Shaz City

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Shaz City
Nation: Shazbotdom
Function: Capital City
Population: 345 Million
Leader: George A. Loak

Expanded City Information

The reason why the Supreme Emperor is listed under 'Leader' is that the system was set up so that the Head of State for the Nation was also named the Mayor of the City. So whenever a new Emperor is elected, they are also named the new Mayor of Shaz City. Population Statistics are as of the Census Date and will be updated on a regular basis.

Shaz City History

Shaz City was the orriginal city that was Founded when the Shazonites settled Shazbot Island. All 5 Million orriginal inhabitants called Shaz City home during the first 15 years on the island. During that time they saw the creation of the Shazbotdom Government with Mr. Shaz Bot as the head of state and the formation of the parlimentary body, which later was disassembled due to corruption.

Shaz City has come a long way from it's orriginal conception many years ago. It though has gained in population to what it is today, there is a lot of major industry within the city. From the weapons plan on the south side to the paper recycling facility on the west side, the city has undergone much change, with more to come in the future.

Shaz City was named the capital of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom roughly 1 year before the Imperial Palace and Parliament Square was constructed. During that time before the Construction, the orriginal Parliament and the Emperor (head of state at the time) met in City Hall to discuss items of importance for the young nation.


Just outside of the City Limits there are lushious grasslands for a few miles then thats surrounded by the vast forests of Shazbot Island. Within the City Limits there are many parks with playgrounds and other recreational areas, including but not limited to amusment parks, malls, and dog parks. Animal life within the city is rare but sometimes you do see a wild Havoc walking through downtown Shaz City. They are gentle creatures that do walk up to people to get petted but if they don't want to be bothered, they'll let you know.

Normal skyscrapers are Fifty to Sixty stories high while the widest bulding, The Imperial Palace, streaches two city blocks long. Tours of the Imperial Palace take place daily between the hours of 7:30am and 8:00pm and cost roughly 15 Black Dollars per person. Out-Of-Country tourists are required to visit an Official Government Licensed Currency Exchange to exchange their currency to the Black Dollar as 99.9% of all shops within the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom do not accept any out-of-country currency.

The Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace is located near the center of town between 5th street on the East, 7th street on the West, Jefferson Ave. on the North, and Palace Boulivard on the South. The largest room inside of the Imperial Palace is the throne room, which is located in the center of the building. It is here where most of the Press Conferences take place, unless it is deemed nessicary to have them in the Supreme Emperors Office due to the fact that he doens't want to answer any questions.

Smaller Rooms

Smaller rooms include a museum wing, where almost all the artifacts of the history of Shazbot Island and Shaz City are held, including a section of one of the boats used by the orriginal Shazonites who settled the city over two hundred years ago.

Embasy Section

20 years after Mr. Shaz Bot took control as the Emperor of Shazbotdom, he created the orriginal Embasy Exchange program. Setting aside a small plot of land in the city, he sent an open call to the people of the world for an opening of diplomatic relations with Shazbotdom. Many nations applied. So much that, after Mr. Shaz Bot gave up his position in the first Imperial Election, new land had to be aquired to open up more Embasy Bulidings for nations wishing for diplomatic relations with the Dark Empire.

This would help to ease international tension as it pertains to the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom. Although after a few years, space was running out. Now there are currently Embasies along 6 different roads, with the 6th road (Fredrick K. Douglas Drive) opening up not a few weeks ago. Currently 75 nations have Embasies within the boundries of Shaz City.

Embasy Road Names

Embasy Square
Shaz Bot Circle
Shaz Square
Fredrick K. Douglas Drive
Galen Q. Leotardia Ave.
George A. Loak Boulivard