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Spectrum Werewolf/ Mafia
Name: Untitled
Game: Werewolf
Host: Calumnius
Commenced: 15th September 2006
Winner(s): Buttery Boonswoggles, Mushy Pea

Werewolf: Untitled, was the first Spectrum Werewolf / Mafia game. The "untitled" affix was added after the game to differentiate it to later games, but at the time it was known simply as Werewolf. The Nationstates Werewolf game was the brainchild of Oldham Road and Calumnius but it was Calumnius who ran the first game. The original game was introduced to the Spectrum community by White-Rose, the rules of which can be found here. The game began on the 15th September 2006 with nine players and Calumnius as moderator. It began a series of future games which show no signs of stopping. Please note the following data may be incomplete or even incorrect - it has been drawn from old data sources, some of which are missing.

Players and Roles

  • Calumnius (moderator) - Local drunk / Doctor
  • Buttery Boonswoggles - Plain Innocent converted to Werewolf
  • IKBTY - Innocent - Seer
  • Mushy Pea - Werewolf
  • Oldham Road - Werewolf
  • Undracor - Plain Innocent
  • Enthalpy Change - One Man Team
  • White-Rose - Innocent - Protector
  • Dhatsun - Plain Innocent
  • Nintenduu 64 - Plain Innocent - Ressurection Powers

Role Sheets

Werewolf Roles

Role: Werewolf 1 -
In the night you must agree with the other werewolf who to kill. You must send a telegram to Calumnius before 21:00 in the day before the night. Either of you can send in a telegram but only one of you, you need to agree with each other and send one telegram. Two telegrams will result in a no kill.
Power: Convert -
You may convert any other player into a werewolf during the night. The player will lose all their previous role's powers, but will gain werewolf powers and werewolf rules will apply to them. You can only use this power once and when you do use it, you will be unable to kill on that night. You should send Calumnius a telegram asking to use the power before 21:00 on the day before the night. Any werewolf target you may have chosen will be discounted. The fact that any conversion has occured will not be made public, although it may be suggested.

Role: Werewolf 2 -
In the night you must agree with the other werewolf who to kill. You must send a telegram to Calumnius before 21:00 in the day before the night. Either of you can send in a telegram but only one of you, you need to agree with each other and send one telegram. Two telegrams will result in a no kill.
Power: Stop Night Action -
You can stop the night action of one person. You can use this power once. All action that the person of your choice was due to perform will be cancelled. You must telegram Calumnius before 21:00 on the day before the night you wish to use this power.

Innocent Roles

Role: Seer -
In the night you may dream of other players and determine if they are a werewolf or not. You should send Calumnius a telegram with your target before 21:00 on the day before the night. Calumnius will reply answering your dream.
Power: Identify -
You may dream of any person to determine their exact role or power once in the game. You should telegram Calumnius before 21:00 on the day before the night, detailing the person and Calumnius will reply answering. You may not use your normal Seer power on that night if you use this power.

Role: Protector -
You can protect one person per night, you must telegram Calumnius who you want to protect before 21:00 on the day before the night.
Power: Protect Self -
You may protect yourself once at night but you will not be able to use your normal protect power on that night. You must telegram Calumnius before 21:00 on the day before the night stating that you want to use your power.

Role: Plain Innocent 1 -
You are a plain innocent, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to do.
Power: Ressurect -
You can ressurect one player that is dead, once. They will regain all their old role although everyone will know it, as it will be revealed when they were killed. You can use this power whenever, just telegram Calumnius and tell him who you want ressurected. You can only use this power once.
Power: Shield -
If you are attacked during the night you will be protected by a shield, however once this attack has occured your shield will no longer work.

Role: Plain Innocent 2 -
You are a plain innocent, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to do.
Power: Ressurect -
You can ressurect one player that is dead, once. They will regain all their old role although everyone will know it, as it will be revealed when they were killed. You can use this power whenever, just telegram Calumnius and tell him who you want ressurected. You can only use this power once.

Role: Plain Innocent 3 -
You are a plain innocent, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to do.
Power: Protect -
You can protect one person for one night, you must telegram Calumnius who you want to protect before 21:00 on the day before the night you want to use the power. You can only use this power once.

Role: Plain Innocent 4 -
You are a plain innocent, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to do.
Power: Stop Night Action -
You can stop the night action of one person. You can use this power once. All action that the person of your choice was due to perform will be cancelled. You must telegram Calumnius before 21:00 on the day before the night you wish to use this power.
Power: Shield -
If you are attacked during the night you will be protected by a shield, however once this attack has occured your shield will no longer work.


Role: One Man Team -
You are on a team on your own, you are neither innocent or werewolf. You can kill one person every night. You win by being the only player left. Power: Day Kill -
You have one day kill. Anytime during the day you may telegram Calumnius and ask to kill someone, you may only use this power once.

Game Summary

Day 1:

  • Undracor executed by majority vote of 6 - plain innocent

Night 1:

  • IKBTY dreams of White-Rose
  • White-Rose Protects IKBTY
  • Enthalpy Change attacks Oldham Road but is blocked by a shield.
  • Werewolves kill Buttery Boonswoggles - plain innocent

Day 2:

  • Nintenduu 64 resurrects Buttery Boonswoggles
  • White-Rose executed by majority vote of 5 - protector

Night 2:

  • Werewolves kill IKBTY - Seer
  • Enthalpy Change (OMT) kills Oldham Road - Werewolf

Day 3:

  • Nintenduu 64 resurrects White-Rose - protector
  • Enthalpy Change (OMT) kills White-Rose - protector
  • Enthalpy Change executed by majority (no record of majority) - OMT

Night 3:

  • Mushy Pea (Remaining Werewolf) converts Buttery Boonswoggles

Day 4:

  • Werewolf numbers equal Innocent numbers and game concludes with a Werewolf victory.



You're all villagers in a small village consisting of nine people. None of you know your neighbours very well, you all keep yourselves to your yourselves. Life was simple, there was never anything that happened of interest in your village but then one day one of the villagers was killed, Sabrateur. Yet, they weren't just killed, they'd been mauled by a creature of some sort. A visiting doctor, Calumnius, told stories of creatures known as werewolves and in a very doctorly way informed you that there was a werewolf among you! A town meeting was called, Calumnius decided that for the country's safety you must be all be locked inside the town hall and made to solve the problem. Calumnius would come everyday and kill one person who you had decided upon. Calumnius then left, locking the doors behind him leaving those inside to determine what to do.

Evening Day One

Final Day 1 Voting results

Undracor: 6 votes - White-Rose, Nintenduu 64, Oldham Road, IKBTY, Buttery Boonswoggles, Mushy Pea White-Rose: 1 - Undracor Nintenduu 64: 1 - Enthalpy Change

Undracor has majority.

Calumnius came upon the town hall feeling glad to see the doors still firmly locked shut. He got out his key, opened the door and went inside locking it behind him. He saw all nine standing in a room discussing and waiting for what was to come. "So have you made your decision?" asked Calumnius. Six of the nine pointed their fingers at Undracor. A few were uncertain, but they knew it had to be that way. Calumnius walked up to Undracor and jabbed him with some sort of lethal injection. Undracor resisted so Calumnius drew a gun from somewhere near his waist and shot Undracor in the chest. Undracor dropped to the floor dead. "Well it looks like he was just a plain innocent after all, no werewolf features there. Doesn't look like a good start for you, make sure you pick more carefully tomorrow." Calumnius then left, locking the door firmly behind him.

Undracor - Plain Innocent - Killed Day 1

Dawn Day Two

In the dead of night Adoggo was walking back home drunkenly from the pub through the tiny village where the nine dwell in their temporary residence. He was just walking past the town hall when he heard an almighty wolf howl from the house. He might have been drunk but he knew that hearing howls from inside the town hall wasn't exactly normal. He ran back to the pub, falling over several times, to find Calumnius who was staying there overnight and who he had aquinted that very evening. Calumnius passed Adoggo's comments off as rubbish but resolved to visit the next morning.

As morning dawned on the village, Calumnius opened the door to the town hall. The first thing that hit him was the almighty stench of Undracor's corpse that was starting to decay in one of the rooms. Calumnius realised that he had better actually move the corpse, having it hanging around wasn't good for anyone. He was just about to move the body when he found some sort of vial. Sniffing it carefully Calumnius determined it to be some sort of sleeping potion. He put it back in Undracor's jacket as he wasn't one who liked to steal things from corpses. He moved the body into an empty room and covered it with a dusty curtain.

Everyone in the building seemed to still be sleeping. Calumnius went upstairs to the rooms and not before long he saw the thing he had dreaded but had expected none the less. Buttery Boonswoggles lay on the floor of his room dead. He looked as if something had attacked him, almost certainly a werewolf. Buttery Boonswoggles was a plain innocent it would seem, death took him brutally but without cause. Calumnius woke everyone else up and showed them the devilry that had taken place. Remembering this time that he should search the body, Calumnius found an amulet of some sort. It looked as if it could have been used as some sort of protection from evil. Calumnius moved the body to the empty room with Undracor and covered him with another dusty curtain.

Calumnius told the group that he would be back at 19:00 and told them it was important that they decide who to kill off carefully. He was about to leave but on his way to the door he, by chance, looked behind a plant pot and discovered lots of bits of some kind of metal shield that had been shattered. He was certain it hadn't been there the day before. Calumnius left, locking the door behind him.

Buttery Boonswoggles - Plain Innocent - Killed by Werewolf

Noon Day Two

Something Has Happened!

Buttery Boonswoggles, only a few hours after his death, got up from his death bed and went into the room where everyone else was. "Hello everyone," he said nonchalantly as if nothing had happened.

Buttery Boonswoggles - Plain Innocent - resurrected day 2

Evening Day Two

Day 2 Vote Results

Enthalpy Change: 3 - White-Rose, Dhatsun, IKBTY White-Rose: 5 - Nintenduu 64, Oldham Road, Enthalpy Change, Buttery Boonswoggles, Mushy Pea

Calumnius arrived at the town hall, unlocked the doors and went straight to the room where the seven were loudly discussing who to kill. He noticed the voice of Buttery Boonswoggles, which was quite a shock to Calumnius, but not anything he hadn't heard of before. He was just outside the door and the arguments were still going on. Just before He opened the door, one of the seven changed their vote and that seemed to be it. He entered the room, which immediately fell silent. "You have made a decision then? From your arguing I take it that you didn't think the vote through well at all. I just hope for your sakes that you picked the right person," said Calumnius with an slight air of indifference. "Who then shall it be?" 5 hands cautiously pointed their fingers at White-Rose, none of them seeming to want to point first. Calumnius took White-Rose to the side of the room, "I'm sorry about this, but it's what the group decided," said Calumnius, not sounding very sorry at all.

Calumnius took the gun from his waist, obviously feeling as if there was little point in trying the "humane" approach again - or maybe he just liked gruesome killings. He pointed it at White-Rose and pulled the trigger. The bullet took the life out of White-Rose and he dropped to the floor dead. "Well that was too easy a death to be a werewolf," said Calumnius as if something only trivial had happened. "I'm not sure they were quite ordinary though, I'd best check them." Calumnius searched the body finding an identification badge labelling White-Rose as a Protector. He also found some kind of amulet that looked as if it could offer self defence. "Pity he couldn't use it then hey?"

As had become custom, Calumnius moved the corpse to the empty room, placed White-Rose's corpse next to Undracor's and placed a dusty curtain over him which had probably previously belonged to the formerly dead Buttery Boonswoggles.

Calumnius left, locking the door behind him, knowing that things didn't bode well for the innocents.

White-Rose - Protector - Killed day 2

Dawn Day Three

Wildcatium, a relative of one of the town hall captives, was passing through the village after he had read in the newspaper about the extraordinary situation. The paper didn't tell of the macabre vote killings however, which Calumnius was eternally greatful for. As he passed by the town hall, like Adoggo before him, he heard wolf howls eminating from the house and he swore he heard the sound of a gun being fired. It was a good job the paper had named Calumnius as the principle investigator of the situation as Wildcatium ran straight to Calumnius in the pub. Feeling as if powers beyond his control were at work, Calumnius once again told his informant, Wildcatium, to go away. He resolved to visit the next morning, once again, although he probably would have gone anyway.

When Calumnius entered the house the next morning everyone was awake - well all the people that were still alive were awake or so the inhabitants of the town hall explained. Not content with the serial lying residents, Calumnius investigated the deaths himself.

In a bedroom IKBTY lay on the floor dead. He had obviously been mauled, it wasn't a pretty sight at all. Calumnius searched IKBTY's body, his identification papers explained that IKBTY was a Seer, a dreamer. He also found an additional vial of some noxious substance, the label claimed to induce mindreading effects - what exactly this could mean was only Calumnius' guess.

Moving on Calumnius found Oldham Road lying dead in a room. His figure was distorted and was looking almost like a wolf. It was pretty solid evidence that Oldham Road was a werewolf. Calumnius smiled at the thought of a werewolf dead. He mused that maybe it would be over, maybe there was only one werewolf. He guessed not, but the fact would probably become self evident the next night. He searched the body, which was alot more disgusting than the other bodies, but he eventually found a vial, much like the once belonging to Undracor. On inspection, it seemed to be the same substance, some kind of sleeping potion. Calumnius also found a silver bullet that had obviously been used to kill the creature. He wondered what had happened and concluded that there must be someone else in the building who liked killing too.

Calumnius told the others what had been discovered, although most knew already. He left the group to decide what to do once again, locking the door behind him, whistling to himself on the way home.

IKBTY - Seer - Killed by werewolf Oldham Road - Werewolf - Shot dead

Noon Day Three

Something Has Happened!

White-Rose, only a few hours after his death, got up from his death bed and went into the room where everyone else was. "Hello everyone," he said nonchalantly as if nothing had happened.

White-Rose - protector - resurrected day 3

Somewhere Around Three O'Clock Day Three

Something Has Happened!

The group was sat around the table discussing the vote. A shot was fired in the room from somewhere, nobody could tell from where. It hit White-Rose squarely in the chest and he dropped dead. Everyone fell silent in shock.

White-Rose - Protector - Shot Day 3

Evening Day Three

Calumnius arrived at the town hall that evening feeling as if the day had lasted a while, whether it was the fact that he had been living in a pub for a few days or something else, it had certainly seemed long. He unlocked the door to discover that despite apparently being ressurected after Calumnius had killed him, White-Rose was dead again anyway - which probably restores some sort of order to the universe. There were only five people left in the room now, yet they seemed to make their decision easily today. They pointed their fingers in unison at Enthalpy Change who wildly protested and pointed fingers at everyone else. Calumnius strolled up to Enthalpy Change and pulled out his gun, yet before he could do the deed, Enthalpy pulled out his own gun and fired missing Calumnius' ear by mere milimetres. Calumnius didn't wait around to see what would happen next and pulled the trigger sending Enthalpy to a violent death. "Well it seems like Enthalpy was responsible for all the chaotic killing, looks like he was acting alone. Seems like you made a good choice today, hope your luck continues tomorrow."

Calumnius tidied away Enthalpy Change's corpse and left, locking the door behind him thinking that it may work out for the innocents afterall.

Dawn Day Four

Calumnius called in at the town hall the next morning as he was sure there would be some sort of death or other. Yet when he got there he found that everyone was still alive. This puzzled him greatly, so he went on a search of the house. In a coridoor he found quite a bit of blood and lots of what seemed to be werewolf hair. He pocketed the werewolf hair as he had heard it sold quite well on the market these days but otherwise couldn't see anything strange. Calumnius left the four, who were left to their devices, and left feeling somewhat confused - he resolved to visit the library and try to find out what was going on.

Noon Day Four

Sherylannia, the new village inhabitant was walking past the town hall when he heard a pistol shot and lots of howling. He hid behind a convenient plant pot (it must have been quite a large one (not that I'm trying to suggest that Sherylannia is large)) and listened into what was happening. He heard lots of scraping and scratching at the front door. Eventually, the door cracked completely and two massive wolves came bounding out. This shocked Sherylannia in more ways than one. Firstly,to see two giant wolves bounding out of the town hall is quite a shock to anyone; but, secondly, Calumnius (who was seemingly a permanent pub dweller) had told him that there was probably only one werewolf left. Of course he had no reason to believe Calumnius but when a person who carries a gun around and, by all accounts, is slightly trigger happy tells you things, you have a tendency to agree with them. Regardless of his opinion of Calumnius, Sherylannia ran to get him.

Calumnius ran from his pub residency to the town hall, he was seriously shocked to find the state of the town hall door and he forced himself inside. He found Nintenduu 64 in his room, his body ripped to pieces. Dhatsun had taken the easy way out by shooting himself although it looks like the werewolves had a fair go at him anyway.

There was little Calumnius could do, we walked back towards the door again when a great shadow fell upon him from the makeshift mortuary. Calumnius turned around, the giant figure of the fully transformed Oldham Road looked at him. He had time to scream "Impossible! Impossible!" before Calumnius was thrust to the floor and life began to leave him. Calumnius saw Oldham Road run out of the door in pursuit of his werewolf friends before death overcome him.


  • Only one character was not killed during the game, Mushy Pea.
  • Every nation in The Spectrum at the time appeared in game, either as an extra or a player.
  • Sabrateur's death in the prologue led to repeated shouts of "I'm not dead!" from the nation in question.
  • Plant pots became an unintentional recurring theme.
  • Dhatsun ran a series of unofficial plot monologues, that continued until the very end of the game.

The Spectrum Werewolf/Mafia Games
Werewolf | The Common Room | The Dreamings | Heroes | From Sabrateur With Love
It's Like Werewolf But Better | Harry Potter | Dark Turnabout