Palatine Phalanx Hoplite

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<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">medium_hoplite_2.jpg
Popular Modern Art, depicting a Palatine Phalanx Hoplite.
</div> The Palatine Phalanx Holpite was the mainstay soldier of ancient through to Medieval Trodenhiem. They combined excellent defencive power, with an unbeatable offence. While thier charge may not be fast it has great momentum, having the strength of a man coupled with the weight of his pike and the force of his Hoplon Shield, it could shatter even the most compact group of soldiers.

They were only made defuct with the invention of the Arquebuse, which could shatter the shields and pierce the armour of these formidable soldiers.

Initially they were merely men armed with a spear, a shortsword, a Hoplon Shield and a helmet, however as they progressed they were soon equipped with leather and chainmail, and the final type seen had a breastplate and scale mail.