The Commonwealth

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The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a collection of nations which formerly made up the Bovingtonian Empire. The following nations are now under the control of the Commonwealth.


Great Leader

The Great Leader is the supreme ruler of all nations under the flag of The Commonwealth. The position of Great Leader is elected by the Commonwealth Council, but succession is only by abdication or death.

Great Leaders of the Commonwealth

Commmonwealth Council

The Commonwealth Council is responcible for the actions of The Commonwealth both foriegn and internal. The Great Leader sits at the head of the Council while the other positions are filled by the holders of prominant positions within the Commonwealth including military leaders, the heads of civilian authorities and chair of the National Councils.

The Commonwealth Council is located at Commonwealth House in Stape, the capital city of Fort Europe. The building, considered to be at the heart of The Commonwealth is one of the few remaining examples of early Fort European architecture that survived the Bovingtonian occupation. The hall it's self is a three story ampitheatre with the lower story below ground level.

National Councils

Each of The Commonwealth's member nations has it's own council which is responcible for dealing with internal issues. The chairperson is tasked with representing their nation in The Commonwealth Council, while the council's other members represent the interests of the nations civilian authorities and organisations.


The Commonwealth Armed Forces are one of the strongest and most respected in The Brave New World today. The Great Leader is the Supreme Commander of the Commonwealth's forces under the advice of the Commonwealth Council. The military is devided into the seperate forces listed below.

Military bases for all seven forces are located all over The Commonwealth and utilise strategic defencive and offencive positions for maximum effect.