Iason I Argyres

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Iason I Argyres (Iason d'Meganissi
King of the Hellenes
The Holy Meritocratic Republic of Argyres
Political Party
Argyri Orthodox

Iason d'Meganissi (b 6/25/1980) is the current monarch of the Holy Meritocratic Republic of Argyres. Because of the tradition that elected monarchs take the surname "Argyres" in honor of the ancient family that founded the old Argyri Empire, he is now known as Iason I Argyres.

Son to King Nikos II Argyres (1933-1999) and Helena Lascaris (1936-1993), he was the last of three sons born to the royal couple, following Herakles (1962-2006) and Alexander (1962- ). Iason married Anya Corrino, of the royal house of Corintur in 2000, and the couple have had three children: Constantine (2002- ) and the twins Conrad and Athena (2004- )


Iason's birth was an admitted surprise for both his parents, who had last conceived a child eighteen years before, and took place at the royal retreat Seaguard, named in honor of his family's seat in Imperial Argyres. His early years mostly were in Adelphia, particularly the Royal Palace, where he was educated by tutors who included eminent scholars from the University of Adelphia. Physical education was handled by instructors from the military and Hellenic Guard, as Iason's father fully intended for him to serve the military once his elder brother, Herakles, had determined a different course for himself.

Tragedy struck Iason twice in 1993. In March of that year, his brother, Alexander, mysterious disappeared. Despite over a decade of resources and investigation, the case remains unsolved. Perhaps burdened by her grief, and already unwell because of a persistent fever, the Queen died of various physical ailments on July 16th. Following this double blow, and Herakles' relative distance from the family, Iason's education was now sped up so that he might serve as heir to House Meganissi.

After his father abdicated the throne in favor of Iason's uncle, Memnon, it was decided that it was time for Iason to take a more prominent role in Argyres.

Trial by Fire

In February, 1998, Iason was assigned as commander of the 8th Rifles Regiment, an all-volunteer unit where it was hoped he could hone his skills as a leader without unduly interfering with the normal military chain of command. This tidy plan was thrown off six weeks later, when National Socialist forces operating out of Camozayo invaded the Holy Meritocratic Republic. Caught off-guard, the Republic's forces, including Iason's own regiment, were driven back from the frontier.

Despite some dramatic stands made in the northeast by Hellenic Guardsmen and Reserve troops, the Argyris were largely unsuccessful until Iason relieved General Attalus Menonous of command at Smyrna. He promptly launched a massive counteroffensive beginning on July 17th which recaptured several important forts and towns. His crowning achievement on that campaign, however, was the encirclement and capture of an entire corps of Camozayian forces near Varna in September.

While many experts predicted that the unseasonably bad weather that winter would slow down campaigning, Iason instead decided upon another audacious offensive. Striking through the Haunted Wood during the middle of a snowstorm, he caught the invaders unprepared and won a decisive victory over them at Delphia on December 19th, suffering only a few thousand casualties.

Iason's offensive continued on until late January, 1999, when the war ended following the resumption of power by imperial forces in Camozayo.

Intermission and Marriage

As the nation rebuilt, Iason returned to the University of Adelphia to complete his education. While there, he met Anya Corrino, the sister of Emperor Theo IV of Corintur. The two began a serious relationship even as Iason graduated and became the ostensible head of House Meganissi. While the details remain a hotly debated topic among the Argyri tabloids, it is known that Iason asked for her hand in marriage in late 1999, and they were married on January 15th, 2000.

The two instantly became the most popular couple for tabloid newspapers across Meriterra, and sealed a lasting bond of friendship between their respective countries.

Further happiness was brought by the birth of their son, Constantine, the ostensible heir to the throne given the support the Meganissi family has enjoyed as of late. He was joined two-and-a-half years later by twins Conrad and Athena.

Coronation and The Hundred Hours' War

Iason's idyllic life was interrupted yet again when his uncle abdicated the throne of Argyres. While several other candidates were briefly in the running for election, Iason's military service against the fascist invasion clinched his candidacy. He was crowned Iason I Argyres, King of the Hellenes, on March 3, 2000.

His rule would similarly be jolted soon thereafter, when discontented neo-fascists within the military and communist insurgents in the north both revolted against his rule in July. The communists were able to obtain several nuclear devices, one of which destroyed the town of New Egglington in Humpty Dumpty, while another destroyed the Argyri Parliament building shortly before Queen Anya was to speak there.

Driven by worry for his wife's condition, Iason returned the reigns of power to his uncle while he searched for Anya with the help of his brother-in-law. While they were successful in finding her, hurt but not seriously, fascist assassins were able to murder Memnon in the Royal Palace in Iason's absence. It took several hours to return that situation to normal.

The revolt itself, on the other hand, was over very quickly. Loyal troops operating under the command of Brigadier Ulysseus S. Grantos, a close personal friend of Iason's family, inflicted three consecutive devastating defeats on the fascists, while Elian forces assisted the bulk of the Argyri military in wiping out the communist insurgency in the north.

At long last, Argyres could breathe somewhat easily.