Demeter class Cruiser

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The Demeter class Cruiser


The Demeter class Cruiser is a United Colonial alliance star ship, witch makes up the back bone and core of the Federal fleet, The cruiser was designed twenty years prior to current times, and was pressed in to service only fifteen years ago. The Ship it self is simple in design, it will continue to serve in the fleet for years to come, and not be slated for replacement for quite a while.

General systems

  • Engines: The engines of the ship produce enough force to move the ship from 0 - .99c in a strait line , in a few seconds, powered by graviton pulse wave generators power the reaction-less gravimetric drives, these generators are fed from the quantum flux core and exotic fusion reactors.
  • Main Power Reactor: the power core is called a quantum flux reactor, the reactor taps a higher dimension and draws power from the 8th dimension , it needs a significant boost of energy to start its taping once this is completed however the energy produced by it is able to sustain the tap, the energy is fed through quantum converters, and transfered through the ship via main junctions. The reactor also provides power for the graviton pulse generators witch power the engines It is called a quantum flux reactor because it produces exotic particles from the tap that flux wildly, these particles are collected at the bottom of the core to be used for two secondary exotic fusion cores .This reactor is highly efficient In providing power, and is careful managed by a four tier safety protocol, it is very rare for an uncontrolled reaction to happen, but if it dose the reactor is ejected in to space and a field of compressed space time is erected around it, an uncontrolled reaction can result in heavy damage and crate an inter universal aperture that may explode and send a shock wave of unbelievable strength up to 5 million kilometers in a spherical pattern.
  • Secondary power core: The exotic particles from the primary reactor are condensed by a plasma condenser in to compressed exotic matter , that matter is then transfered from the exotic collection conduits at the bottom of the reactor over to multiple accelerators, then it is accelerated to a fraction of light speed in to a central reaction chamber. as both streams of exotic matter are pushed in to a fusion reaction, the resulting reaction crates space time distortions as the particles fuse in to super heavy matter that is like a highly radioactive Goo that is used as sensor jamming, because of its natural refraction.

  • Life support: the cruisers life support is that of any other ships, it has 100% efficient O2 recycling systems, and gas to O2 converters, while these systems provide an inflate amount of life support, if they go down with out back ups it provides a problem, how ever that is not the case for all federal ships, as axillary environmental control systems and surfaces are provided, the main control center is on deck 20 in the middle of the ship, its in controlled by highly trained technicians and can also be automated like most of the time they are. Vents and pumps let air go through the ships, they are filtered with nano filters and force fields killing bacterium, or chemical agents in the air or infectious disease.
  • Crew and medical systems: as with most ships well cared for crew increases morale and increases life span, it is a necessary expense, most medical needs for the crew are fulfilled at the massive sick bay on the cruiser, its able to handle nearly 500 people at a time, and its cargo bays can be converted to extra sick bays if need be, regeneration is the most common medical care practice, it reverses any damages to crew, along with nano therapy and very rarely nano machine surgery, it is staffed by 150 nurses and doctors. Enlisted crew are housed in multi person units, while rather spacious, they can house 4 or 8 persons depending on the size of the ship, the cruiser houses barracks up to 12 persons , while officers have personal quarters. the public barracks contain a large waste facility and a large shower facility, they do provide a measure of privacy in the form of opaque force fields. officer facilitates large and for personal use. Mess halls are often crowded with crew, because of this there are often multiple mess halls on a Demeter class ship