mechanized infantry, snuck up on the Republican forces, and quickly routed them after shooting at their unguarded flank. This victory led the monarchists to dig in to Fredonan, and was a major reason why the Republicans were willing to negotiate peace instead of ask for the Monarchist's surrender.

The Battle at Pelo Fields

On the other end of the spectrum, the battle that forced the monarchists into negotiations for peace was the Battle at Pelo Fields. The first major trench warfare to trench warfare battle with mechanized support, this battle was almost a victory for the monarchists until more Republican artillery was put into position along the trenches on day twelve. Opening fire, they managed to breach the line and send the Monarchist forces into a scramble.


After signing the Fredonan Treaty of 1912, the two parties finally declared peace with one another, and reassimilated, forcefully, the border states they had lost. Most importantly however, a unicameral legislature was set up and the monarch was put back into power. The details of the Constitutional Monarchy were finally agreed upon a year later in the Frederian-Wylan Treaty of 1913, setting up Frederian II as Monarch, and the leader of the Republicans, Frederick Wylan, as the head of the new parliament of Turkimen. The first election was held a year later, under the new monarchial eye of Frederian II.

Frederian II's Reign

Frederian II, or Frederian the Unfortunate as many called him, had the unenvious task of overseeing the country the most violent split in Turkimen history. Taking the crown in 1913 at the age of 20, his teenage years spent leading his fathers supporters in the war, he quickly found the job of king to be harder even then that of a general. While he was considered a decent king, his reign was racked with problems, the largest being the radical members of both sides of the civil war taking there fight for supremacy underground, making Turkimens first ture modern terrorist organizations. The Frederian Jihad (named after the former name of the Turkimen Civil War, one of the major reasons why it was changed), a series of White Party extremists took up arms against the current government, calling Frederian II weak and too moderate of a king to show enough gusto to be king. On the other hand, the Turkimen Liberation Brigade (from here out called the TLB) was the left over parts of the radicalist Republicans. These two groups came to a head in what has been considered by some as the true last battle of the civil war, the "Battle of Red Street." After cracking down on these radicals, throwing many of the surviving members into jail and executing a large majority of them, as well as other spurts of gang violence in the dying throes that the anarchy of the civil war had brought, Frederian II had the nearly insurmountable task of rebuilding a thoroughly destroyed Turkimen economy and infastructure. It was under Frederian II that the first use of the Community Income Tax was put in to place. Removing pretty much all of the money from the Turkimen people and slowly funneling it back in through community building projects. The only time where Turkimen could accurately be called a communist country, the Income Tax was quickly repealed and, to a point, buried forever in a later act of parliament. With all of this however, the most frustrating part of Frederian II's reign was what was called the "legislative civil war." With the two heads of different sides in the Turkimen Civil War being forced to cooperate together, it was a wonder that any bill got passed during Frederian II's legislature. This, as well as his failing health, is the reason why most people Turkimen citizens consider Frederian II's reign as the worst in Turkimen history.

"The Battle of Red Street"

A street war, nicknamed "The Battle of Red Street," started after a series of three lead TLB members were ambushed in a major port district of Fredonan by a large group of armed Jihadists, who shot and decapitated, the biggest insult through mutilation a Turkimen native can give, all three of them. The confrontation escalated as nearby sympathizers to the TLB opened fire on the group, and soon reinforcements were called. In the end, one hundred were dead, and countless more, including over fifty innocent bystanders were wounded, and over one hundred million dollars in property damage occured after numerous explosives were ignited, causing a chain reaction in one of the factories nearby.

Frederian III's Reign

After Frederian II's death in 1967, the country was still in shambles, but on the verge of recovery. It would take a calm leader to reunite and keep Turkimen from falling back into a systematic spiral of anarchy and self destruction. It has been said that such a leader was found in Frederian III, or Frederian the Calm. An understatement, Frederian III was always unemotional in almost all of his decisions. Precise, effective, and efficient, he laid plans for a rebuilding predominantly of the Turkimen infastructure in a way that had not been thought of before. Regaining foreign support do to his calm nature and decisive mannerisms, he was also argueably the smartest leader that Turkimen has had to date, being able to convince foreign countries with his arguements that it would be in there best interests to see Turkimen be rebuilt as a major industrial power once more, a hard fought argument saying the downfall of Turkimen businesses had increased neighboring countries revenue multifold. Frederian III saw the foundation of the Turkimen automotive industry, the first of which being Hidalgo Montigo Juarez's "Dynatron Industries." Frederian III also saw the major rise of the Parliamentarian Socialist Party in his reign, and the foundation of the "New Deal" economic system. With the refoundation of infastructure, the foundation of a major business, major governmental and social reforms, and the destruction of gangs and terrorist fringe groups, Frederian III had argueably outdone his predecessor Frederian I's reign in a matter of years. The "Turkimen Golden Age," started under his reign, with stocks rising higher and higher, business flocking to Turkimen for a hard working and available workforce, it seemed that Turkimen was going through easy times at last. After reconstruction, Frederian III didn't act on much in his reign. No major conflicts happened during his reign, and he died peacefully with only one heir, Gregor Frederian IV, at the age of 63.

Frederian IV's Reign/Reign of Regent Arthur Tren

With Frederian III's early death in 2000, the only leader in the known history of Turkimen to receive a publically funded funeral recession, rose the modern leader of Turkimen, Frederian IV. In recent times, Frederian IV has tried a few things to out due his father, but probably the most substantial was actually being able to keep up the Turkimen Golden Age prosperity. The only major change in Turkimen time's of today is the establishment of the first known regent in Turkimen history, the Regent Arthur Tren. Ruling in Frederian's place as he is in search for the first foreign queen in known Turkimen history, Arthur Tren is also the speaker of Parliament, an independent, and considered a reliable, if place holder, choice for regency.

Turkimen Tribal Involvement under the Reign of Frederian IV/Arthur Tren

With growing tribal disturbances along the coast, it has been rumored that Turkimen has taken a proactive roll in supporting small governmental functions in the area. The most noteable of these is the small communist nation of Ottawo, whom the Turkimen Air Force's supplier aided with excess planes in their war against native tribes. While rather new, this news has send waves of controversy in what may turn to be Arthur Tren's first national scandal.