Government of Vassfforcia

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The Most Serene Republic of Vassfforcia is a Federal Aristocratic Republic ruled by the Grand Duke (executive, Spanish: Gran Duque, Hyarmendorean: Maërga Dïúcq), the Grand Senate (legislative, Spanish: Gran Senado, Hyarmendorean: Maërga Séànad) and the Supreme Magistrature (judicial, Spanish: Magistratura Suprema).

The current Grand Duke is HMSH Don Claudius V Dácil Montajìque and the Chancellor is HE Doña Ericqa Buchanni.

The Federal Aristocratic Republic

Vassfforcia is a Federal Aristocratic Republic (which actually is quite an original term) because it is a confederation of three countries (the Senatus Populusque Bas Forsiænus, the Queendom of Hilvenídica and the Autonomous Republic of Dohendor –formerly the Kingdom of Dohendor) and their respective peoples (the Basforsians, the Hälven and the Dohen). Moreover, since the establishment of the Most Serene Republic, the former fiefdoms became states with independent governments with power division between a provincial executive, a provincial legislative and the local authorities of the federal judicial power. Today, Vassfforcia is composed by 17 states and every one of them has the same representation rights before the Grand Senate.

It is considered aristocratic because, still in the 21st century only las Familias de Ablengo (the Familes of Lineage) may ascend to the Vassfforcian throne. These families are the Vassfforcian Patrician Houses, the Montajìque, the Buchani, the Giocco, the Mádasi, the Montajìque do Sul, the Hälvenbosch, the House of Vercingetorix and some other families and individuals considered by the Grand Senate to have done a great service to the country. These seven families also have especial representation rights before the Grand Senate. To be elected Grand Duke, the candidates must be senators or nobles.

Finally, Vassfforcia is a Most Serene Republic because of its classical form of democratic government based upon the city-states of the Renaissance.

The Grand Duke

The Grand Duke is, upon assuming the throne, both head of state and head of government as he represents the Most Serene before other countries and the peoples of Vassfforcia and has the right to form a cabinet.

The Head of Government

As the head of state, he is responsible for the making, through the cabinet, of the national and international politics and the public administration. He is also the Jefe Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas (Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces) and official head of state of Vassfforcia la Serenísima; however, he usually leaves this responsibility to the Viscount of Vassfforcia (elected by him). He has the right to ask any member of his cabinet their immediate renounce; as he is the ultimate responsible for the public administration and ministries are only the way in which the Grand Duke delegates responsibilities. He also has the power to stop any proposal approved by the Grand Senate, in which case it goes to the provincial parliaments for its ratification and if it is by 2/3 of them by simple majority, then it is passed and only the Supreme Magistrature may stop it, but then again, the Grand Senate may call in for a referendum to pass the proposal. The only proposals the Grand Duke cannot stop are a removal proposal against him or any of his ministers.

The Head of State

As head of state, the Grand Duke is responsible for asking the Chancellor to form a new government after each parliamentary election (if he does not form the government himself). He is also the Supremo Embajador de los Pueblos de Vassfforcia (Supreme Ambassador of the Vassfforcian Peoples), which makes him the ultimate Vassfforcian ambassador. Finally, if he is not the head of government, he is the arbitrary of politics and last resort appeal court –even after the Supreme Magistrature has made its statement (although he must listen to the Magistrates).


The Grand Senate can pass, with a quorum of 2/3, a proposal to give the Chancellor the right to remove and/or replace a specific member of the cabinet. This, taken to the extreme may end up in making the Chancellor the de facto head of government and the Grand Duke only the head of state. This has the advantage that a popular Grand Duke, who is taking bad decisions on public administration, does not have to be removed by the Grand Senate but only deprived from his political power. This is also the main reason why not many Grand Dukes have been removed, which is a long process that always causes political instability. First, the only ones who can propose the removal, are the Chancellor, the Supreme Magistrature or one-half plus one of the provincial parliaments. Then, it is voted in the Grand Senate, and, if it is approved with a minimum quorum of ¾ it passes and must be then ratified by 2/3 of the provincial parliaments by simple majority. If it is, only the Supreme Magistrature may stop it, and then the Grand Senate must call in for a referendum (if the Supreme Magistrature does not attempt to stop the proposal, the Grand Duke is removed).

If the Grand Duke wants, he may retire and act only as head of state by requesting the Chancellor to form a government; this decision is usually taken by the Grand Duke unilaterally instead or before his resignment, most commonly because of old age or health reasons; hence not many Grand Dukes retire. If the Grand Duke has resigned to be head of government, he may request the political power back to the Grand Senate. This proposal, as any other, shall be voted and if its passed by simple majority the Chancellor then asks the Grand Duke to form a new government.


Upon ascendance to the Vassfforcian throne, the Grand Duke is officially named thereafter as Grand Duke/Duchess Don/Doña Name number Surname. For emaple, the current Grand Duke is HMSH Grand Duke Don Claudius V Dácil Montajìque, born as Claudius Montajìque (Dácil is the title given to the Chief of the Montajìque) and his predecessor was HMSH Grand Duke Don Jean III d’Oqquer.

The official form is His/Her Most Serene Highness (HMSH) Don/Doña and it is present on his official signature and when he is made reference in official documents.

However, when speaking directly to the Grand Duke, His/Her Highness or only Don/Doña are more common.

In the Vassfforcian press, he is usually referred as GD (Grand Duke) and the surname; for example, GD Montajìque.

The Grand Senate

The Grand Senate is conformed of # members elected on the base of 10 senators plus one for each half million inhabitants over one million of every state. From these Senators, the local legislative elects one third, the local executive elects one and the rest are elected by the population based on equal representation within the state. The Grand Senate passes laws, approves the annual budget and must approve any declaration of war and any deployment of Vassfforcian armed forces overseas.

The Chancellor

The leader of the Grand Senate is called the Chancellor; and is usually the leader of the party of the majority or of the ruling coalition. In case the Grand Duke is removed from his post or dies, the Chancellor becomes immediately both head of state and of government and his immediate responsibility is to call in for new parliamentary elections within a year after the event. The Chancellor may also become head of government on the request of the Grand Duke of through the intervention of the Grand Senate by passing one proposal after the other until all the ministers are named by him.

Between a Strong Executive and a Parliamentary System

The Vassfforcian system is a very flexible one, which may go from a very strong executive to parliamentary system without changing the constitution. This offers the system the opportunity to adapt to the current situation easily, making the Grand Duke a head of state only when required and a head of state and government in other times. This also has the advantage of preventing the political scandals a removal process would cause, especially if the Grand Duke accepts the movement toward a parliamentary system.


Any Senator, including the Chancellor, who is originally a Senator himself, are called His/Her Excellency plus Don/Doña and the name, but only on government acts and documents. On the press, they are usually called Senator plus the surname or Senator Don/Doña plus the name (when they are famous senators, if not, their surname is always added).