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Республика Абт
Abt Republic
Flag of the Abt Republic
Official Language Russian
Capital Belgorod

Unitary Presidential Republic

Aorin Kelberath
Population 50’000’000 and growing
State Church Abtian Orthodox Church
Currency Taraskovyan Frank, Sterling
Calculators are evil.

The Abt Republic is a young sovereign state occupying the north-eastern corner of the continent of Ambara. It was founded by a group of former Taraskovyan mercenaries from the Free Axemen Free Mercenary Corps. The Grand Duchy of Tarasovka recognized the independence of the state when the Oath of Abjuration was formally pronounced. The peaceful separation from the mother country sparked a wave of immigration from Tarasovka by many hopeful republicans that saw in Abt the perfect realization of their ideals.


The Republic was founded by a Taraskovyan Free Mercenary Corps called the Free Axemen, numbering approximately five thousand personnel and their families. The first group of two thousand men first debarked in Abt Bay, from which the present country takes its name, and founded the city of Belgorod.

The initial settlers received a rather mixed welcome from the local powers. The Resurgent Dream was quick to establish relations, but Pantocratorian Ambara and Pantocratoria viewed the newly founded Republic with much suspicion. This was in part due to the ambiguous legal status of the colony vis-à-vis Taraskovya itself, since the settlers did not declare independence right away. It was also due to the ambiguous legal status of lands not yet claimed by a specific power but possessing clear strategic relevance for a number of powers.

On 21 April 1149, the people of Abt officially proclaimed an Oath of Abjuration, severing their ties with the Grand Duchy and renouncing their Taraskovyan citizenship. Grand Duke Mikhail II chose to recognize the new state for a variety of reasons and has influenced the Grand Ducal Parliament into accepting the Oath of Abjuration. Thus, Abt became independent.

Shortly after, an official conference of Ambaran powers has decided to recognize the Abtian claim over Northern Sahor while entrusting the rest to the Resurgent Dream who eventually settled the area and made it an integral part of the national territory.


Abt is a unitary democratic republic with a unicameral legislature, the Duma. Deputies of the Duma are elected directly by the population on a proportional basis from twenty electoral districts.

The Head of State is the President, who is elected by direct popular vote and forms the Cabinet of Ministers. The current President is Aorin Kelberath, Commander of the former Free Axemen FMC before they officially disbanded to retire into civilian life or integrated the ARDF.

The Republic is administratively subdivided into Governorates (Губернии), each Governorate is further subdivided into Uezds (Уезды, "Districts"), with the latter further divided into Volosts (Волости).


The quasi-entirety of the population is of Taraskovyan Russian origins, with some minor traces of Taraskath kin. Small minorities also exist. The population continues to grow, thanks to an influx of migrants from Taraskovya and, in a smaller part, from other countries.

The overwhelming majority of the republic’s population dwells on the shores of the Abt Bay, with a thin population stretched over the rest of the territory.


The language spoken by the majority population is Russian, which is also the official language.


The Abtian Orthodox Church, an exarchate of the Taraskovyan Church, is the State Church of the Republic. The majority of the population are of Orthodox faith, but small minorities of other faiths also exist. Freedom of religion is guaranteed, even the Republic's legislation is ruthless to any person or organisation that tries to abuse of that freedom.


<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">ARDF.png
Banner of the Abt Republic Defence Force.

The Abt Republic Defence Force (Russian: Оборонные Войска Республики, " Republic's Defence Forces") is charged with defending the Republic against threats originating outside Abtian borders, upkeeping the peace within the borders of the Republic should the regular law enforcement services be overwhelmed and provide emergency and relief assistance to the population. Service is voluntary, even if it many Abtian young men consider it a moral obligation to enroll at least into the People's Militia. Many are also attracted by the tax discounts granted to those serving or having done service with the ARDF.

The ARDF is organised into four branches: Abt Republic Army, Abt Republic Navy, Abt Republic Air Force and the People’s Militia.

Additionally, the Directorate of Intelligence and Special Operations (Управление Разведки и Специальных Операций) is directly subordinate to the General Staff and is responsible for intelligence gathering, military counter-intelligence and special operations. The special Jaeger forces are subordinated to the DISO.


Abt Republic Army

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">ARA.png
Banner of the Abt Republic Army.

The Abt Republic Army (Армия Республики Абт) is the main ground force component of the Abt Republic Defence Force, capable of operations at home and abroad. It is the second largest branch of the ARDF. Albeit small compared to its immediate neighbours, the ARA is none the less a perfectly well trained and highely technologically advanced force, highly mechanized and capable of offensive and defensive action.

The ARA is organised into the following Units:

  • Three Ground Assault Brigades (Сухопутные Ударные Бригады), each incorporating one armoured battalion, three to four mechanized infantry (IFV equipped) battalions, with additional support and logistics troops. Two brigades are active, the third being reserve and incorporating only one armoured battalion.
  • Seven Infantry Brigades (Пехотные Бригады), each incorporating two mechanized infantry battalions, three to four infantry (APC equipped) battalions, with additional support and logistics troops. Of these, five are active duty and two are reserve.
  • Two Air Assault Brigades (Воздушные Ударные Бригады), each incorporating three to four air assault parachutist battalions, two air transport squadrons. One brigade is active duty, the other reserve.
  • Army Aviation Corps (Корпус Армейской Авиации) , incorporating strike and transport low-to-medium altitude aircraft.

Additionally, the Logistics Brigade (Бригада Материально-Технического Обеспечения)) regroups a large number of logistics battalions, such as transport, communication, infrastructure, hospital, etc. Despite it's name, the Brigade is much larger than its combat counterparts.

Nowadays, with the influx of immigrants and an increasing number of volunteers, the ARA is setting up plans for a reorganization of the existing structure, expansion of the armoured units, creation of divisions (through beefing the brigades or joining them together). The creation of a specialised mountain combat unit (at least brigade or division sized) is also envisioned to carry out duty in western Abt.

Abt Republic Navy

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">ARDFNavy.png
Naval Ensign of Abt.

The Abt Republic Navy (Флот Республики Абт) is the maritime component of the ARDF. It is a small force, with the capacity to defend the Republic's territorial waters. The Navy a limited power projection capacity within the Western Atlantic in the form of several cruisers, submarines and an amphibious assault ship. The Abtian Government is studying plans to expand the Navy in the future to create a robust, yet flexible force to support the Army and Air Force within the waters of Ambara and Vasconia.

Abt Republic Air Force

The Abt Republic Air Force (Воздушные Силы Республики Абт) is the branch charged with protecting the Republican airspace from foreign intrusion, operating ground based anti-air complexes, supporting the other branches of the ARDF in their operations. It operates technologically advanced aircraft with a high autonomy range, which allows it to carry out missions far from Abt if need be.

People’s Militia

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">ARDF_PM.png
Banner of the People's Militia.

The People’s Militia (Народное Ополчение) is the most numerous of all four branches. Historically created by local settlers to defend their settlements against the Sons of the Reformation, with the defeat and rooting out of the terrorist organization, the People’s Militia was reorganized into a rapid mobilization force to assist the ARA in case of need. The People's Militia is mostly a light infantry force, with some mechanised capacity.

Placed under the command of the ARDF, the People’s Militia is subdivided into Regional Brigades, which do not always coincide with administrative Governorates. Personnel undergo military training in a variety of fields and then are called in for several weeks of rehearsal training every year over a period of roughly ten years. All in all, Militia service accounts for 300 to 600 days, depending on rank and duties. Additionally, each Militiaman has to undergo at least one session of target practice per year outside of his service weeks.

Service is voluntary, but many Abtian men consider it a moral duty to enlist with the Militia (or they are simply attracted by the discount on income tax granted to Militiamen). The desire to serve in the Militia among the Abtian female population is by far lesser than amongst the male population.

Once signed up, a Militiaman is obligated to finish his service (except for liberation circumstances) and may face legal consequences if he does not present himself for duty. Militiamen may keep their equipment at home (even if those who have an Army armoury nearby keep it there to avoid doing manteinance themselves). It is expected that the larger part of the People’s Militia can be mobilized and ready for duty within two to three hours following call-up.