Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Xirnium)

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The Foreign Ministry’s stated aim is to advance the interests of the Eternal Republic and Xirniumites internationally; and to effectively engage with like-minded nations in the endeavour to build a safe, just and prosperous world.

Ministers of the Office of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Cabinet for Foreign Affairs

The Rt Hon Lady Eléanor Sabëlinà MP, Countess of House Numêsalquó

The Minister for Foreign Affairs has overall responsibility, to Parliament, for the work of the Foreign Ministry. She is supported in her role by five ministers (three Ministers of State and two Parliamentary Secretaries of State) and two Permanent Under-Secretaries:

Ministers of State for Foreign Affairs

Minister of State at the Office of Foreign Affairs

The Rt Hon Lord Caedmon Elpenor Niphênalésse-Halitherwë MP

Special Responsibilities: Global Issues (sustainable development, biodiversity, hazardous materials, energy, climate change), Trade, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, North America, South East Asia and Oceania, East Asia

Minister of State at the Office of Foreign Affairs and for Europe

The Rt Hon Lady Nephéle Acânthuën MP, Baroness of House Acânthuën

Special Responsibilities: Europe and the Atlantic, Sanctions, Aid

Minister of State at the Office of Foreign Affairs and for Xirnium Overseas

The Rt Hon Lady Lieselotte Madelgarde Althëldwë MP

Special Responsibilities: Overseas Dependencies and Territories of the Eternal Republic, Xirniumite Visas, the Middle East, South Asia, Counter Terrorism, Counter Proliferation and Arms Control, Intergovernmentalism, Democracy

Parliamentary Secretaries to the Foreign Minister

Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Office of Foreign Affairs

The Hon Lady Kathalÿn Esclarmonde Quälmédur-Hyâsgiel MP

Special Responsibilities: Consular Policy, Counter People Smuggling, Africa

Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Office of Foreign Affairs

The Hon Lord Aloýsius Niélyárdür MP, Earl of House Fenôrnélion

Special Responsibilities: Public Diplomacy, Migration Policy, Latin America and the Caribbean

The Senior Executive of the Foreign Affairs Ministry

The Office of Foreign Affairs is managed by the Senior Executive, led by two Permanent Under-Secretaries (including the Chair of the Board of the Foreign Ministry, and the Head of the Diplomatic Service) who are assisted by twelve Deputy Under-Secretaries. The members of the Senior Executive are supported by the Assistant Under-Secretaries and other civil servants of the Senior Executive Service.