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Forum: Farktopia Forum
Population: 30 nations
Delegate: -Equi- Libria
Founder: Ackbar
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Farktopia is a massive, safe region, remarkable for its high kitten mortality rate. Its trolling, flamewarring population is kept under strict control by the oppressive Drew, who measures his success by the number of hits at www.fark.com and refers to individual viewers as "farkers."

Farktopia devotes most of its attention to Boobies, with areas such as France and Duke receiving nothing by comparison. The income tax rate is 0%, but somewhat higher for TotalFarkers. A robust private sector is led by the Photoshopping industry.

Region Origin

Second region founded by the Farkers upon the mass joining of Nationstates by them.

Farktopia was created approx 6 hours after Farkistan with the Birth Cry of "Farktopia is Better than Farkistan" whereupon many of the Farkistanii natives fled to the new territory. Farktopia also initialted the First Farkistanii Civil War. Which ended in a draw.

In his early days of Photoshoping for NS, 1 Infinite Loop made a Map of Farkistan and Farktopia. (link coming, hopefully)

Facts & Figures

Delegate Votes: 9
Gross Regional Product: $1,802,269,075,344,633.00
GRP Per Person: $20,804.69
Region Population: 86,628,000,000
AVG Gross Domestic Product: $60,075,635,844,821.10


This is the region charter, it is not enforced or used, but its nice to know it's there.

Article I: Governing Council

====Section A: Nature of the Council==== The governing council of Farktopia shall consist of any nation who wishes to participate, but only pending council approval. Those members whom have a population exceeding 500 million are made permanent members of the Farkopian council. Any nation who’s population exceeding 500 million, whom doesn’t partake in a vote shall forfeit their vote. The council shall only hold elections when they are in dire need.

====Section B: Creation of Laws==== The Governing Council has nearly unlimited power in imposing legislature. The council may not impose taxes, as the region is completely non-profit.

====Section C: Other Powers==== The Governing Council has the powers to declare war or make peace. It has the powers to ratify treaties with the approval of the Delegate. It may call a draft in wartime or call up reservists for whatever reason. All these are to be passed by a majority.

Article II: The Founder

====Section A: Explanation==== The Founder is the official, who has been given control inside the region, all powers given to the founder shall be forfeit to the delegate if and/or when the founder nation leaves or disappears

Article III: The Delegate

====Section A: Explanation==== The Delegate is to be elected by the Farktopia people through endorsements. Delegates hold limited sway over the internal workings of the region, second in command after the Region Founder.

====Section B: Powers==== The Delegate is an automatic member of the Governing Council, but has the unique ability to veto a law, or declare a law unconstitutional. The Delegate also controls the judicial system. When necessary, the Delegate selects 5 nations to serve as Judges. The 5 nations, plus the Delegate and Founder, shall have authority to punish a criminal nation. Punishments shall be banning or being kicked from the region. If, by chance, the Founder nation no longer is in the region, the Delegate may select another nation. However, any attempt to form a judicial council must be brought before the region and Governing Council. Private judicial councils are illegal and will not be tolerated.

Article IV

The constitution may be changed by the Governing Council and then ratified by a majority vote of the Farktopia people and approval by the Delegate. The constitution may also be changed by the Governing Council and ratified by a complete approval by the Farktopia people. The constitution may also be changed by the Governing Council and ratified by an approval of both the Founder and Delegate, but only if the Founder is still present in the region.

Article V: United Nations Membership

====Section A==== Membership in the United Nations is encouraged, but not required to play a part in the General Council. Membership is required for positions of Delegate, and is also required to receive and administer endorsements.

====Section B==== UN members may endorse any UN nation that they see fit to endorse; the same applies for removing endorsements.

====Section C==== Region crashing is an activity, which is neither supported nor frowned upon by the region. Region griefing, kicking out many nations from a region without warrant, is frowned upon and will not be tolerated, except in extreme cases.

Article VI: The Rights of Farktopians

====Section A==== All have the Freedom to practice their religion of choice or to not practice a religion. All have the freedom of speech, the press, to assemble, and to petition the government.

====Section B==== All have the right to own and bear arms. Any group may form a militia.

====Section C==== No soldiers shall be quartered in the homes of civilians during peacetime. In wartime they may be but only in a manner ordained by law.

====Section D==== No private property shall be searched or seized without a warrant or probable cause in which a person was witnessed by a government entity in committing a crime and detained when it was witnessed.

====Section E==== No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Judicial Council, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

====Section F==== In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by a Judicial Council; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. The punishment for any crime against the region is either being banned or being kicked from the region.

====Section G==== Farktopia nations have the right and privilege to post in a public forum provided by the region.


Amendment I

Grounds for Being Kicked and Banned
Proposed by: Veegeeville, 7-15-2004
In situations when a member nation is guilty of flaming, spamming and griefing the member nation would be kicked from the region, pending a Judicial Council's decision. When a member nation is found guilty of a third offense, the member nation shall be permanently banned from the region.

Current List of Nations

UPDATED (11 September 2005)