Military Assistance Command - Zaire

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MACZ (Military Assistance Command - Zaire) is the name of the Parthian military forces stationed in Zaire. It was originally deployed to the country during the Great Central African War to rescue the regime of Parthia's most faithful ally in the Third World, the Republic of Zaire. Commanded by Field Marshal Ardeshir Nassiri, MACZ is composed of 1 airborne division (18,000-strong) and 5 battalions of armor (each 400 strong). It fought with great valor and distinction during the war, managing to easily defeat both the rebels and their foreign backers (Angola, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi). In the aftermath of the war, MACZ pacified the countryside, routing any remaining rebels, while repairing infrastructure, treating wounded civilians, and retraining the military of Zaire from scratch. By 2000, with their mission complete, MACZ returned home.