United Morrison

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The enormous government concentrates mainly on Social Welfare, although Healthcare and Education are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 39%, but much higher for the wealthy. A small private sector is led by the Uranium Mining industry, followed by Beef-Based Agriculture and Furniture Restoration.

The nation has an international reputation for compassion and eight year-olds can be seen lighting up in public areas. Crime is well under control. United Morrison's national animal is the peace frog and its currency is the morrison doller.

United Morrison Is Controlling The Dutch Empire in the Empires of Earth Game.

Battle Of Independence
Date: 27 Jan 1965-1 Mar 1967
Locations: Border Of United Morrison And Southean Ireland
Outcome: Decisive United Morrison Victory
Deaths (approx.)
Military: UM 26/SI 31
Civilian: UM 26/SI 223
Total: UM 36/SI 443
Main Participants
Good Evil
United Morrison (approx. 42)
Southean Ireland (approx. 12,00)
United Alliance of Peace (approx. 250)
Alliance Of Independence (approx. 43)


Capital Morrison City
King: King Douglas James Morrison
Kings Consort: Princess Susanah Pamula Morrison
Prime Minister: Abdullah Nasrallah
Deputy Prime Minister: Abdul Aziz
Other Government Poisitions:
Minister Of Foreign Affairs: Martin Capulo
Minister Of Defence: Lt Col Kevin O'Hanlon
Minister Of Health: Niora Karman
Minister Of Education: Isaac Herzog
Minister Of Arts And Music: Jimmy Page
Ambassador to Empires of Earth James Windsor

Political Parties

Party Leader(s) Description Seats in the Houses
Great Royalist Morrison Party King Douglas James Morrison The Great Royalist Morrison Party (GRMP) is a Conservative political party political party devoted defending the throne, extending the borders of the Morrison Realms, and pushing through conservative policies in the government of all the Morrison realms. The party is completely capitalist, though does favour some government measures that would not be so good for the economy due to the party's high moral standards. It favours higher defense, religion, education, and economy spending with lower welfare and health (and no taxes), total freedom of the media, and preservation of Morrison culture and race. 378
Religious Party John Clark The Religious Party (RP) is a conservative political party. They are royalists, and wish for conservative legislature to be passed. They also believe in establishing more colonies to help Religion grow. They think that morality should always come before economy, and when it comes to economy they are capitalist in nature. They favour higher spending on religion and economy. 70
Worker's Communist Party of United Morrison Joseph Stalin Viktor The Worker's Communist Party of United Morrison (WCPUM) is a far-left liberal party that promotes socialism, banning Christianity, forcing every one to Atheism, banning Christians from speaking in public, taking away all military, religious, and economic spending and putting it into wellfare, health, environment, advancing other races past the Britannic White Race, and into the administration as well. They seek multi-culturalism, destroying all the major institutions and traditions of the nation, and breeding out the White Britannic race. It should be noted that the large recession United Morrison went through in her younger days was caused by a sharp spike in the number of seats this party controlled. The party still persists mainly in Liberalton where the recession has not ended and grows worse. 32
Anti-Imperialist Party George Walter Bush The Anti-Imperialist Party (AIP) is a liberal party that seeks to end the Kingdom, turn United Morrison into a welfate state, and ban Christianity and sanity. 11
White Morrison Party Willian Phillip Snodgrass The White Morrison Party(WMP) is a political party to the far right that wishes to preserve the White Morrison Race and only allow people of that race to persist with in His Majesty's realms. The economic policies are in line with the WCPUM. 9
United Minority Party Azabungnan Amahreeb Ougaloguie The United Minority Party(UMP) is a racist political party that thrives on the hatred and jealousy of the Morrison realm's most advanced race, the White Britannics. They seek the races downfall an for minorities to rule the nation. Their economic polices fall on with those of the Worker's Communist Party of United Morrison 0
Other parties ---- Many other parties exist in the nation, but have no backing whatsoever None