Phoenix Seville

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Phoenix Seville
Honorary KOP
April 5th 1985
Place of origin
Arizona, TPM
Political Affiliation
barred from voting and politics

Phoenix Seville

  • Age: 21
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 220 lbs
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Brown

Phoenix Seville is the only surviving clone of Field Marshall Seville the First and as such is an outcast among the ruling class. By law he is barred from running for government office or achieving the rank of Major or higher in the armed forces. Due to the restrictions on his rank and limits placed on his operability within The Phoenix Military he has secretly hired himself out as a mercenary on occasion, both to fringe groups within Phoenix Dynamix's security division and other governments overseas. He grew up under the close watch of an elite KOP unit an has become a twisted individual with a sick yet frighteningly bright and ordered mind and has also achieved an impressive physique through extensive, olympic-level, training. Rumors of steroid use come up in the tabloids every so often but nothing that has been substantiated other than mild grush use. He holds a black belt in Phoenix Milita Combat Fighting which is a combination of several Old World and Modern martial arts. Since Phoenix was exposed to the greatest military trainers in nation since birth, he is skilled in all things concerning ground warfare, from rifle marksmanship and land navigation to escape and evasion. An expert and a professional in every sense of the word; he is the Infantry. Phoenix was instrumental in the development of the AR-22A3 and almost always requests it from the KOP armorer and also personally owns several copies of the weapon. While barred from the political scene, Phoenix Seville's military knowledge and skill has been a source of income for him and he has continually endorsed Phoenix Dynamix products. Not very many photos exist besides the candid capture of him enjoying a stick of grush, and this publicity photo.

  • Known Relatives: