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Kamahbbas or "forest-wanderers" are solitary and aimless nomadic travelers tha trasverse the arboreal expanses of Forest


Unlike most nomads, that travel in groups for economic purposes, such as herding, Kamahbbas travel alone and have no distinct or stereotypical occupation. Their trades can vary from farm labor to high-tech engineering, though most are impoverished to the brink of starvation. They also do not travel between habitations for delibrately, like Saharan nomads or American cattlehands. Few travel armed. Some may follow trails or paths, while some roam the untamed woodlands.

Behavior in Cities

Most Kamahbbas enter a city or settlement at some point in their lives. Most come to sell small, cheap items and buy food and supplies. Others come for protecion from predators. While in cities, they do not speak, but to adverise or trade their wares or negotiate prices. They do not procure lodging, but rather live in makeshift stalls (That they carry on their journeys to use in cities) or in the streets.


Kamahbbas are not a "tribe", nor are they primitives. They dress in modern clothing, though torn and soile as it may be, and are fluent in Forest's languages, while Coscivian seems to come to them most naturally. They have tan to skull white skin, and various colours of hair and eyes. Being unrelated ethnically, they also vary in height.


As Kamahbbas speak only to transact, Forest's other citizens can only speculate as to their nature. The most poular and likely balief is that, drawn from their liguistic abilites and clothing, Kamahbbas are just ordinary people, originally from cities, that have lost jobs and gone into the forests in favor of a self-sustainant lifestyle, or out of desperation.