Plague of the Hybrids!

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Issue #103
Plague of the Hybrids!
Author Serenthis
Editor Sirocco
Date added
Subject wildlife management
Main category (?) environment
Number of options 3

Plague of the Hybrids! is a national issue that deals with wildlife management and the impacts of invasive species on the agricultural industry.


Angry farmers have taken to the streets demanding the government to act after reported sightings of strange @@ANIMAL@@-like dogs eating all the crops in fields.

Debate options

  1. "This unholy union should never have taken place to begin with," comments @@RANDOMNAME@@, an angry farmer. "The @@ANIMAL@@ was never meant to mate with a dog! They eat my crops, they attack my livestock and they're breeding so quickly they're swamping the environment! We can't make a living like this! You've got to give us the funds and manpower to shoot anything that comes within a mile of our property and put an end to these freaks of nature! We must wipe these creatures out now or before you know it all we'll be eating is fish."
  2. "We can't just destroy these creatures!" exclaimed @@RANDOMNAME@@, owner of @@NAME@@'s biggest safari park. "They may look ugly to you, but I think they're just beautiful. We need to study them and understand them; think of what we could learn! These wonderful beasts may be a little harmful to the environment, but think of the people who will flock to see them! It would be an educational experience! Think of the money!"
  3. "We could always just kill off all the dogs," @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the "Keep The Species Pure" foundation whispers to you in a conversation. "The @@ANIMAL@@ is one of the many things our country is famous for; any perversion of its image reflects upon us all! We can't have their image spoilt by these ugly abominations! Just get the police to go around and kill them all and we can rest easy knowing our countryside is safe!

Domestic impacts

Option 1

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the first option slightly improves the environment but also slightly increases taxes.

Option 2

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the second option ...

Option 3

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the third option ...

United Nations impact


Additional materials