The Exodus

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The Exodus
Forum: [1]
Population: 139 nations
Delegate: The Dominion of Rouyn
Founder: The Immortal Spirit of The Avenging Angels
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

World Factbook Entry

The Exodus is a neutral region that condemns the behaviour of organizations who disrupt the peace of others.

  • Allies: Nomopofok, Red Jeezum Central, Territories of Mettatron , and FullRights
  • Diplomat: Duchy Rickmers
  • Secretary of State: Eastern Aotra
  • Minister of Internal Affairs: Azozamu
  • Minister of Foreign Relations: Avolon
  • Senators: Liamton, Via Bestiae(Speaker of Nations), Beestonia, Azozamu, Avolon
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History and General Information About The Exodus

The Exodus started out as The Temporary Region, where a small group of nations came together in the hopes of founding a new region. There we came together, and voted on region name and the founder. The Avenging Angels was elected as founder and The Exodus was formed.

It is a Democratic region, that leaves their nations to rule themselves, as, long as they pose no threat to their fellow nations. Peace and harmony are something strived for in The Exodus. In The Exodus you can get a fresh start. one is not judged by their past, here everyone starts with a clean slate.

Originally written by Avolon, Minister of Foreign Relations

Economics Information

The Exodus Economic Statistics

Gross Regional Product: $550,181,071,125,829.81

GRP Per Capita: $11,112.08

Regional Population: 49,512,000,000

Regional Average GDP: $3,929,864,793,755.93

Largest GDP: East Valley ($49.9 trillion)

Smallest GDP: Izantabel ($1.33 billion)