Carjacking Concerns

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Issue #[1]
Carjacking Concerns
Author Vortengard
Editor Myrth
Date added
Subject Police
Main category (?) Crime
Number of options 3

Carjacking Concerns is an issue that explores how different nations deal with increasing incidents of a specific type of crime, carjacking. Unlike the More Police Needed issue which focuses on crime and police ratios directly, this issue also allows nations to consider different solutions to this specific type of crime.


As crime rates rise, some in the community are calling for increased policing.


  1. Hijacking victim @@RANDOMNAME@@ wants the government to take action against the road pirates: "Inner-city crime is nothing compared to the brutality these gangs show! They block the roads with trucks or felled trees and hide on the roadside until some poor unsuspecting motorist pulls up. The government must introduce a special police unit to patrol these isolated areas!"
  2. "More police isn't the answer," retorts @@RANDOMNAME@@, head of research at @@NAME@@'s largest car manufacturer. "This is a job for the private sector! We already have blueprints for cars with bullet-proof armour and mounted machine guns, and, if you'll pass appropriate legislation, we can have these things on sale in weeks. Let the people defend themselves!"
  3. "This just proves how cars are more trouble than they're worth." says @@RANDOMNAME@@, leader of the Transport Worker's Union. "If the government bans cars and pours more money into public transport, everyone will be much safer and happier! Except from people who live outside major cities, of course - but then, that's their choice."

Domestic Impact

Option 1

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option slightly decreases crime rate and significantly increases tax rate.

Option 2

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option ...

Option 3

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that this option decreases the auto manufacturing industry.

Additional materials