Blood Street

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The Communist States of Blood Street
The Blood Street National Flag
Official Language English
Capital Shorditch
Head of Republic Ashley Price
Population NBD
Founding Revolution (1917)
Government Type Communist State
National Animal Wikipedia: Psycher
Currency Berol
Naval Craft Classification PS (People's Ship)
Internet TLD .bs
Calling Code +661
National Sport LaCrosse
Patron Saint St. Fausta and Evilasius
Official Religion Roman Catholic Church

Welcome to the glorious Communist states of Blood Street a nation of truely equal people working for the greater good the people.Blood street has quickly evoled since we merge from being a small nation lost in a world of depression, filth, corruption and violence from this hell did our glorious leader The current head of state Ashley price liberate us by leading a revolt against our king and the fuedal system that ran the country.Our glorious nation still is not regoninsed by the UN due to the amount of blood shed caused during the revolt and because of it's unique form of goverment. Still our leader believes that one day the rest of the world will see our nation as a burning beacon of hope for the world to follow into the future it is then that we will be regonised for our greatness until that day he reminds us that only through hard work will this dream be possible.

A Brief Historical Overlook

The nation of Blood street was founded in 1603 when the British navy laid claim to a section of land of the south coast of Russia. The land itself was uninhabited due to the land bridge that once joined it to mainland Asia had flooded but the navy settled on it to use it as a staging post for trading in between Asia and America. The British Empire abandoned the nation after the war of Independence, there now being no need for the British to have a trading post between Asia and America. Most of the population stayed behind after the British left as the Island had been their home for one hundred years and the people still had a deep infatuation with the Island. In 1785 the nation declared itself independent from the British Empire in a letter addressed to Parliament thy made clear that they wanted to rule themselves free from the British governments rule, The British parliament allowed this as they hadn’t consider the Island part of the British Empire since the navy left there and they considered the nation to be worthless having no strategic value and (at the time) few natural resources, because of their lack of experience governing the people decided to have a ruling monarch and elected the most knowledgeable person on the island as king and in honour of the ships that first brought them to the island, currently known as Shoreditch, they re-named the nation “Blood-Street” and for a time things were good the people lived as one and prospered until the death of King Mendel The forgiving. The following section of Blood Street’s history is a dark and grim time as Mendel’s son Philip was a ruthless ruler who was harsh on the population of Blood Street he stripped them of their homes and land to build his “Grand Palace” and his death squads patrolled the streets ready to exterminate those who opposed his rule (and there were many).

The Revolution

Due to his harsh rule many citizens gathered together to fight King Philip however there were many different factions that wanted to be the ones to liberate Blood Street each faction vowed to eliminate the others before eliminating the king. This bloody in-fighting lasted for five years until the republican forces made a daring attempted to join all the factions together. A date was chosen and agreed upon by all the leaders and a truce decided upon so that the factions could depose the King. This day was called “United Thursday” and would set the tone for the government after the rebellion with the republicans at its head with the other parties representing each area of the nation. For the next three years the United freedom organisation launch a hit and run policy on fighting the king’s army and soon they had many rallying to their cause partically after the King instituted his conscription plan, where trucks would drive up to peoples homes at night and kidnap the men in the house to ether join his army or work in the labour camps, The key events of the revolution, that are still held in high esteem, were The Peterloo Massacre and the storming of the royal Palace. Both events occurred within weeks of each other and both had very limited casualties for the United freedom organisation. The Peterloo massacre happened on the twelve of September during the trooping of the colours at Peterloo. At the event were nine tenths of the king’s army and all his high ranking officers the United freedom organisation used this event to weaken the kings grip on the nation and halfway during the procession they detonated five nail bombs which destroyed the balcony from which the officers were watching and killed and injured the majority of the soldiers on parade those that survived were shot by the freedom soldiers that were waiting in the surrounding buildings with his military all but gone Philip retreated into his Palace which he had converted into a fortress which was manned at all hours by his remaining forces. During this period it is said hat King Philip became paranoid about everyone he meet and locked himself in his own chamber away he said from those “traitors”. The storming of the palace took five weeks to complete with the final casualty list being five hundred killed and sixty thousand wounded on the united freedom organisation with the kings forces totally destroyed. The Nation of Blood Street officially declared itself a republic on the twenty second of October 1917.

Current Government

Coming Soon

The Secret Police

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International Obligations and Relations

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Regional Commitments

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Stevid and the Holy Empire

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The Golden War of Succession

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