Seishro Kotobuki

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Sesihro Kotobuki
Emergency Chanclor of Magic Sorcery
Time in Offic
Curent Status


=Early Life

Seishiro was born on Agust 11, 1975 to a single mother Yuko Kotobuki. When he enterd school, he was known as a mild-trouble maker, pulling pranks, and so on. But as he got older, he got wiser, and smarter, he often smart off to his teachers and his mother. He was often in and out of home night after night. He was known to retreat to the woods to practice strong even dark magic. When he was 18, he left his mother to go on his own, but was quickly drawn back when she fell sick from a terminal illness. Yuko died 3 months later, leaving Seshiro deeply distraught. When he was 22, his absantee father retrurned to give Seshiro an education he would never forget He showed him to the M.S. Nationalist Party, a radical party known for extreem hatred against anything non magical.

Several months later, Seishro and the party started preaching during the Oka Festival. Unfortunatley things began to get unruly, a small riot broke out leaving 12 people dead, and thousands of Sickles in damage. Seishiro was tried and convicted of murder, and was sent to a prison ship for deportation.

Time In Prison

Seishro was sent to the prison ship S.S. Rakugosha which saild to the remote island of Kangoku-Shima. He was imprisoned along with another radical party member Haru Abe. Both slaved away on the island and even had a short romance, untill Haru was executed. In December of 1992, Seshiro was finally freed with time served and returned to M.S.

Political Carrer

Still upset about the loss of his love, he joined the Imperial House with his party, to deal with it and personally advised Fujitaka Kinimoto and Nadeshiko Kinimoto, and was a short-time caretaker for their daughter Sakura. Upon their death, he personally motiond to prolong the date between rulers, so Sakura could take up the throne. It passed unaminously.

When Sakura took the throne she motiond in the House to make Seishrio Chancellor, it failed the first time but she motiond again, and it passed. As chancllor he was an undersere to Sakura.

But Sakura didn't share his ideals about M.S. policey, especially about the world around them. He warned her time and time again no matter what the world would ignore her calls for alliances, or freindships. For a while it seemed like he was wrong, a few nations opened embassies and relationships. But several began to shut down, and more and more nations left M.S. in the cold. When Sakura fell very ill and he was deemed chancllor he decided to show the world they made a mistake shunning them. He took agressive controll and decided to annex teritory and expell non magical people from the nation.