Genetics Brings New Life to Extinct Species

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Issue #[1]
Genetics Brings New Life to Extinct Species
Author lozzate
Date added
Subject wildlife
Main category (?) genetics
Number of options 3

Going Postal is a national issue that deals with the ethics related to genetically cloning previously extinct species. This issue also makes a reference to God and humans implying that nations are human and have a religion similar to several real-life religions. However, the reference to God can easily be interpreted many ways. This issue also makes a reference to dinosaurs in the past tense, implying that they too are extinct, though one of the options easily opens the door to suggest that through genetic cloning that a wide range of previously extinct creatures can be recreated to roam NationStates.


Scientists have announced they are close to a breakthrough in their quest to revive the feather-bellied @@ANIMAL@@, a species related to @@NAME@@'s national animal that has been extinct for more than a century.

Debate options

  1. "I, for one, applaud their work," says scientist @@RANDOMNAME@@. "And not just because I'm the project leader. This is an example of how @@NAME@@'s brains can mix it with the world's best. Can you imagine how wonderful it will be to have feather-bellied @@ANIMAL@@ frolicking in the meadows again? I say full steam ahead, and more government funding!"
  2. "This is a sacrilege!", says religious leader @@RANDOMNAME@@. "These animals are extinct because God wants them dead. Cloning them would merely incur his wrath! If we proceed down this path, it'll be humans, not the feather-bellied @@ANIMAL@@, who will be extinct."
  3. "Now, come on," says @@RANDOMNAME@@, well-known philosopher. "You don't need to be religious to be unnerved by the top of this particular slippery slope. Today it's @@ANIMAL@@, tomorrow it's dinosaurs, and we all know how that turns out. This research shouldn't be banned, but there must be strict government controls over its use."

Domestic impacts

Option 1

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the first option slightly increases government spending.

Option 2

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the second option ...

Option 3

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the third option ...

United Nations impact


Additional materials