Rotten bacon

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Rotten Bacon

Rotten Bacon is a large nation remarkible for it's large population of unemotinal unhappy folk. The moto is good for moral becuse the belive that all actions are good for moral.


Clones are constintly made in the lab and robots and computers are made citizens. The imigrents are alowed in only if they can survive a death course ot get to the land. Nuklear weapons are tested on remote lands. Toxic waste is always dumped into the water in order to save disposel costs. All problems with the civilans are dealt with by fencing. Sex offenders are forced into slaver as are other criminels. A cement wall is being built along the Assassins Bat and Rotten Bacon border due to black listing.


Rotten Bacon is a land mass from the land of nothing. It is a lage moundtain Range in which the people live like dwarvs and shape whole moundtains into citys. Each Moundtain is it's own city. There are goverment owned city-state such as lab city and the armory. Also there are nobel citys. homes and buildings are carved out of the mountain side.

The land of Nothing

The land of nohing is a lad were leaders who have knowen each other for years come to stay among friends. There are strict regulations that are needed to enter the land. You need to have a large tax rate and intensions of doing only goverment friendly things.


The time of Rotten Bacon began when the whole country was run by a president. At the time the place was a democracy were everything was run by the people for the people until one day during a court case when the plantiff was arguing over a "unicorn" ownership dispute the president snapped and went completly insain. This led to the time of "Evil Happyness" when the persident forced all people to smile or be shot. of course this led to a rebbilion and the President was shot. This led to a total an archy. This was the "Down Era". The econmy was lousy and the people were dieing like flies. The Rotten one as he is now called made a powerfull millita and was abel to gain total control(by telling the soldiers that he was making the perfect world). The Rotten one made the world a dark place and forced new restricting laws on the populace.

The population soon entered a war for land in the enclave colition which of course led to a defeat due to under funding. The country of Nissin has now colonized Rotten Bacon to regain it's former satus.


The city states are each Mountain. they are run by the Judge a robotic being File:Judge.jpg

In the goverment of rotten bacon is run ultimitly by the Rotten One, the leader of Rotten Bacon. However there are ministrys that corrospond to the parts of the budget the minestry with the most money in the budget have better buildings and can do more while the ones without are in shaks.

The Annexation ring

Almohadia Hitlerist Japan Some of the Alternate History ones A European Empire [NS]Free Washington State Great Maoist China [NS:::::]Great Constantinople [NS]Suhartos Indonesia [NS:]Roman Micronesia [NS:]German Europa [NS:]Stalingrad Fortress [NS:]Fortress Stalina [NS:]The Reborn Rasputin [NS]The Coven of Artemis A New Third Reich Avalon Point Patriotic Israel Al Arif Post-Occupation Iraq Dagorania Pol Potist Cambodia Montismo Versiaz The New Somalia Independent Germany Nova Francia Israel And Palestine America Nova Idumaea Nova Iudaea Orthodox England Post-Nazi Germany Clarania The Makabim Canadianopolia The Niger State Panzer Corps China British Romania Imperial Slavia Free Anatolia The Library of NS Conquistadoria Hellenic India Byzantinia Nova Pepper Ridge A New China WWII Alternate History Yugoslavia-Greece Sovereign Gibraltar [NS]Communist Syria Free Orphans [NS:]The Communist Iraq [NS]The Free Georgia Ameridian Island Arawakia [NS]The Return of Stalin Pharos Island Alexandria Pharos Free Constantinople The Black Swords New Nationalist China Volga-Kama Bolghar Athenian Greece Mahrankala Island Mother Russias Empire Meighan Island The Mongol Reich Shang Tsang Victorious Germany Makkah and Medina The Quraish Ashurania Nova Aquitania Ustashe Yugoslavia Visha Germania Reich Constantinopolium Constantinopolia The Iberian Reich The Algerian Reich Pharonium Decapolia NS Dianetics Pandoraea Armentaria Aesonia Americanopolia Americanopolis New Nicaea Red Nepal Noobs and N00bs Sovereign Columbia Corporatoria Nova England Aryanium Heavenly Taiping Asaharia The New Antioch Osmanlia Nordicania Revolutionist Canada An American Reich Byzantine Salamandria A New Deutschland Zephyria-Salamandria A New Reich Gnosticania Caribbean Africa Freemasonia The Arian Synod Aztec Mexico Imperial Arabia

These nations were made by an infamous Internatinal Lesbians. this man made hundreds of puppet countries and used them to act his evil deeds. When Confronted about the issue this man lied. when the truth finaly came out this man fled the counties. The goverment failed and the millitary fell apart. The rotten bacon forces went on one of their 13 year absortion sprees and have annexed all of these nations into the rotten bacon way of life, nearly tripiling the size of rotten bacon