Hector Van Tocco

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Hector Van Tocco
Emperor of Cafundeu
42 years old

Hector Van Tocco is the 3rd Emperor of Cafundéu. He is the son of the former emperor Antônio Van Tocco and grandson of the first emperor of Cafundéu Albieri Van Tocco.

Cafundéu's Empire

Cafundéu was a republic until 102 years ago. At that time, the president was Albieri Van Tocco, who was re-elected two years before that. The people loved Albieri, and feared a new president. The opposition was trying to win the next elections with Franco Farias, a communist.

Albieri, knowing that he couldn't participate in the elections three consecutive times, and knowing that his party's candidate, Delos Pender, wasn't very liked by the people, asked the people if they wanted a new president. They said that not.

So, he had an idea. The people had the right to vote for the republic or the empire. The people chose the empire, and Albieri became the first emperor of Cafundéu, dying 12 years later. Antônio Van Tocco ruled for 74 years and Hector has been ruling in the last 16 years.


Hector continued with the capitalist style of government, with strong army and tecnology. But he funded the country's sports and teams and also the relationships with other countries. There's still much time for him to rule the country.