A Taxing Dilemma

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Issue #135
A Taxing Dilemma
Author Claraxia
Editor Sirocco
Date added
Subject Military Budget
Main category (?) Budget
Number of options 2

A Taxing Dilemma is an issue that allows players the opportunity to have a chance to make some general cuts in their overall national tax rate. It is believed that this issue is only triggered for nations that have tax rates that are greater than or equal to 100%.


Citizens staged a mass protest against 'monolithic' tax rates after the government recently instituted the 'Anything That's Purple' tax.


  1. "The tax situation in @@NAME@@ is ridiculous," says @@RANDOMNAME@@ at the protest. "The taxes keep getting piled on and yet - I haste to add - the government doesn't seem to realise that with a 100% tax rate, they already have all our money! We've been reduced to bartering for goodness sake! I haven't seen a @@CURRENCY@@ in years! It's bad for @@NAME@@, but more importantly, it's bad for business. We must take huge cuts out of the government budget. Even if it does mean less education, healthcare, and whatnot."
  2. "You can't!" cries @@RANDOMNAME@@, the National Treasurer. "They don't seem to realise that if we cut taxes, it will drastically underfund our public services! All our environmental work, our education system, our healthcare system - all will go kaput! @@NAME@@ depends on these taxes, we need the money! Don't let the people fritter it away on luxuries, 'cos they'll soon be complaining about there not being enough policemen on the beat. We'll tax the shirts off their backs and they'll be damn well happy about it!"

Domestic Impact

Option 1

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option that this option significantly decreases the size of government and reduces the tax rate.

Option 2

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option slightly increases the size of government and increases the tax rate.

Additional materials