Flightless hippo

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The flightless hippo (image designed by 1 Infinite Loop).

The national animal of Sirocco is the flightless hippo, an animal which, despite the name, can indeed fly. It is said that the term 'flightless' is simply a misnomer and is from the old Siroccan word of flytles meaning 'grounded'. Savage and dangerous, these animals have often been used in Sirocco's few military campaigns (handing out recruitment pamphlets mostly) and entertainment television.

The flightless hippo can be found call over the world, but they are notoriously elusive (that is, right until the moment where they squash you into a pink puddle). Naturally gregarious, flightless hippos will flock together during autumn and fly around in circles for the winter, eating everything they happen across. This has made them be classed as vermin in some parts, but only in Sirocco did they get the credit they deserved where they symbolise many of the virtues that Siroccans aspire to: strength, magnitude, power, a general unstoppableness, and - to a slightly lesser extent - bloody-mindedness.

Flightless hippos are generally a purplish-pink colour, six foot tall and six foot wide, insanely bloodthirsty, and have appetites so voracious that they put Italian opera singers to shame. When trained (a most gruelling process) they can be summoned by a high pitched scream, taught a few basic commands (Don't eat me, don't squash me, fly over there, stop flying over there, and Goddammit I said stop flying over there), and used as aeroplanes in combat. Their ammunition strikes dread into the heart of most enemies.

Expanded from the article on Sirocco