The Worker's Board of Representation

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The Worker's Board of Representation (WBR or Worker's Board) is a Niplomian federation of trade unions. There are around 2,000 unions affiliated within the Worker's Board which generates a total of 416,000,000 members.

History and Overview

Created in 1789 to repesent workers in what was 'The Feudal Republic of Bhumerick and Niploma' the Worker's Board began several strikes and political action to counter the rule that labour representation was illegal. By the civil war the Worker's Board had become militant and funded and aided the Socialist Resistance. This aid is generally seen as one of the key reasons the Socialists won the civil war.

Today the Worker's Board supports the Social-Democratic Party of Niploma through funds and activism. Alongside this the Worker's Board helps represent workers throughout Niploma to ensure standards are kept high. Every year the conferance ('The Worker's Board of Represenatation National Conferance') is held where members can vote on several matters and next years policy is outlined. Aswell as over four hundred and sixteen million members donations and support created about $750,000,000 (just over three hundred million Pfunds). Overseas donations are believed to have generated a further $4,000,000.

It is therefore not suprising that the Worker's Board wields so much power. It is feared by the Libertarian Reform Party whom, if the wyin the election, will be harrased by the Worker's Board. It is also a thorn in the side of the Social-Democrats for they rely so heavily upon the Worker's Board.


Infastructure is treated very seriously within the Worker's Board. The lowest denomination are the 'Members' of which everyone is grouped in. A large donation (typically 150 Pfunds) or substantial support will elevate the member to 'Representative'. The Representatives are allowed admission into the National Conferances and can vote on the unions matters. From here a Representative can become a member of the one-hundred member counil and become a 'Councillor'. Councillors are the excecutive branch of the union. The Councillors also elect a Chairman and other places of responsiblity. The current Chairman is Jonathon Leagh - a one time Senator for the [[Social-Democratic Party of Niploma|Social-Democrats].

Worker's Board Review and Mission Statement

The Worker's Board Review is a weighty quartly magazine printed by the Worker's Board. Although it writes about current affairs and politics it always prints the 'Worker's Board of Representatives Mission' that starts:

'It is of the upmost concern that worker's rights are represented. We shall campaign using democracy, syndacalism and collective bargaining to ensure the rights of Niploma's workers are held in the highest regard. We shall strive for trade unionist rights to be brought before government and to be respected. Finally, we shall always represent exacly who forms this organisation - the workers. We are, therefore, an organisation both for the workers and by the workers.'