Billopec Family

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One of the oldest families in the world, it was an ancient wealthy family from the island continent of Kenaciron. It is uncertain when it began but it was sometime from 4300 – 1000BC. After the Great Flood, the remains of the family sailed north away from Kenaciron in search for new lands. They eventually reached The Confederates where they settled and established the Billopeshian civilization. The most famous of the Bilopec family, Oliver Bilopec, became the first king of Billopesha and the Billopec Family then continued to be the ruling family until 41BC. It then sprung out into the Billopeshus Family that took over from their rule. The Billopec Family regained power from AD104 – 407 and was then the ruling family of Billopesha from AD682 - 2006. It faced problems like the Royal Crisis (1333 – 1354) and the Billopeshian Civil War (1746 – 1772). It’s last ruling member was Lord Richard Billopec until the monarchy was abolished in 2006.

Importent Members

Past Members

Oliver Billopec (591BC – 503BC) - founder of Billopesha and The Confederates.
Prastugus Billopec (244BC – 169BC) - bad ruler who was overthrown during the Honto-Billopeshian War.
Lemenatarus Billopec I the Great (199BC – 123BC) - Hero of the Honto-Billopeshian War and first emperor of the Billopeshian Empire.
Tanarrax Billopec the Bad (105BC – 41BC) - the worst ruler. Killed in a famous battle by Serrentus Billopeshus.
Serrentus Billopec (106BC – 22BC) - Overthrown by Tanarrax. Adopted into the Billopeshus family and became a Roman. Later made Billopesha part of the Roman Empire.
George Billopec (1910 – 1971) - Great leader who made Billopesha prosper.

Living Members

Richard Billopec (b.1936) - last monarch of Billopesha.
Linya Billopec (b.1938)
Alexander Billopec (b.1941) - whereabouts unknown.
Ivan Billopec (b.1972) - ex-prime minister of Derenny.

For more members of the Billopec family, see List of Billopeshian monarchs.