President of Coocoostan

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The President of Coocoostan is the head of the Coocoostani state, as well as the head of the government.

The current President is Andrei Pakhomov.


The President is elected directly by the people of Coocoostan, with all persons over the age of 17 as of midnight election day being eligible to vote. The first-past-the-post system is used and a simple plurality is required for victory. All political parties may field one candidate, which in every case so far has been the respective party's leader. Currently, once elected, the winning candidate is named President-Elect by the speaker of the Parliamentary Congress, a career bureaucrat. The President-Elect has 14 days to be ratified by a vote in the Parliamentary Congress. If the P-E should fail to do so, the Speaker names the 2nd place candidate, repeating the process as necessary until a winner emerges.


Once in office, the President has a great deal of power, ranging from appointing the 8 secretaries of cabinet to deciding on the agenda of the Parliamentary Congress, to touring the country. The President lives at #1 Avenue of Heroes in West Coocoobad, enjoys the use of a 767 chartered by the Interior Secretariat and is immune from prosecution while in office. The President holds many alternate titles, including Commander-in-Chief of the Coocoostan Military, President of the Parliamentary Congress and Leader of Coocoostanis Abroad. The President also travels abroad as the representative of Coocoostan, although this has only begun recently.


For more information on a respective President, consult their article.

1st. Maxim Kaygorodov 1990-2005. Kaygorodov(National) was a main proponent of Coocoostan's independence. He is the longest serving president being in office for 14 Years and 4 Months.

2nd. Tammy Hagans 2005-2007. Hagans(Labour) tripled the size of the country and commenced foreign relations with many nations.

3rd. Andrei Pakhomov 2007-Present. Pakhomov took office in February of 2007