Archbishop Jacques Saint-Pierre

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Archbishop Jacques Saint-Pierre
Archbishop of New Britannian Kingdom
French (native), English, Latin
PhD in Theology from the University of New Britannia
12 November, 1944 in New Britannia

Archbishop Jacques Saint-Pierre is the first Archbishop of New Britannian Kingdom and the Church of New Britannian Empire. He is very popular and is especially good with children. He maintains the cerimony of the history C of NBE while still appealing to the modern citizen.

Early Life

Jacques Saint-Pierre's mother died when he was seven years old. He never knew his father. He was raised by nuns in an orphanage and went to a strict catholic school. At the age of 13 he was an altar boy at a local church. At 17 he wanted to become a vicar.

The Church

After getting his bachelors degree in Theology, he was ordained as a priest at the age of twenty-six. He later went back to school to get his PhD. He became a bishop after twenty-three years of priesthood. Thirteen years later, when the Church of New Britannian Empire was established, he was ordained as Archbishop of New Britannian Kingdom by King Caleb I.