City Of Berwin

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City Of Berwin
Nation: Shazbotdom
Function: Major City
Population: 310,000,000
Leader: Jim K. Smith


The City of Berwin is lead by the interm mayor, Jim K. Smith, and a team of 20 trustees. Other such things that are incorperated into the running of the city includes the Planning and Zoning Commission, Department of Public Affairs, and other such organizations that are spread throughout the city. The mayor has limited capabilities over the city's police force due to some corruption that happened roughly 20 years ago, where the Mayor used the police to target different ethnic groups within the City of Berwin. The mayor of the time was arrested and tried for abusing his powers in office and for violating multiple laws of the Dark Empire and sentenced to 120 years without the possibility of paroll.

City Description

The City is located roughly 400 miles North-West of Shaz City. Home to the Rennisance Center and the birthplace of the cultural revolution within the Dark Empire. Artists and poets flock to Berwin to bask in the ambiance of the city and to use it as a muse for their works of art. The largest museum within the Dark Empire resides in the City of Berwin, it is home to more than 140,000 pieces of artwork that have been either imported from other nations or created within the city and nation itself. Once piece of artwork was specifically imported from Italy and was part of Leonardo DaVincci's personal collection.

Important People Who Lived Here

There have been no people of importance who have lived here. Although the Socialist Shazbot candidate for the last election called Berwin their home for more than half their life.

International Airports

There is one major International Airport within the City of Berwin. Jeffory S. Granathrist International Aiport offers flight in and out of Shazbotdom. Anywhere from the Colonies of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom to most Allies of the Dark Empire. Tickets cost anywhere from $245 USD to $687 USD with taxes. There is a list of nations that all of the International Airports within the Empire are now allowed to fly flights to, and that includes the Blackhelm Confederacy and a majority of the nations in the Corporate Alliance.

There are a few exclusions to this rule, and that is nations in the Corporate Alliance that have Embasies in the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom, but those nations are limited to only allowing diplomatic envoy aircraft with no armed guards in them. Security for these aircraft is handeled by the "Black Ops" Special forces of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom.

Major Industries and Imports

Major Industries

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