More Police Needed

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Issue #15
More Police Needed
Author Max Barry
Editor Max Barry
Date added
Subject Police
Main category (?) Crime
Number of options 3

More Police Needed is an issue that explores how different nations deal with increasing crime rates.


As crime rates rise, some in the community are calling for increased policing.


  1. "Just the other day, I got mugged in the broad daylight!" says ruffian @@RANDOMNAME@@. "And the ironic thing is I had just stuck up this other guy. When muggers are getting mugged, even I have to admit that crime has gotten out of control. We do need more police."
  2. "The solution to crime is not more police!" says noted sociologist and occasional crime novelist @@RANDOMNAME@@. "Studies repeatedly show that crime is caused by poverty and poor education. Increase government spending in these areas, and crime will fall! Maybe not overnight, but it will happen."
  3. "Yeah, good luck with that," says conservative leader and gun enthusiast @@RANDOMNAME@@. "Look, we do need more police, that's clear. But that's not enough. We need real punishments: sentences that will act as a genuine deterrent to people considering a life of crime. Like public floggings."

Domestic Impact

Option 1

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option decreases the crime rate and increases the tax rate.

Option 2

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option increases the tax rate and government size.

Option 3

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option significantly decreases the crime rate.

Additional materials