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Headquarters: The DEN Base
Members: Not yet available
Type: Raider / Invader
Forum: The DEN

Latest News!

The DEN at the moment is looking among the regions and stealthily scouting for targets. There are also many celebrations in The DEN, as the raiders do have a fun side to themselves, and enjoy a good beer from time to time in their beerhall.


The DEN is one of the oldest and most organized raiding armies in Nation States. They are well known for their large geographical spread from the USA to the European continent, including England, which is the home of the current Field Marshall, Jargongrad. They also have members from Russia, Singapore and Australiia. The DEN is skilled as striking quickly during raid opportunities, and trains many good point nations to be cunning at crucial times during the UN update. Many trainees do not enter the officer ranks of The DEN, as many skills, and much dedication is required.


Field Marshall


Training Camp Commander

Belgium Fighters


Of Crazed, Persaetus

Notable Raiders

To be added

Raiding History

DEN has raided many many regions in its two and a half year history. With 100's of successful invasions DEN is famous throughout Nation States as one of the best invader organisations ever, notorious for regular raiding, brilliant organisation and argueabley the most fierce, successful military on the game.

A selection of recent victories

January 5th 2006 - Anarchism

Often talked about as one of the most influential raids on an international level, Anarchism was the start of the speedy downfall of the RLA, at the time a major socialist/communist alliance in Nation States. A force of DEN and Invaders led the attack in the aftermath of a major battle for Kentucky. The attack caught defenders off guard and raider unity kicked in, with invaders from all corners of NS helping garrison the region.

The occupation lasted well over 3 months with Persaetus and Evil and all bad doing serving DEN in the greatest fashion, both pointing Anarchism for long periods of time, countering many RLA liberation attempts.

February 16th 2006 - Titan AE

The ADN region fell in an update battle with invaders out-numbering defenders. DEN were caught trying to invade but with help from Meridianland, DEN and their raider friends over powered the defender force including Eagles Disobey and Moo Cows with guns. While holding Anarchism DEN also held this ADN region until they decided to give it back to natives. All liberation attempts failed.

February 28th 2006 - Zion

The sizeable region of Zion fell to the might of DENs military as part of its second anniversary. The occupation had some nasty verbal battles with natives but ended well and again was unliberated, with DEN leaving to pursue other ventures.

March 10th 2006 - Japan

Japan was a tribute raid to Weesnaw as he ended his successful reign as Field Marshal and handed the position to Jargongrad. The press release read like this.

"Today will forever be remembered as the day the historic region of Japan fell to DEN troops. With back up from Blades of Conquest, DEN landed in the region and shortly after, the native defences had crumbled, the delegate had been changed and the region had fallen. DEN gritted their teeth and overcame a late point switch to capture Japan, removing the long standing delegate and ending his reign of well over 500days. The passion and fight in the DEN soliders hearts and minds were a clear sign of determination to thank our former Field Marshal, Weesnaw for his work and committment to the organisation. On the same note it signifies the start of the Jargongrad era with this raid being proclaimed as the new Field Marshals first official victory. It is highly likely that the old and new Field Marshals will be having a drink together to celebrate this historic moment. Credit must go to each and every invader who took part in the mission and a special mention to Pers for his part in the planning of this raid.

With one hugely successful era ending and the start of a new, hopefully successful one dawning it is still safe to say DEN are the most notorious, well-organized and disciplined raider army ever to grace the battlefield.

Long Live DEN."

July 8th 2006 - Austria

DEN troops took the region of Austria not for the first time as a direct consquence of Zurich flaming and lies aimed at DEN and its reputation. PERSAETUS and Meridianland formulated the plan while Jargongrad was kept informed about the plan. The raid was a huge success and Zurich couldn't liberate their allies. PERSAETUS was delegate throughout the occupation of almost a month and left a message announcing the official defeat of Zurich in the short war between the regions.

July 24th 2006 - Ayn Rand and Malibu Islands

ACCEL came under attack from DEN as DENs fierce raiders carried out the plan to perfection, overwhelming both regions and causing a stir on the international politics scene. The legions of the Meritocracy tried with all their might to liberate the regions night after night but failed against the professional, well disciplined DEN points (originally Jargongrad and Meri). Lots of statements were issued from The Meritocracy but their military was simply no match for the DEN. (As this is being written -18th of August- the regions are still in DEN hands).

DEN History

To be added


A Timeline of DEN Leadership

This is a rough listing of all the previous leaders of DEN, with some small added info and starting/ending dates where available.

1. Colin Powell (2/27/04 - ???) Resigned

2. Asgarn (??? - ???)

3. Steve Owen (??? - ???) Was taken out of office for bad diplomacy

4. Der Kommiser (??? - ???) Fell out of the game because of RL problems

5. Martian City-States (??? - 10/27/04) Revolted against and thrown out of power

6. The New DEN or General Tommy Franks (10/27/04 - 2/27/05) Resigned

7. Grippsholm or The Red Factions (2/27/05 - 4/25/05) Long-term spy revealed

8. Flamulon (4/25/05 - 6/1/05) Resigned

9. Weeshnaw (6/1/05 - 8/26/05) Resigned - Could not be active enough due to RL issues

10. Belgium Fighters (8/26/05 - 12/8/05) Resigned after a successful leadership

11. Weesnaw (12/8/05 - 3/06/06 ) Resigned after a great leadership

12. Jargongrad (3/06/06- ???)

Quotes from NS'ers who are not part of DEN

Scardino - Consul of Lone Wolves United - DEN has consistently provided new raider regions with a humbling goal that they can never seem to reach. There's something about the way DEN operates - clean, simple and efficient - that has inspired every raider region that ever emerged into the 'A-list'. DEN has loyal friends who respect its power, myself included, but also has had a history filled with dedicated enemies.