Your Fathers Mustache

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Revision as of 15:09, 1 September 2006 by (Talk)

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Your Fathers Mustache
Forum: [1]
Population: 55 nations
Delegate: Sumeran
Founder: The Junior Griffey
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Despite being founded in April of 2006, the region of Your Fathers Mustache wasn't actually born until June of that same year. The original three founders (The Junior Griffey[2], Kovacevak[3], and Georgios Samaras[4]) had created the region after a revolution and subsequent change of government in the neighboring region of Zurich. This revolution was brought about by the aggressive desires of Georgios Samaras who, after a fight with the founder (Eyster[5]) and UN Delegate (Kaetoria[6]), decided the government was unsatisfactory, overthrew Kaetoria as UN Delegate, and made an immediate call for elections. None of this would have been possible without the quick wit and charm of Samaras, as he was able to enlist the help of several key allies in the region. These allies included several disgrunted members to comprise a "voting bloc" from which Samaras drew his power, and also the key regional figures of InsanePyros and Slices Right[7], both of whom fed Samaras information and secretly followed the orders Samaras would give to unravel the authority Eyster had over control of the region. During this revolution, Samaras's best friends, The Junior Griffey and Dreamy Boy Bands, came into the region to help stir up controversy. The revolution was a success and a new Samaras-chosen government was put in place.

At this time, it was decided a road trip was in order. Knowing they couldn't stick around to contribute to the building of a new Zurich, the founders created their own region so that they could sit in peace while they prepared for their vacation. Thus Your Fathers Mustache was created. Slices Right originally joined them, but decided he had a more loyal committment to Zurich than he thought he did and returned to that region.

The trip of a lifetime ended in June 2006 and the founders began creating The Mustache to fit their idea for a perfect region. They began a massive recruiting effort and created the awesome forum they have today. The region has since grown to a fairly moderate size and continues to improve each day.


The government of Your Fathers Mustache is set up with a Chancellor overseeing the daily operations of the region. The Chancellor appoints a Cabinet to work along side him/her and also appoints department ministers to head various sections of the government.

Every member of the region belongs to the regional Senate and can vote on and submit bills. The Senate is lead by an elected Speaker, who coordinates the functioning of the Senate and makes sure bills are moved along in the path they are required to follow.

The Supreme Court handles all judicial functions within the region.

While Chancellor, UN Delegate, and Speaker of the Senate jobs are elected every two months, Supreme Court appointments are permanent and are not voted on.