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The Mighty Imperial Republic of Psov

(The Imperial Domains of Psov) formerly the Congressional Republic of Psov


The Loprian Dynasty

One of the Oldest recorded houses of the great families of Psov, the Loprians ruled Psov for 200 years. The first recorded King of Psov was “King Leon the Imperious”. They were responsible for the Melgortzy civil war which resulted in the establishment of the Prisons Nationale. The Dynasty was brought to an end by the plagues of 523, which allowed the Sczhendreur Dynasty to seize control of Psov.

The Sczhendreur Dynasty

Credited for the first recorded reference to Psov by its current name, The Sczhendreur dynasty shaped Psov’s culture as it is known today. Lasting for 600 years, the Sczhendreur’s Brought Feudalist system to Psov, Promoted education and art and were thrown from power when tribes from the North seized and burned the capitol, the entire Sczhendreur Family was exterminated.

The House of Hztchinithe

The Hztchinithe were a tribe from the North, they succeeded the Sczhendreur Family as the Royal Family of Psov. Considered barbarians and rogues, there is little recorded during this period of History which lasted for 300 years. At which point the last survivor of the tribe “Abertoth Hztchinithe the Artist” died without naming an heir, the court life of the barbarians by the time of Abertoth’s rule court culture had essentially died with his grandfather and so this period in Psovian History passed quietly.

The Pzudian Dynasty

Revived the rich cultural heritage established by the Sczhendreur’s, convinced the public that the Hztchinithe were a disgrace and every element of society credited to them should be forgotten. Promoted the Psovian Military, establishing the Royal Legions of the King, the first recorded officially state trained armed forces. Established a Non Feudalist Monarchy composed of administrative districts. Lasted for 400 years.

The Petropavlosks

Established the Psovian style Baroque court, sponsored great strides in Science, Art, and Literature. Made French the National Language, among their Monarchs the greatest in stature was Ivan Petropavlosk, who established the Psovian Armada, and reorganized the national Military into a dominant military power. The dynasty lasted for 200 years; a court coup by a competing family ousted the Petropavlosk Family from the throne.

The Thorpe Dynasty

The Last Dynasty before the Psovian Revolution, the Thorpes seized control of Psov through a court coup, “Gregory the Righteous” was the first Thorpian King, He arrogantly appointed himself to his self created office of High Imperial Potentate, and a new title for what he deemed was a new Empire under his rule. He built numerous expensive palaces in the great cities of Psov, civil unrest stirred when the national treasury went bankrupt from the excessive spending of the Monarch. His daughter, the Queen Plavussth Poltsky further caused dissent when she ordered the construction of a new capitol city, to build a new image of the illustrious Thorpes. Her death was followed by a fierce power struggle by her two sons. Her son Cedric won the throne and was immediately married. The new Potentate had three sons and built the Chateau Krakilopiograd .This was the final straw. On January 14, Their Palace was stormed by the revolutionary militia and the entire royal family was paraded around Krakilopiograd, over a period of 7 days each of the 7 family members were publicly humiliated and then in turn executed to the delight of the masses. Ending the Thorpe Dynasty forever. And Ushering in the First Psovian Republic.

The Wendar Clan

Rivals of the Thorpe Family funded and took an active part in the Great Revolution. Having a rich history in the Nation’s functions going back 700 years, Alexandrov Wendar, a charismatic Nobleman preached equal rights to workers and farmers and won the hearts of the People, ensuring his Clan’s dominance over Psov for the next 60 years, until Ivan Wendar, the last Wendar Premier died of a heart attack leaving the Wendar legacy in shambles as a result of his blood stained reign of terror.

Other Histories

Revolutionary History:

The Revolution began on January 14, the revolutionary militia, which was comprised of the city guard, stormed the Royal Palace and took the royal family prisoners. Alexandrov Wendar, the most outspoken critic of the Monarchy, and a nobleman himself, established what he called the National Assembly, which was comprised of various Noblemen and Ideologists. The National Assembly effectively ran the country, and their first act was to sentence the entire Thorpe Family to a ceremonious death. The cruel end given to the Monarchy reflected the even darker times to come as a result of the violent coup. On February 14, Alexandrov Wendar declared the National Assembly the official governing body of Psov, and appointed himself chief regent of the Psovian throne. The National Assembly with their new authority reorganized the revolutionary militia into the National Guard, which they used as a tool against dissent. Supporters of the Thorpes, or those who still held on to pre-Revolutionary beliefs were fair targets of the National Guard, and with the arrival of new legislation were not even granted the right of trial before death. The first year following the Revolution saw the deaths of 2 Million Psovian citizens. The rapid seizure of property by the government, which would eventually feed into the ideological frenzy that would soon be unleashed by Alexandrov’s successor, sent a clear message to the people. Nothing was beyond the reach of the National Assembly. By the end of the “Great Terror” as it is called Alexandrov, the regent, gave himself title of Premier, and drafted legislation for a new tactic to run Psov. On January 14 two years after the storming of the Kings Palace, Alexandrov Wendar declared the territories still held by the National Assembly to be the “Armed Republic of Psov.” His new Republic quickly became obsessed with its armed forces which it then used to recapture the territories that had held out against revolutionary zeal and were under the control of various Noblemen and Warlords. On April 23, all Psovian territories were declared once again united, this time under the Psovian Republic. And the Premier, Alexandrov Wendar, declared the revolution over. And the Congressional Republic of Psov was born.

The First Invasion:

Shortly after the establishment of the Congressional Republic, its sovereignty was threatened by intervention from foreign powers. Fortunately, the republic’s representation in the Communist International gave it mutual protection and thus with the assistance from its larger allies was able to repel the Invaders from the Psovian Capitol of Krakilopiograd, though the devastation in Krakilopiograd took years to mend. As a result of the invasion a decision was made to reorganize the military into a substantial and modern force. At the suggestion of the new administrator of the Military, a legion of elite forces was created for use on foreign soil, Le Legion Etranger. Which remain the principle elite forces in the Psovian Armed Forces.

The Second Invasion

The Second Invasion was administered by members of the CAD in response to information gathered by operatives in Generia that pointed to a conspiracy to topple the Generian Leadership. The Government at the time vehemently denied the charges claiming that the Imperium was misinformed. The Generians were unconvinced and proceeded to strike various Psovian targets from the sea and air. The obvious response of the Republic was to declare a national emergency; assistance was immediately requested from the International, The Commintern, and the PRP. However the speed with which the Imperium was attacking Republican industry would have crippled the national economy before any assistance could arrive. The Congress had no choice but to sue Antonious for peace. The Emperor, looking to avert a larger conflict agreed on terms of future caution and the discontinuation of any plots in motion against Generia. The Government agreed quickly, bringing about the end to the devastation and humiliation. The Premier Continued to deny involvement in the scheming that apparently took place in the Foreign Relations Office; though later he was recorded admitting to an adviser that it was untrue, and that it was he himself who gave the order for submarines to submerge in Generian waters. The Blunder left Krakilopiograd again in devastation. This time the restoration was far more costly and still was unable to restore Krakilopiograd’s former glory. The Premier declared Krakilopiograd unfit for the Republic’s capitol and named Muntz the new Capitol of the Republic and seat of the National Assembly.

The Intervention in the Upper Congo

Ivan Wendar was a stark Imperialist. His intervention in the upper Congo was a result of pressure from his foreign Minister to adhere to his ideological responsibilities. Shortly after political dissidents in TUC were silenced by the administration, Wendar ordered the Foreign Legion to enter TUC. He delivered an ultimatum to the government demanding the release of their political prisoners (whom were communists and socialists, who had tried to overthrow the government, with whom the republican government sympathized). He threatened to seize control of their administrative functions and establish a satellite state in TUC if they refused. The Dictator in TUC refused Wendar’s ultimatum and challenged the Republic to seize control of their capitol. With cooperation from allies of the Republic, Wendar and coalition troops pressed Congolese troops backwards towards their capitol. However, pressure fell upon the Republic from Democratic Powers in the world, among them Praetonia and Parthia. They demanded that the coalition disband and remove the occupation from TUC. Wendar reluctantly accepted peace with TUC on the terms that Psov could maintain a military base in the TUC capitol and that the prisoners would be given to Psovian custody. In addition to a lucrative oil deal with the dictator in TUC. Wendar denied the charges that he was responsible for the death of the TUC dictator that followed a row between the Premier and the Chancellor. Though it is believed that it was the Premier’s security force that planted the car bomb on the President’s limo while leaving a popular hotel in the Psovian region of the Upper Congo Capitol.

The Death of the Great Dictator

Ivan Wendar had kept complete centralized power over the Republic for only 4 years, before suffering a fatal heart attack. In these short four years he had swept away all democratic remnants that had survived through his predecessors reign. He recentralized power around the Premier, and had most of his high officials eliminated for fear of losing power to over ambitious politicians. He alone was responsible for the devastation in TUC. Also he was accused of the disastrous war with the CAD and Generia. Late in his term due to violent opposition to the party, he established what were called the Voinovich camps (named for his minister of security Voinovich Hendritx). These were responsible for the murder of millions of political enemies of the Premier, as well as what the Premier called “Fundamentalist Terrorists,” whom were accused of practicing deity worship, which was punishable by death in Ivan’s republic. His death threw the Republic into temporary chaos and power vacuum. Into the scene stepped Emile Poltov, An enemy of the Congressional Party, he promoted Democratic Socialism, and was responsible for closing the Voinovich Camps, however he also was responsible for the murder of the Congressional Republican leadership, which resulted in a violent resistance to the Democratic Socialist Movement by Left Wing Authoritarian Radicals.

The Civil War and the Militarist Coup

Emile Poltov was not an effective man of the people. Though he was an excellent Beaurcrat, he failed to capture the people’s support, neither through charm or fear. His repression of the Congressional Communists made him enemies with most of the High Cabinet Minister’s surrounding him. Early in his term his Officials and Advisors had hatched a plan to remove him from power. On March 13, the military, which was represented politically by the Congressional Republican Party, seized control of the Congressional Palace. The Premier’s personal army and the Republican Police force began to clash with the Psovian Military in various cities across Psov. The Civil war was short and wouldn’t have destroyed much if it weren’t for the executive order given by the Parties Spokesman and successor to Poltov, Hunztach Windarzx, to utilize the nation’s nuclear arsenal. Two Warheads were used to quash the rebellions, in Webdg, and in Wendarzille. The Cities were devastated and the most rebellious areas flattened. Poltov was arrested and executed by the National Guard without trial. His successor Windarzx remodeled Psov into a Military Dictatorship, and paved the way for another Revolution.

The Mississippian Crusade

In the middle of political turmoil in the heart of the Republic, the Papal Authority in Communist Mississippi ordered a Holy Crusade to Israel to capture the holy land. The Republic’s greatest ally at the time “The Halladi Federation” was the first to intervene, demanding that Mississippi abandon its designs on the Holy Land. In cooperation with Communist Louisiana they organized a force to counter the crusaders en route to Jerusalem. Hunztach Windarzx hoping to maintain ties with Psov’s allies despite the violent change in leadership, offered military assistance and pledged an expeditionary force as well as the Foreign Legion to the defense of the city. The Crusade was quashed, and the Psovian brigades involved returned highly decorated and celebrated. Soon thereafter, Communist Mississippi dissolved and the Pope, as well as the struggling Monarchy was slain.

The Counterrevolutionary Movement and the Second Empire

Amid Windarzx’s chaotic reign, the former conventional party, whom had supported returning to the pre-revolutionary system of government, founded the CRMOPP, the Counter Revolutionary Movement of the People of Psov. CRMOPP supported returning to capitalism and installing a democratic parliament with a reigning Monarch. This notion of course was at odds with party ideals and therefore CRMOPP was immediately labeled an enemy of the Republic. Operations were undertaken by the Legion D’honneur which was Windarzx’s tool against dissent. The Legion captured most of CRMOPP’s high ranking officials and had them imprisoned in the Prisons Nationale. CRMOPP’s creator was the descendant of a wealthy Psovian Nobleman, and claimed to have roots to the Petropavlosk Dynasty, the wealthy civilian Reginald Alastor III working out of Roska in The Island of Rose, gained popular support of many Psovians who saw Windarzx’s “New Republic” heading into darkness and disaster. Many Psovians did not support CRMOPP but felt no allegiance to Windarzx either. In realization of the fact that free elections had eluded Psov for nearly 22 years, the people demanded that Windarzx step down and allow for free elections, especially since he had overstayed his term by nearly 9 years. When the Autocrat refused, Congress took action ousting the complacent Premier. He was placed under house arrest and was granted the honor of a trial unlike his predecessor. Thoroughly distraught and convinced of a plot to rig the trial the paranoid and sick Premier took his own life while still under house arrest. The Country demanded elections immediately, and Congress was quick to move in a democratic direction, CRMOPP installed Reginald has their candidate for Premier, and he won an overwhelming majority in the elections. He was given the seat as Psovian Premier, he quickly took it, and declared himself High Imperial Potentate of all the Psovian Imperial Republic. Thus Reginald ushered in the era of the First Imperial Republic.

The Past Leaders of the Republic

[1] Premier: Alexandrov Wendar

Party: Congressional Republican (considered the Founder)

Children: 1; Alex Wendar II

Significance: Led Revolution, Established First Psovian Republic, Established system of education. Founded the Die Hochschule Von Krakilopiograd. Died at age of 73 from heart failure aboard the Ocean Liner Psovia.

Residence: Die Schloss Wendar


Premier: Alex Wendar II

Party: Congressional Republican Party

Children: 2; Alex Wendar III, Ivan Wendar

Significance: Established the first Socialist system in Psov, centralized all power around the Premier, First Dictator in Psov, Established close relations with The Island of Rose. Died from alcohol poisoning at age of 64.

Residence: The Congressional Palace


Premier: Kenztiu Gorell

Party: Congressional Republican Party

Children: 0

Significance: Second Dictator in Psov, Responsible for the Poztov Massacre, Was responsible for first military defeat at Krakilopiograd. Suffered fatal gunshot wound to the chest at age 72.

Residence: The Congressional Palace [ klaus_vaclavx.jpg] President: Cedric Hendritx

Party: Democratic Socialist

Children: 2; Alfred Hendritx, Charles Hendritx

Significance: Redistributed power among Congress, decentralizing power. Established lasting constitution which among other things established a term for the Premier, and an outline for democratic elections. At end of Term, first free elections in Psov were held, Opened the Muntz Conservatorium of Art. And started the Hendritx Derby, which is still held annually. Founded the National Assembly. Was killed in devastating fire in the Grey Manor Hotel at the age of 46.

Residence: The Congressional Palace


Premier: Alex Wendar III

Party: Congressional Communist

Children: 0;

Significance: Made radical amendments to the Constitution. Term in office marked the beginning of the 3rd Republic. Demanded that the Congressional Republican party be banned from the ballot, Assassinated before term ended at age of 42, assassination credited to his successor and brother.

Residence: Die Schloss Wendar


Premier: Ivan Wendar

Party: Congressional Republican

Children: 0;

Significance: revitalized the violent totalitarian Congressional Republican Party, believed responsible for the failed conspiracy to overthrow the Generian Government, which resulted in the third Invasion of Psov, Claimed responsibility for the Coalition into The Upper Congo. Responsible for the Pozty Murders, a series of massacres that halved the population in the city of Pozty. Established the Voinovich camps, the countries first political prison, it is estimated that 7 Million Psovians died in the camps. Known to Psovians as “Ivan the Terrible.” Suffered a fatal heart attack only 4 years into his term at the age of 65. Rumors that he ordered the death of the former premier dampened his popularity long before his violent war against his people.

Residence: The Ivan Wendar House

Premier: Emile Poltov

Party: The Social Democratic

Children: 1; Catherine Poltov

Significance: Ordered the disbandment of the Congressional Republican Party.

Responsible for the violent suppression of the Muntz uprisings, brought an end to Psovian involvement in The Communist International Alliance. Closed the Voinovich camps which had been active for only two years and still managed to murder 7 Million Psovians, mostly political opponents of the Congressional Republican party. Vowed to bring Psov out of what he called “the dark ages.” Term was ended by a violent coup which brought Premier Hunztach Windarzx into Power. Was killed by the revolutionary guard on orders given by Hunztach Windarzx, shot at the age of 52.

Residence: Palace Muntz


Premier: Hunztach Windarzx

Party: The Psovian Nationalist Communist (Born after death of Congressional Republican Party)

Children: 4; Alex Windarzx, Henry Windarzx, Ronald Hunztach Windarzx, Hunztach Windarzx II.

Significance: Came to power through a violent coup with the assistance of criminals from the Congressional Republican Party. Recentralized power around the Premier, responsible for the execution of the leadership of the Social Democrat party. Ordered the intervention of the Mississippian Crusade to Israel, established Muntz as the new Capitol of the Republic, Term marked the beginning of the Fourth Republic. Disbanded the National Assembly, the chief democratic body of Psov. Was removed from office by Congress after overstaying his term in office, causing the country to demand elections that had been deprived of them for 27 years. Stayed in office for 23 years, despite his term limit of 10. Threw himself from the top of his suite where he was being held under house arrest by the Interim Government, dying at the age of 52.

Residence: Palace Muntz


Monarch: His Royal Highness, the Supreme Potentate; Reginald Alastor III

Party: The Congressional Monarchist Party

Children: 3; Reginald Alastor IV, Albert Reginald Alastor, Catherine Alastor

Significance: Came to power among violent and turbulent times in Psov, established the second Monarchy in Psovian history. Claims to be related to the ancient Petropavlosk Dynasty that ruled Psov long before The Great Revolution, gave freedom to all formerly nationalized corporations in Psov, disbanded congress, establishing the Imperial Senate (or Commune).

Called for an Imperial Constitution, one that reflected his new Psov. Died due to heart failure at the age of 65, his successor had long been in place and immediately ascended to the throne.

Residence: Chateau de Krakilopiograad


Ruling Monarch: His Royal Highness, the Supreme Potentate; Reginald Alastor IV

Party: The Congressional Monarchist Party

Children 2; Reginald Alastor V, Catherine Alastor 1st

Significance: Successor to his father Reginald the Mighty, continued his father’s Monarchy with a more contemporary style. He won the hearts of the populace through his charm and appearance. He worked closely with the Artists and Scholars of Psov to create a better environment for nurturing art and science in Psov. He spearheaded the first Psovian space programs, as well as creating a ministry devoted entirely to space exploration. He rebuilt the Muntz skyline to accommodate generously sized skyscrapers and monuments.

Residence: Chateau de Krakilopiograd

National Information



2,897,000 billion

Ethnic Groups

French: 65%

Slavic: 20%

Hispanic: 4%

Black: 4%

Jewish 3 %

other: 4%

Religions Roman Catholic: 91%

Jewish: 7.5%

Psovian Orthodox .5%

Protestant .5%

Other .5%


Official: French 86% (local Psovian dialect),

Official: Psovian 4%

Non Official: Spanish 5%

Non Official: Hebrew 4%

Non Official: Other 1%


male: 98% female: 94% Government Government Type Royal Republic, Administrated by a Ruling Monarch

      Government Budget Details 

Administration: $11,084,179,118,133.60 17%

Social Welfare: $0.00 0%

Healthcare: $4,564,073,754,525.60 7%

Education: $11,084,179,118,133.60 17%

Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%

Defence: $21,516,347,699,906.41 33%

Law & Order: $1,304,021,072,721.60 2%

Commerce: $3,260,052,681,804.00 5%

Public Transport: $3,260,052,681,804.00 5%

The Environment: $0.00 0%

Social Equality: $9,128,147,509,051.20 14%

Exchange Rate: 1 Petropavlosk = $1.3351

Gross Domestic Product: $65,650,971,519,729.10

GDP Per Capita: $24,004.01

Unemployment Rate: 3.25%