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Love, Honour, & Wisdom

-Nationstates overview The Armed Sancuary of Andulinea is a massive, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its hard-nosed, intelligent population of 1.368 billion have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it devotes most of its attentions to Education, with areas such as Defence and Social Equality receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 100%. A robust private sector is dominated by the Information Technology industry.

A large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway, people who are terrified of needles are torn between their phobia and free health care, Andulinea's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region, and heavy industry must go to expensive lengths to dispose of waste and avoid even more costly cleanup costs. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Andulinea's national animal is the Chocobo, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Martial Audit.


Andulinea is Built upon a plateau on Mount Kerbert Xela’’ (see 'landmarks' in the Uppermines, the highest point in the Uppermines. Because of such the high elevation from sea level, it is usually cold and snowing.
the temperature is in the mid' 60's on a regular day, however it does occasionally get warmer in the spring/summer. Many forests and protected wildlife reserves can be found near Andulinea's borders, after it, grassy plains that covers 20 miles until the drop of point of the mountain.
For some odd reason, air doesn't get thinner where Andulinea lies, and water is always plentiful because of the snow.


Andulinea's government is highly different from other Nations, in fact, the politician(s) have developed a new type of Government; Mutual Scalism.

Mutual Scalism

Mutual Scalism is based on have a individuals economical state,(such as being poor, wealthy, or mid-class) being different(like a Capitalism government) yet (in most cases) all,
work-earned-pay is given to the government to benefit the less 'Fortunate' and bringing them to a middle-class life style in which the person then is given a job(based on outlying skills) and their pay is also, given to the government...
The government also recognizes the concerns for political, economical, and civil rights. Which are not slacked on, the politicians, infact, has to be directly connected to the peoples of Andulinea, so that the government can uphold their end; being FOR the peoples.
Another thing to note on M.S. the government virtues are based on philosophical and psychological basic morals, which allow the people to act on 'corrupt' politicians.
the people of Andulinea has a great role in the development of the government. Infact, most of the time the peoples enforce the guidelines and actually 'Create' most of the 'laws' for the nation.

Political positioning(HEX)

There are Six major political positions.

  • †Hell§ing Org.†:

Hellsing organization(or Hellsing org. for short) was the first form of military serving as semi-governmental role for the first 54 years of creation of the uppermines(until Andulinea was founded) mainly counted on a safty precaution making sure that everyone would be safe, most civilains decided to join, from then on Hellsing has been an a sort of UN council.

  • ™¤Rebellion¤™:

The Rebellion was formed by Mazaloth, containing a selective few such as Crosdale this position is to serve as a information group on the streets(for the government) and again keeping peace and ensuring safty.

  • £ightpa†h™:

Not much is known about the founders of Lightpath, some say that it's just an organization that the government is using to 'control' the peace, other believe that it is a organization to over throw Mazaloth and Andulinea

  • ¥€¤men: Not much of an political positioning, this group was formed by people of Andulinea, used for polls, and various political standings.
  •  ?W¤man§ R¡gh†s?: The Womans Rights was initalialy by Mazaloth, the positions are only for Women and they have power over criminal justice, the Treasury, and Hostile Diplomacy.