Lovik Carpathia

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The Republic of Lovik Carpathia is an expansive landmass held together by the robust unifying forces of the RLCI, or Republican Lovik Carpathian Institute. A young nation, Lovik Carpathia has previously been the epicentre of political and military forces significant enough to contribute to the fall of the Royal Anarchy.


Transcarpthian Pre-history

Subject to severe militarisation and heavy conflict in the years 1950 to 2006, Transcarpathia has lost most of its archaeological landmarks and all but three of its archives. Further research is highly limited by the current governing power, the RLCI; a totalitarian measure intended to ensure that the area can rebuild without the "distraction" of looking too deeply into its troubled past. As a result, the only period of time for which the nation has significant historical data is the period between 1940 and the present time.


Although few details still exist, what little remains of Transcarpathia's beginnings is preserved solely due to its relevance to RLCI policy. A poor region, Transcarpathia once consisted of seven smaller, unstructured provinces: Lovinia, Krotiria, Armino, Romana, Czekistan, Prosir, and Slav. The largest of these provinces were Lovinia, Romana and Czekistan.

Initially Czekistan and its neighbouring province, Romana, had been the most prominent, successful nations, spanning five times the landmass between them of the other Transcarpathian provinces. Both provinces were fanatically religious but differences in the Romano and Czekistani interpretations of religious manuscript led to perennial conflict that drained the resources of both countries.

As these two nations warred, the strength of Lovinia, a province protected by the mountainous terrain, steadily rose along with its military fervour and it soon sought to consume the bordering nations of Krotiria and Armino, which fell with minimal casualties, endowing the nation with fertile soil and flat, usable building space.

Transcarpathian Lovkia

Once a large and powerful nation, Transcarpathian Lovkia was one of the three powers in the Royal Anarchy.