Super Rome

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Quick Links: Super Roman Military Archive , Super Roman History



Super Rome is a massive economic and military Juggernaut, with a diverse and complex political orchestration, including one of the most powerful centres of commerce in the Alliance of Honourable Peoples. Super Rome currently enjoys a comfortable position as a member of the Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) and is also a member of the Alliance Group of 8, consisting of the most economically powerful nations in the Alliance. It has achieved the classification "hyperpower", one of three in the Alliance.

Supe Rome enjoys the largest agricultural, industrial and commercial outputs in the Alliance. Insurance industries and furniture sales are the only exceptions where second largest status is achieved. Super Rome is the only hyperpower that utilises a system not founded upon capitalist principles. That is not to say (as some would jump to the conclusion) that Super Rome is a "communist" nation, however Romans do classify themselves as homoioi or "equals". Super Rome is under the Supreme command of the Senate and its Imperator.

Super Rome has the third or fourth highest GDP in the Alliance (depending on the level of freedom and tax bestowed upon Roudland citizens) and prides itself on having by far the more manageable and stable economy, growing at a steady rate of 3.2% per annum.

Super Roman Factbook


Super Roman culture has developed over two millennia and is one of the most diverse in the region. The "Cursus Honorum" or the "Path of Honour" is fundamental to Roman society. To be honourable, pious and just is the ultimate Roman desire and it is to this that Romans aspire. Thus the Roman people are continually motivated to better themselves and become more productive members of society. The Roman populace is extremely proud of its heritage and is fiercely patriotic. Citizens also believe that a powerful economy is essential for high levels of innovation and technological advancement to take place. It is for this reason that enormous emphasis is placed on the Super Roman economy and the productivity of the populace as a whole.



4.6 billion

Age structure

0-16 years: 17%

17-64 years: 70%

65 years and over: 13%

Median Age

Total: 31.25 years

Male: 32.25 years

Female: 29.27 years

Rate of population growth

Taken over a period of three years, the average rate of growth was 1.97%. Aggregate migration rate (per one thousand citizens) – 1.6 migrants

Life expectancy

Total: 83.5 years

Male: 81.7 years

Female: 86.4 years

Nationality – Roman / Super Roman

Ethnic Groups

Roman: 91%

Alien: 2.3%

Roudlandian: 1.2%

Yew: 1%

Gothrian: 0.9%

Dhurkhastani: 0.8%

Kegmenistani: 0.8%

Other: N/A

Religious Background

Atheist: 97%

Buddhist: 2%

Kegmenistani Cathol: 1%


Latin: 100% (official language)

English: 100% (official language)

Dhurkha: 95%

Aramaic: 85%

Other: 54%

Average Family Size

1.7 children born/woman

Literacy (percentage of the population 12+ who can read and write)

Total: 99% Male: 99% Female: 99% GenderQueer: 99%

Geography of Super Rome


Super Rome is situated at the far North of the Western Continent. It borders Jihad Allah to the West, Kegmenistan to the South Perpendiculum to the East and Friendly Aliens to the North. Super has access to the Atlantian and Grohl Oceans. The total land mass of Super Rome has recently increased with the annexation of Perpendicular territory.

Capital - Sparta

Area – 7606969 sq. miles


Super Roman climate varies greatly as you traverse towards the South. The Northern territory experiences a temperate climate and temperatures of around 6 degrees in winter and between 9 and 18 degrees in summer. The Southern continent experiences a far more equatorial climate. Humidity levels are extremely high. Winter temperatures vary between 9 and 14 degrees. Summer temperatures climb to around 26 degrees. Precipitation is far higher in the East as cloud cover has to travel over the Alkine Mountains. Rainfall rarely reaches the desert regions of the South and West.


Super Rome is host to vast sprawling plains, dense mountain ranges and many rivers and deltas. Vast deserts are to be found in the West and South. This has been the consequence of years of deforestation during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The last remaining forests are to be found to the North of Super Rome.

Elevation Extremes

Lowest Point: The lowest point is the Crada Valley in Eastern Super Rome (- 122m below sea level) and the highest is to be found in the Alkine Mountains, specifically Mount Summae (8533m above sea level)

Natural Resources

Abundant: Oil, Coal, Gas, Uranium, Iron, Diamond, Copper, Minerals, Carbon, Marble, and Aluminium.

Land Use

65% Arable 35% Urbanised 10% Industrial/Commercial

Natural Hazards

Tropical Storms are frequent in the East thanks to warm water currents in the Atlantian Ocean. Thunder strikes are a common occurrence in Eastern cities. Violent sandstorms are often experienced on the Southern borders and Tornadoes are frequent in the far west. All modern housing developments take locale and probability of natural hazards into consideration before construction

The Economy of Super Rome

As has been mentioned above the Super Roman economy is considered essential for all technological advancement, innovation and overall progression within Super Rome. However Super Rome also places a great emphasis on the overall well-being of its citizens. Social liberties and freedoms are never placed below the emphasis on the economy. The Roman economy has long been one of the most competitive within the Alliance. Though it has been realised that many other nations dubbed "consumption economies" will always possess GDP figures of higher value. Super Rome is unrestrictive with regard to corporate enterprise and hence retains a vast commercial services and industrial sector simultaneously. The main items traded are: Uranium, Iron, Steel, Agricultural Goods, Marble and Tungsten. A strong Investment and Financial Services sector also brings much wealth and foreign trade to Super Rome. Many have questioned the unorthodox method of government taxation at 100% and have doubted its operation. The Super Roman people are immensely proud however of their achievement in their economic system. Super Roman GDP now approaches D173 trillion per annum, with a government budget of nearly D175 Trillion. Spending by the government is unparalleled in the Alliance. Sparta has become one of the major hubs of economic activity.

In 1935 the policy of "Pecuniam Revenit" was put into operation. Under this system inflation was placed under complete control of the government and inflationary pressure has never deviated from the determined 1.5% level.

Pecuniam Revenit is a system of credit for individuals. At 16 years of age all Super Roman citizens are issued with an electronic visa. Within this card is stored all information regarding the individual: personal details, financial details and historical records of activity. These cards are compulsory and those within Super Rome whom are found not to be in possession of such a card are immediately taken to the appropriate identification terminal. This has achieved wonders in preventing illegal immigration. Only The Senate Ministry of Domestic Affairs (SMDA) can issue visas upon request. Applicants from abroad are thoroughly checked and assessed before being allowed to immigrate.

Pecuniam Revenit literally means that whatever income an individual earns is the property of the government. The government will use this income to invest and spend in all public sectors. Individuals consume through credit granted by the government. For example, if an individual earns D35, 000 a year he will receive D35, 000 of credit. This can then be used to purchase goods and services from the government. Firms and Industry is still competitive in the global market, as trade remains unrestricted. Corporations and firms are state owned and all revenue generated by firms is taxed at 100%. Foreign buyers are often perplexed by the system as goods and services are in practice being purchased from the Super Roman government. Imports and exports are purchased and sold in Denarii held by the government and central banks.

In this way government combines regulation and free trade in an unorthodox equilibrium. Government intervention is theoretically all pervasive but in practice minimal. The operation of a firm is unchanged. The only difference is that wages, in traditional monetary terms are eliminated. Wages are not paid to the employees directly. At the end of each month the government renews the level of credit awarded to the individual. Cash and coinage have been eliminated and all forms of payment are electronically managed. Revenue for firms still exists and the more efficient and productive a firm the higher the level of credit revenue achieved. Thus incentive to become more competitive is still a primary concern.

This system has ensured that the quality and quantity of goods produced are extremely high. Government regulates industry and provides subsidies and support when needed in return for the efficient operation of firms, abolition of collusion and cartels and the continuation of trade. Greater levels of competitiveness exist within the Super Roman economy, monopolies are relatively extinct and monopsonies and trade unions have been largely eradicated. Consumers also benefit from cheaper domestic goods of a higher quality and greater variety without the need to circulate money. This is why inflation and interest rates remain low within Super Rome. (Regarding the MV=PT theory) Inflation has only once deviated from 1.5% in 1942 during the Great Alliance war and this was only due to the fact that huge loans were granted from Super Rome to warring nations such as Roudland, Great Wrightland and Gothria.

Political Orchestration

The Super Roman political system had remained largely unchanged in 2000 years and to this day defies contemporary definition. Within Super Rome the cives remain sovereign and they possess the combined power to easily overturn overly unpopular measures. Citizens elect via secret ballot those individuals within society they believe to be most suited to one of the many positions available on the “cursus honorum”. Elected officials then in turn run the 26 Roman Provinces within the Confederacy. Through numerous promotions an ordinary member of the Plebii can reach any position within the Super Roman orchestration, even Imperator.

The Roman state itself has been named: Tyrannical, Autocratic, Anarchic, Communist, Socialist, Republican, Libertarian and even a Kingdom by many nations within the Alliance of Honourable Peoples. Super Rome is unique among nations in that it blends the most beneficial aspects of each political system into a delicate equilibrium that requires a large, intelligent and efficient political body to sustain it. The many administrative magistracies, provincial governing positions and senatorial posts are highly sought after and are highly honoured. The lack of definition has often perplexed both the casual observer and the national leader, indeed the UN could not find sufficient category to define Super Rome with so categorised the nation as “Anarchy”, much to the pleasure of the Roman people, who are notoriously sceptical of the inefficient and intrusive United Nations. Thus Romans have believed for millennia that their form of government is actually in fact defined by the word “Imperium”.

The term Imperator is actually in fact a military term first delegated to P.Cornelius Scipio in early Republican Rome, before the arrival of the first Imperator. Dux would have been the preferred term; however those troops in Western Spain (Now a province in central Super Rome) sought to define their military commander as “Rex”. Scipio though flattered desired greatly to avoid any connotation of kingship since it was a highly distasteful term. Instead the commander gave those under his command a separate term to use: “Imperator”. This is believed to the origin of the word in Latin today.

Imperium essentially derives its evolution from Imperator though it lacks any military association with regard to political power. Imperium lacks any single definition and its impact depends entirely upon the individual in question. Imperium is often simply cast as “Empire” and the connotations of stereotyped dictatorship are applied. However this is far from the truth. Imperium to a Roman, if one is persistent to find a basic interpretation, denotes a system of government control that utilises an autocratic ruling system that can be held directly accountable to the will of the ordinary people. That is to say, with the populace as sovereign, the Imperator can be removed via popular movement. Imperium combines numerous aspects of oligarchy present in the hierarchical nature of the “cursus honorum” with democracy and personal rule. Each segment within society has the power to overcome the other, but all must act as a collective if domestic and foreign affairs are to be committed to.

Plato: The belief in our justice and political governing is one which we all must honour, for not everyone will believe as such, but our beliefs do not require them to.


The Imperator

Once again the unique style of government has perplexed many foreign nations. Within Super Rome democracy exists in a very true sense. However it is managed by an omnipresent Imperator.

The role of the Imperator has since been to act in the public interest and be the principle decision maker within Super Rome. The Imperator has the right to dissolve the senate, call elections and amend the constitution. However this is counterbalanced by the fact that the Roman Senate can impeach the Imperator if power is abused. In this way the Imperator is not a dictator as he is not in complete control of the country.

Imperators are generally appointed by their predecessors on account of their popularity and ability. However the Roman populace has every right to oppose and submit their own candidate for consideration by applying to the senate for an "Imperical Vote". The victor of the general election will assume control of Super Rome. Only once has the Imperical Vote been initiated, in 1676 and this was a highly unsuccessful venture.

The Senate

As has been mentioned the senate has the ability to remove the current Imperator from power by achieving a majority vote within the Imperial Senate. This power has never been enacted in over 2000 years of Imperator rule. The senate also has the power to amend the constitution, with approval from the Imperator and enable new laws and initiatives. The senate members are elected every four years in the "Senatorium delegio". The 120 regions within Super Rome elect one representative to the Senate, who will be responsible directly for the operation both of that region specifically and the running of Super Rome as a whole.

Senatorial powers are extensive as control of regions is directly linked to the management of the individual representative. The collective senate is responsible for operating the numerous government ministries and state welfare initiatives. The senate is responsible for the everyday running of Super Rome. The senate has often opted to elect different individuals for specific tasks. In this way individuals have been promoted to positions such as Chancellor, Minister of the Interior, Foreign Minister etc. The senate has a large degree of freedom in its operation.


Super Roman Military

The Super Roman Military was formally founded in early 456BC and its motto has remained in its Latin form since this date "Fortuna favoret brevis" (Fortune favours the brave). Many other influential mottos have been developed within the specific departments of the military. The Super Roman Military operates with the sole purpose of achieving honour in battle and delivering justice to aggressors. Military standards bearing the black "signum leonem" of Super Rome are present in every military engagement and to lose the standard is considered the greatest dishonour in Roman Society. This position of responsibility therefore usually falls to the appointed Spartans or elite forces. Only the Master Chief is able to bear the Imperators standard, emblazoned with gold.

Super Roman military operation is more clearly detailed in the Super Roman Military Archive. Within this file all Super Roman ministries and armaments are discussed.

Foreign Policy and Trade

Super Rome has traditionally adopted a policy of isolationism and consolidation. However the Great Alliance War provided huge stimulus of a desire to become more involved in international affairs. Super Rome still places its own stability before the need of other nations, but since its election to the Alliance Council Super Rome has even begun to reform this view.

Super Rome has established numerous trade agreements with nations on the West and North continents. Principle trading partners include Kegmenistan, Jihad Allah, Friendly Aliens, Roudland and Great Wrightland. The major exports of Super Rome are Uranium rods, Agricultural Products and Manufactured vehicles. The main sources of import are silk, cloth and iron

Super Rome maintains a traditionally isolationist approach to foreign affairs. It was one of the last nations to join the Alliance of Honourable Peoples. Since the Cold War, Super Rome has developed a close working relationship with the Kegmenistanian, Alien and Dhurkhastani peoples. The "Special Friendhsip" between Kegmenistan and Super Rome is often viewed with suspicion and is used as slander by the common media to criticise both countries. Numerous joint projects have been undertaken, especially regarding transport. Jihad Allah and Friendly Aliens are considered long term partners by Super Roman officials. Trade with Friendly Aliens is significant, with numerous technologies and raw materials being exchanged. Trade with the Northern Continent is far less significiant. Relations with several of the Northen Nations most notably Roudland are sometimes strained. The reason for this is a majority militaristic. Super Roman society is built upon honour, "utilis" and therefore specialisation.

The adoption of the Caste system is openly frowned upon by Roudland military leaders, who believe it to be out-dated. Super Rome therefore refutes this view of an outdated system and instead believes that extensive generic troop numbers represents an inefficiency in skill allocation and that honour is something the Roudland modern army should really remember in war. The belief that you honour your country by accomplishing deeds for the common good is an extremely potent motivator in combat. This is likely the reason that there are few desertions, few friendly fire incidents and as a general rule - very few KIA's. Despite this however, even with clear divisions in ethos, Roudland and Super Rome often forget their differences in the face of danger. Both nations often combine with Kegmenistan to form the muscle of the military Juggernought that can be summoned by the Allied Defence Forces.


The education system within Super Rome is one of the oldest institutions in the Alliance. Primary and Secondary schools are state owned and receive all funding through government expenditure. The concentration of Universities within Super Rome is the largest in the Alliance. Universities are privately funded; however state subsidies provide student support to those students, whose parents are on lower levels of income.

Primary Education

Primary Education begins at the age of three and continues to the age of twelve. Basic numeric skills and literacy skills are taught to pupils alongside traditional Latin, history, geography and science. Physical Education is encouraged but not compulsory. Religious Schools are not tolerated and segregation in schools is forbidden. The position of the government on religion is particularly strict: no child will be subjected and influenced to any religion within the Super Roman schooling system. The common belief is that school is not a place for secular divisions and preferential treatment, but a sole place of learning. All religions are respected in schools but religious education is an extra-curricular activity. In its place, philosophy and ethics has become the successful alternative. Although teaching of these theorems does not begin until the final year of primary school. As Primary Education draws to an end Pupils are required to undertake an aptitude test. This will determine the overall level of academic achievement completed by the individual. Every student will then have to submit this score to any Secondary School applied to.

Secondary Education

Secondary Education takes place between thirteen years of age and eighteen. Secondary Schools generally specialise in specific topic areas. For example the Super Roman School of Science specialises in scientific discovery and thus will have a greater preference to pupils whom have achieve higher levels of achievement in Science. Schools of Science, Economics, English, Mathematics and Language are common within Super Rome. In this way students are selected from an early age to develop their natural ability in specific topic areas. Research has indicated that students do well in the subjects that they enjoy. This method ensures that natural ability is nurtured from an early age and that pupils gain the highest level of satisfaction from their Secondary education. However compulsory secondary subjects include: Mathematics, English, Latin, History and another language of choice. The Super Roman education system is a balance of the arts, humanities and sciences. Vocational subjects are also available. At the end of Secondary education Super Roman baccalaureates are awarded according to the level of achievement in specific areas. Level 7 being the highest and level 1 being the lowest. Those failing to achieve level 3 in all three final year subjects will be asked to repeat the year or opt to undertake military enrolment or a vocational course.

Higher Education

To enter higher Education in a specific topic level 6 must at least be achieved by an individual. University entrants have to either take out government loans or privately finance their education. The most prestigious Universities within Super Rome including the Alliance famous University of Callisto, which was the first recorded University founded. University degrees are awarded by the individual university and will provide a wider career path for all partaking students.

Internal Security

Super Rome has an exceptionally low level of crime due to multiple policies in law and order and progressive policies in social welfare and education. Police use highly sophisticated equipment to monitor all urban locations and the use of Pecuniam Revenit allows movement of individuals to be tracked. Pecuniam Revenit has also reduced fraud and theft significantly. Murder has not been recorded in Super Rome for over 23 years and assault is increasingly uncommon. This has justified the high levels of government spending on law and order. The UN has rated Super Rome as the safest in the region for over 20 years. Satellite technology is increasingly common to track criminals around Super Rome and crime prevention is becoming an increasingly prevalent initiative over a more reactionary approach.


Throughout Super Rome a general appreciation of efficient communication and easy mobilisation of factors of production has been developed. Throughout the last decade motorways have been extended in size, some now incorporate 10 lanes of independently moving traffic. Speed limits are enforced throughout Super Rome with the exception of the Super Carriageways linking major cities and industrial areas. City areas are pedestrianised to a large extent. Individual cars are banned from city centres and free public transport is offered as an effective substitute. Trams, Trains, Underground networks, buses and Monorails are now prevalent in urban and metropolis areas. Smog and pollution have been reduced drastically. Recently Super Rome has developed the Ultimate highway system with Kegmenistan over the Southern Suppanine Mountains. This incredible land bridge has allowed travel between the two nations at over 700 mila (1500 feet) above sea level. Currently the implementation of a massive rail scheme is underway. Introduction of rapid "bullet trains" will revolutionise the commuter's daily journey.

Social Welfare and Healthcare

Healthcare is free to all Super Roman citizens. However private hospitals have been set up to cope with the excess demand for complex and costly operations. State hospitals are provided through taxation expenditure. The Senate has recently revised the welfare system and under new legislation welfare benefits have been cut generally to promote full employment and provide incentive for workers to join the labour force. A majority of welfare expenditure is received by students in the form of extensive loans and tuition support schemes. Many other government support schemes also exist to aid the elderly, the disabled and new mothers


Super Rome is immensely proud of its heritage and history. Detailed from the link below are the historical documents issued by the the Super Roman Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Super Roman History