Rudan Prime

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Rudan Prime

See main article: Rudan Prime

Rudan Prime is a world slightly smaller than Earth with four continents and several large islands. The atmosphere is suitable for advanced life. Two large battlestations orbit the planet (Pinnacles 1 and 2).

Rudan Prime is slightly warmer and moister than Earth on average, with a larger tropical belt and only one major desert. Primary centers of population are in the South. Tidal forces are roughly equal to Earth, because each of Rudan Prime's moons is only slightly more than half the size of Luna. Both moons have major automated heavy industry, staffed by robots, with organic controllers on monthly shifts and visiting teams of repairmen.


Rudan Prime has 7 continents. Two make up the large landmass that spans the northern oceans, divided by the Orotellian Range and the Icy Sea. In general largely mountainous and forested, parts of Altara (on the equator) make up the sole large tract of desert on Rudan Prime.

A further two small landmasses (Borealis and Australis) are at both poles. Only the northern pole has a permanent habitation, White Eagle. Strong electrical discharges become common the closer you get to the magnetic poles, making transpolar flights and exploration dangerous. Natural explanations are at present unknown, though native technology has been forwarded as an explanation, as has an unusually strong aurora phenomenon. Expeditions are planned and abandoned with monotonous regularity.

Another, almost certainly artificial continent is Alaitoc, in the midst of the Northern Ocean. A forested circular island, at some time in the distant past someone or something caused the central section to seperate, surrounded by a ring of water. Elves settled here quite early, finding something in its location strangely drawing.

The south-eastern continent, Roan, is primarily grassland and rolling hills, with a few lakes and one long river almost splitting the continent in half. Roan was the first continent settled, and remains the most heavily populated. The southwestern continent, Terre del Agua, is a land divided by rivers and forest, with several lakes and vast fields of farmland. The northern half of the continent, Lorodecrast, is wastelands and blasted swamps.


Travel between continents is a simple matter. Fast ferries ply the waters between the continents, leaving from major ports and skimming along the coastlines or up the rivers as their route takes them. Transcontinental flights are primarily supersonic, meaning that a citizen can travel between La Ville de Roses and Durham-On-The-Roan in an hour.