Derrick Braun

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High Feild Marshall Derrick Braun
Occupation(s) Soldier, Head Of the Imperial Godess Guards Shakal
Predecessor None Imperial Godess Guards Created in 2007
Designated successor None
Birthdate 22 October, 1990
Place of Birth Shakal City, Shakal Empire
Height 6'6"
Weight 250 lb.
Blood type X (Genetically Modified)
I.Q. 288 (Genetically Modified
Economic Left/Right 6.34
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian 118.61
 - 1st wife(current)

Kristina Schraepl II
Religion None
Hobbies War Games, Engineering
Estimated worth 4,000,000.00 (Personal) 1,345,765,122,000,000.99 (With Kristina Schraepl II)
Languages spoken English, German, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Shakal

High Field Marshall Derrick Braun is a character used by the Shakal Empire on Nation States. He was born in Shakal city on October 22nd 1990. Derrick is currently the Head of the Imperial Godess Guards and has held the rank of High Feild Marshall since September 23rd 2006. Often considered fast thinking and a brilliant strategist.

Early Life

Derrick is considered young by all. He was born in Shakal General Hospital on October 22nd 1990. At the age of five he was chosen for genetic engineering. His parents were thrilled and for 6 months he was in a Shakal Genetic facility deep in the Zagros mountains. During his time there he was both mentally and physically conditioned.

At 6 he returned home and went through school normally.

Teenage Years

Until Derrick turned 13 he was a normal child. In his 9th grade of schooling he met his future wife, and the future Empress, Kristina Schraepl II. They became close friends in the summer between his 9th and 10th years of school. He saved her from a charging Klaka. Although many credit Derrick with the actual releasing of the Klaka in the first place and how he saved her as a show of his hidden love.

In 10th Grade he was sent to military camp for the usual three week periods. By the end of the year he was a top student of the Shakal Military Academy. He finished his year as top the of the class with a special recomendation from the professor to become an officer.

At 15 Derrick went into his 11th year of schooling. Once per month he went for a week into Military training. By the end of the year he reached the rank of Tank Commander much to the annoyance of several older commanders. The Emperor himself gave him the command to Derrick with his famous make up of Fall Schwärz the plan for war with both Arbiters and Mt Baker. The next year he was called to service for the expiditionary force sent to the rebels in Zaire.

Zaire Conflict

On July 11th 2006 Derrick arrived in the war torn setor of Zaire in command of a Leopard 2A6. The general Bestel sent him directly to the front where he first experienced war. On July 15th he reported his first knockout of an enemy tank. In just two weeks Bestel was sacked for his reckless regard for Derricks life. Instead the Rebel general Gremaib took control of the 500 man Shakal expiditionary force. He had served beside Derrick and the other Shakal troops and respected them.

On July 27th he sent Derrick to take the fortified position atop Mobutai hill with almost the entire rebel army. Derricks tank scoreda confirmed 12 knockouts that day alone. On August 1st the Official Zaire army began a counter offensive and fought back the rebels forcing them into three pockets each containing 10 000 men. Derrick was trapped with the Shakal expiditionary force. The rebels fought well but were crushed in the far north pocket in under 2 days. The south fell in four. On August 10th the one containing the best troops and the Shakal forces still held due to superior armored support. Derrick was reported missing over a dozen occasions along with his tank and 4 others that followed him. It was later discovered that he had been over 3 km outside the pocket wreaking havoc on enemy supply lines. On August 15th the government troops began to push the pocket with three armies.

The pocket fell on August 19th 2006 to the official troops. The Shakal had sustained 298 casualties, 112 of which were left behind dead. During the final government push on August 17th Derrick managed to convince Gremaib to allow a final attempt of a breakout. Derrick and the entire armored rebel force of 50 tanks and led a charge into the government lines.

Eight hours later only 8 tanks remained. Derrick insisted on continuing the attack since it had almost broken the government line. The government officials had fallen back 500m and had left a 50m gap in there lines. He went against orderes and led another attack that broke through occicial lines but couldnt follow up because all the rebels were surrendering in droves. The Shakal forces fought on and managed to escpae with there wounded. In the porcess Derrick won the Bronze Cross medal for his fighting. The youngest person ever in the Shakal Empire to recieve the award. On September 1st 2006 the Emperor sent over 100 aircraft to rescue the Shakal forces. Derrick was among the last to leave.