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An Overview

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The Regulus Rebellion: Dealer Squad 03

The Elite of the Klonor Military, the Dealers are the personal guard of the Grand Duke Solomon Klonor and serve to directly implement his will and the will of the Duke's advisors and assistants. They investigate threats to the well-being of members of the Klonor Government and act to suppress enemies of Klonor in situations that require more delicacy than the Klonor Space Corps are capable of. Operating in teams of four, with thirteen such teams currently on active duty, the 52 Dealers in existence at any one time are believed to be the martial equal to the entirety of the Klonor Space Corps and, in addition to their standard duties, are often regarded as a balance to the Corps. Should a Supreme General once again try to usurp the powers of the state, either through direct revolution or political maneuvering, the Dealers posses the cunning and skill to neutralize the General's power base and negate their threat to the Association.

Selection and Induction into the Dealers

Potential Dealers are selected as candidates for Dealer training even before their birth, screened for the genetic markers that indicate both supreme physical ability and stunning intellect soon after their conception. Their training begins at an early age, in what most people consider their childhood, when it becomes apparent that the individual has reached the intellectual maturity to comprehend the implications of a lifetime of military service. They must be of sufficient intellect to competently decide their own fate, no member of the Klonor military is forcefully inducted into service, and they must willfully subject themselves to the harsh and stressful training that extends from their childhood (Often the time between their fifth and seventh year) to a time well into their adulthood (Often culminating between their thirty-third and thirty-ninth year). Though their parents likewise have to consent to the training, and are allowed to converse with their children regularly in both recorded and live broadcasts, the various situations the trainees find themselves in often result in an almost complete cessation of contact between Dealer candidates and their former friends and family. Usually their is little or no animosity between the relatives, no feelings of abandonment or betrayal, but after the first several months away from their homes the Dealer trainees often regard the Duke as a closer relative than their parents and siblings.

Skills and Abilities of the Dealers

One of the most startling abilities that the Dealers posses is a level of communication that most outsiders view as a form of minor telepathy. Though nothing could be further from the truth, a Dealer likely to kill any individual who would dare suggest he posses any form of telepathic skill, the misunderstanding is rather understandable. The very first lesson the Dealers learn when they enter their training is to translate complex thoughts, ideas, and emotions into the most minute and simple body motions possible. Instead of speaking verbally, or with anything as blatant and obvious as sign language or Morse-code blinking, they can communicate precise and detailed information from one Dealer to another with nothing more than lips parted at a specific distance or a gap between their index and middle fingers a third of a centimeter wide for a specific length of time. The speed and frequency of their blinking, pace and volume of each breath, shifting stance and wiggling toes, and thousands of other minute movements can be combined to deliver information as clearly as if being spoken in plain Hinlish. In addition to the simple covertness of such a conversation, such a subtle conversation can even be maintained during an ordinary verbal dialogue and make discovery even more difficult. The result is that, with absolutely no visible or audible clue that information is being transferred in any way, a Dealer may communicate with another in complete security.

After they have been sufficiently trained to communicate with ease, eventually reaching a level of proficiency so high that their subtle communication is actually preferable to standard verbal dialogue, they begin standard combat training. At approximately their eighth year of life they are enrolled in basic training for the Marines of the Klonor Space Corps; a training program usually reserved for those already within their third decade of life. What follows the Marine combat training is Espionage training at the hands of the current leaders of the ASID, preparing them for covert insertion into hostile territory and the retrieval of sensitive information from supposedly secure systems. They then progress to advanced and esoteric combat arts and styles; learning to adequately use advanced Klonor weaponry which has not yet reached wide-spread distribution, alien weaponry from some of the more hostile nations inhabiting the Universe, and even such ancient and ill-used arts as sword-play and archery (Which can be of vital importance in certain situations).

At the end of their standard martial training they are instructed in est marial, a style of combat adapted from an Elvish form of martial arts. Developed by the Elvish Seperatist Movement, which wished peaceful independence from the Epsilon Pegasi stellar government, est marial stresses evasion and deflection when under attack from an armed or unarmed opponent. By omitting offensive techniques and focusing entirely on defensive tactics, those who are proficient in est marial are nigh-untouchable by those who wish to lay hostile hands upon them. Instruction in est marial is reserved solely for those in the direct employ of the Association, for it is perfect when used in tandem with the Emitters, a technology which allows for offensive attacks independent of the physical body. By using the technology and art in tandem, a Dealer can evade the blows of their enemies while still delivering a lethal assault.

The result is a soldier at home with almost every known form of weaponry (Both past and present), trained in the arts of secrecy and subversion, and able to carry out their orders in the plain sight of their enemies with no one the wiser.

Weaponry and Equipment

The specific missions and particular assignments of each Dealer necessitate additional equipment and weaponry, but for standard duty (And the entirety of their off-duty lives) each Dealer is armed simply with two pistols of standard manufacture. The KSMP-34 and NF-1, projectile and laser weapons (respectively), are the standard Marine sidearm designed to supplement the KSMAR-1000 distributed to all serving Corps Marines. Adequate weaponry in and of themselves, more than capable of killing or incapacitating any hostile infantry and minor equipment, the primary function of the visible weaponry is simply to inform anybody who comes into view of a Dealer of the fact that the Dealer is, in fact, armed; therefore dissuading any fool-hardy individuals, such as captured prisoners on missions or desperate thieves while amid civilians, from believing that the Dealers are defenseless victims ripe for the plucking. If such a belief were to persist the luckless individual might try to carry out some sort of offensive action and force the Dealer to violently end their life.

Their primary weapon system, that which makes them so very lethal to all enemies of the Association, is a technology which is not even visible. Undetectable by any means beyond full-body internal examination, every single Dealer, each member of the Elite, is equipped with an Emitter Set the very second that they are selected to serve. The Emitter, the most secret of Klonor technology, is what makes the Dealers equal to none. A nearly microscopic technology implanted within the subjects limbs and mind, the Emitters provide the bearer with telekinetic powers, control of sub-atomic energy, and a plethora of other powers that make the Dealers nearly Super-Human. It makes any Dealer its own artillery support, its own assault force, and capable of single-handedly obliterating countless opponents.