Island City

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Island City
Island City Coat of Arms
  - Metro
Province Prevnicia Capital District
Country Willink& Spizania
Area Code 57514
Postal Code IF
MCLs 97
MPPs 45
Sister cities Castle City

Island City (Known locally as Eiland by nationals, Город Острова by Willink) is the Capital and largest metropolitan city of the Democratic Territroy of Very Small Island, along with the de jure capital of Spizanian and Willinkian Island Territories, with a estimated population of 425,000.(18 October 2006). It is the also the largest city in all former VSI territory. It is located in the Prevnicia province, bordering the sea to the north, the Magelgia Mountain's to the west, and the Zanzir plains to the south and east. The Lisben river cuts through the city.

The City was first settled by the Spanish in the early 12th century, and grew to become the colonial capital of the Island, although it lost this title to Castle city in 1789.The city has captured international attention numorous times in the past few years. In May 2005, it was the scene of a large military campaign by Hataria that caused minimal damage to the city. This was later repaired under Hatarian control. In June 2005 it was recaptured by rebel-led forces that refounded the nation, naming the city its capital, and in late June it was severly damaged by Parthia in the VSI revolution. In the current date, the city is finally starting to recover from the damage caused.(its current population is still only less than one-eighth of it's pre-war population.)

City residents are know as Islanders, while Visians is a general term for citizens of the nation.

Geography and climate


Island City lies on the Northeastern coast of the Prevnicia, bordering the VSI Sea. The city covers an area of 195 square kilometers, and sits 40 meters above sea level. The municipal area is surrounded by dense forest to the west and southwest, and plains to the East and Southeast. The actual city center is very flat, while the surrounding areas tend to be covered in hills and flat plains. The City has a semi-tropical climate, with an average temperature of 90°F in the summer and a cool 35°F in the winter. The city recieves on average 62 inches of precipitation a year, and flooding is frequent in the spring months. The wettest month is April, while the dryest is October.


Not much is know about the history of the area prior to the Spanish colonization, but several nomad tribes are known to have inhabited the territory, and the actual site of the city was occupied by a large Illyrian settlement before the Spanish. After the Spanish arrived, the settlement of Puerto Llano(Port Plain) was founded with settlers numbering in the several dozen exactly 26km north of the city, on the Lisben river. During world war 2, the city was bombed (Although not invaded) by the Japanese, causing serious damage to the cities trade and industrial sectors. The area stayed a Spanish Colony until 1952, when VSI was founded.

Modern History

On May 2005, following several years of rule by Hataria of the city, forces supporting the libre gente muy pequeño isla liberación delantero (Free People of Very Small Island Liberation Front) overthrew the Hatarian colonial government and set fire to the Hatarian capital building. Hatarian troops were forced to pull out of the city, and were latered surrounded to the southwest and airlifted out. During the push out of Hatarian troops, several dozen civilians were killed (The majority of which occured when Hatarian Infantry fighting vehicles opened fire on angry protesters in a governmental complex), along with 36 FPVSILF members, but the goal of the orginization was met. For the time being, the city was free of foreign rule.

FPVSILF quickly put it's fist down, arresting Hatarian workers and civilians, along with political enemies of the right-wing orginization (Several of which were dragged through the streets and beat beyond recongnition.) Soon after, a modest city leader by the name of Carlos Guerrero managed to soften the FPVSILF's control of the city, and later outlawed it, arresting its leaders and several hundred supporters (Who were never released.)

On July 12th 2005, Parthia attacked the city for the first time, launching a conventional SSM at a residential block on the cities east end, killing 85. Strikes later that day knocked power out to 75% of the city, destroyed the Arksfurd forward air command (Including nearly 90% of it's planes on the ground), and knocked the cities international airport out of commission.

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Spizani forces advance atop APC, Late June 2005
VSI military forces later regrouped and set up defenses outside the city, although it was often pounded by air strikes on a weekly bases, destroying much of the cities industrial capabilites; over 2,000 were suspected dead after the first two weeks. Skylian and Spizani forces later set up command centers in the city, and Skycapt took over the northern port town of Port Island (An extension of Island City itself).

During the period of late June-Early July, Willink joined the fray, also joining Spizani and Skylian forces in the city; total troops within the cities border by mid July 2005 was nearly 100,000 spread over 6 divisions.

In late July Pathia began a massive artillery campaign, setting field guns and rocket systems up just 75km south of the city outskirts, and over a 12 day period destroyed roughly 56% of the city, killing over 50,000 civilians and over 2,000 soldiers attempting to administer aid. Nearly 1.2 million fled the city to the northern shores, and we kept at a Spizani aid city set up next to Port Island, which housed roughly 400,000 evacuees over 20 square kilometers. Continuing artillery duels destroyed much of the outer city, and by the signing of the peace treaty only an estimated 19,000 civilians remained.

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Willikian forces examine damage to a residential block.

The local Economy was obliverated, and rebuilding from scratch was started by all sides. Around the same time, the Willink-Arabanistani had spiraled out of control, and in a very critizied moved by all sides, Mckagan aircraft bombed the Spizani aid camp and adjacent naval port, damaging several ships and killing upwards of 26,000 civilians in a single day.(Although this may be attributed to the fact that civilians were sheltered right next to defensive positions.)

During the Kravanian-Lone Alliance War, the city was once again targeted by Parthian forces, and suffered considerable (Although to a lesser extent) damage. (It is estimated that the damage to the city at this point was upward of 175 billion dollars). The city suffered major economical setbacks, although at the eventual victory of the Willinkian led offensive agains Kravania, the city finally returned to peace.