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Federal Republic of Typophiles
République Fédérale de Typophiles
Федеративная Республика Типофильз
Bundesrepublik von Typophiles
Flag of Typophiles
Banner of Typophiles
National motto: Out of chaos, comes order.
National anthem: Orbis Typophilius
Region Federation of Allied Nations
Capital Garamond
Largest city Garamond
Spoken Languages

English, French, Russian
• Prime Minister
• President
Federal parliamentary democracy
Edwin McDowell
Veronica Corningstone
• Dem. Republic
May 19, 1769
 • Total
 • Water (%)
20,524,018 km²
 • 2005 census
 • Total Empire Pop.
 • Total
 • Per capita
As of 2005
Currency Typophilean font (ƒ) = 100 crédites (ç)
Constitution National Charter of Rights
Internet TLD .typ
Calling code +023
NSTracker Pipian XML

The Federal Republic of Typophiles is a huge, highly developed, economically powerful nation in the Federation of Allied Nations, made up of two islands and significan mainland holdings. In terms of land size and population, the Empire is the largest in FAN, and is seen by many to have the largest share of power in the region. It is a federal parliamentary democracy in the laissez-faire style.

Typophileans tend to be rather conservative in an economic sense, and this conservatism has propelled the Typophilean economy to the best in the region. At the same time, however, Typophileans are some of the most liberal when it comes to social rights. Social equality is on the government's agenda. Residents and visitors to Typophiles enjoy a unique combination of cultures, many civil rights, and beautiful scenery throughout the land.

People and Culture

Ethnicity and population

The total number of Typophileans, at home and abroad, numbers around the three and a half billion mark. Residents are predominately of either British or French descent and these ethnicities make up about 60% of Typophilean population. Large Russian and German ethnic populations are widespread, and other ethnicities include Finnish, Italian, and Japanese.

Urban-rural distribution

Typophiles is a predominately urban nation, with approximately 71.4% of its population living in cities, towns, and other urban areas. Many rural areas still attract a large percentage of the Typophilean population, however.

Life expectancy

Healthcare in Typophiles is fully privatized yet still overseen by the Health Ministry. As such, the current life expectancy for Typophileans is approximately 87 for females and 85 for males.

Typophilean culture

Typophileans comprise a libertarian nation and as such, they are highly accepting of other cultures, races, creeds, and ethnicities. Much of the educational focus in Typophiles is on the humanities, arts, and science. Although society is very much foward-looking, Typophileans still retain an affection for cultural and national ceremonies.

Typophilean cuisine is famous throughout the region. It has strong French and Russian influences, with emphasis on meat, seafood, and vegetable dishes. However, Asian cuisine is becoming increasingly popular as well. Because of the many ethnicities that comprise the Republic, 'fusion'-type restaurants are popular too.


All Typophileans can smoke and drink legally at the age of twenty. Wine may be consumed legally at the age of eighteen. The voting age in Typophiles is sixteen.


The Typophilean Government does not condone or condemn any religion, as freedom of religion is paramount in the Republic. About two-thirds to three-quarters of Typophileans are religious. Of these, approximately 71% are Christian (in Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox variaties), 11% follow Judaism, 9% are Muslim, and the rest follow different religions.


Date English Name French Name Russian Name German Name
1 January New Year's Day Jour de l'an День Нового Года Der Tag des Neujahrs
1 May Labor Day Fête du premier mai Деньа труда Tag der Arbeit
23 June Victory Day Fête de la Victoire День Победы Sieg-Tag
25 December Christmas Day Noël Рождество Weihnachten


The three national languages of Typophiles are English, French, and Russian. All Typophileans are taught English and either French or Russian in addition. The main language used by the Government is English, although the other two languages are used as well. German is also spoken in Typophiles. Almost all Typophileans speak English. In addition to English, 38% speak French, 29% speak Russian, 17%, and the rest speak a combination of the above or other languages altogether.

State symbols


The former flag of Typophiles is now the banner. The flag was changed because many in the government felt that it was too complicated for a flag and not recognizable at far distances. The Presidium ratified the current flag on 25 March 2006. The three stripes stand for Typophiles and its two protectorates of Industrial Islands and Sly Fox and Birdie. The yellow stands for the wealth and prosperity of Typophiles, the green for its natural beauty, and the blue for the ocean that surrounds Typophiles as well as civil liberties. The red olive branch shows the people's determination in times of peace and otherwise, and the white star in the center stands for purity and honesty.


The anthem of Typophiles, Orbis Typophilius, was adopted in 1978 as the current anthem of Typophiles. Protectorate Vladslepland has the same song but with different lyrics.


Early History

Typophiles was founded by French explorers around 1603, and it was called La République du Typophiles. A small settlement was established at what is today Arial, on the southern coast. The settlement, known as Roissy-Sud, had about 8,000 people by 1650. By this time, settlers from Russia, England and Germany soon followed. Russian explorers started a settlement on Felurmet in 1632. The Germans established a small colony called Schriftbild on the northern coast around 1648, and the English founded a colony on the western coast a year later. The Portuguese followed later, around 1698, and their setttlement on the eastern coast was called Nuevo Bilbão.

For the next twenty years, the settlements remained, on the whole, coastal. But around 1724, a group of French explorers left Roissy-Sud for the center of the island. There they founded a small settlement that they called Garamonde. This new town flourished, and the French quickly became the dominant group on the island. However, the English had built their settlement, Palatino, into a powerful one, and their military rivaled and sometimes excelled the one of the French. So in November 1768, the English marched east to Garamonde and laid siege to the town. The French were resilient, however, and used undeground tunnels and passageways to keep supplies flowing in. However, after three months, the English discovered these tunnels and sealed them off, and the French crumbled soon after. The English moved in, renaming it 'Garamond', and signed the Treaty of Hoefler in March 1769. The treaty dictated that the English and the French would no longer fight; that the English would occupy Garamond and Palatino, and that the French would occupy Arial. This was about the time that the dominant language in Typophiles changed from French to English.

As Typophileans expanded beyond the main borders, they encountered other nations and began to develop friendly relations with them. Eventually some of these other nations faced economic and social difficulties, and agreed to become part of the Typophilean Empire.

Recent History

After the August 2005 election of the ruling LDP party, Prime Minister Edwin McDowell kept his election promises. In mid-october he enacted legislation that revamped the domestic army and police, enforced curfews on youth, and made uniforms in school mandatory. Crime dropped a staggering 20% nationwide one week after the legislation passed in Parliament. Some citizens were disgruntled, having been used to having the most politically free atmosphere in FAN, and they formed the TCR party: Typophileans for Civil Rights. However, a recent poll indicated that 79% of Typophileans were pleased with the new legislation, so the TCR party is not seen as much of a threat to the ruling LDP party. Crime in Typophiles is still a problem, and the civil rights and freedoms are still among the top 5 in FAN.


  • 1603: Typophiles discovered and founded by French explorers. This is followed by colonial activity by several nations.
  • 1621: French establish Roissy-Sud.
  • 1632: Russians establish Nova Domodedovo.
  • 1648: Germans establish Schriftbild.
  • 1649: British establish Palatino.
  • 1724: French establish Garamonde.
  • 1768: English occupy, control Garamond.
  • 1799: Border war between Russians, Germans.
  • 1823: British hold Typophilean Territorial Conference in Garamond. The French, Russians, and Germans agree to create a republic with a capital in Garamond.
  • 1911: Typophileans discover, establish Industrial Islands on Aket.
  • 1977: National anthem adopted.
  • 1978: Vladslepland introduced as first member of the Typophilean Empire.
  • 1984: Industrial Islands introduced as second member of the Typophilean Empire.
  • 1989: Sly Fox and Birdie third member of the Typophilean Empire.



Located in the central part of the Federation of Allied Nations, Typophiles is an island with varied climate.

  • Central area: Warm to hot summers with cool to cold winters.
  • Northern area: Warm summers with cold to freezing winters.
  • Eastern area: Hot summers with cool winters.
  • Western area: Warm to hot summers with cool winters.
  • Southern area: Hot summers with warm winters.
Regional weather statistics
Garamond July High: 94°F
July Low: 65°F
January High: 61°F
January Low: 15°F
Precipitation: 514mm
Arial July High: 110°F
July Low: 79°F
January High: 72°F
January Low: 49°F
Precipitation: 910mm
Helvetica July High: 98°F
July Low: 73°F
January High: 68.3°F
January Low: 35.0°F
Precipitation: 412mm
Mittelschift July High: 85°F
July Low: 58°F
January High: 48°F
January Low: -15°F
Precipitation: 316mm

Topography & location

  • Lowest point: Salinas Valley, -202 ft
  • Highest point: Mt. Hoefler, 19,593 ft

The island of Typophiles is located approximately 70 miles south of Velenora, 800 miles west of Maraudersoft, 850 miles south of New Caldari, and 120 miles north of Cramsfordd. The climate is quite varied. The southern region is usually warmer and balmy. The eastern and western sides are both cooler, but the eastern side is more humid than the western. As for the northern side, it is cooler than the rest of the island.

Geographical spots of interest include the Kimpton Forest Reserve in the northwestern part of the island. Protected by law, it contains almost 100,000 acres of trees. Other areas include a tropical rainforest in the southwestern portion and and Lake Geneva in the east.


Typophiles has several protectorates, each with its own customs and varying levels of autonomy:

Official languages

The four official languages of Typophiles are English (40%), French (30%), German (20%), and Russian (10%). Until February 1, 2006, there were five official languages in Typophiles: English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. However, reflecting a shift in demographics, the Presidium voted to drop the last three and add Russian. The significant German community, however, protested, and German's status as an official language was renewed.


The Typophilean economy is the strongest in the Federation of Allied Nations and its GDP per capita is matched only by a few other nations in the world. Sticking to its laissez-faire policy, the government, through the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), intervenes in the economic sector only in times of emergency (e.g. natural disasters, war) or when substantial cases of economic fraud have been committed. The MTI also strictly enforces laws pertaining to labor, economy, and safety.

  • GDP: $128.0 trillion
  • GDP per capita: $47,421.85
  • Unemployment rate: 2.74%
  • Major sectors: Book publishing, automobile manufacturing, soda making, uranium mining, farming, mining


Although Typophiles had a nonexistent military, Prime Minister McDowell's policies had shifted by the first few months of 2006. Until then, Typophiles had been dependent on the military of protectorate Vladslepland, which continues to have the region's best military.

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Clockwise from left: Typophilean infantry troops, ships of the Typophilean navy, Typophilean air force F-117 jets.

The combined ground infantry of Vladslepland and Typophiles numbers around 1.5 to 1.7 billion troops. Of that, Vladslepland's force is estimated around 1.35 billion. Typophiles' ground infantry is currently estimated to encompass 350 to 400 million soldiers. Since April 2007, the majority of troops in Vladslepland have been shifted over to the Typophilean Army in order to streamline military operations.


The entire Typophilean Empire is controlled by the political leaders and the Presidium. All decisions pertaining to foreign affairs are decided by Typophiles Proper, while all local decisions that the protectorates decide upon that do not impact the Empire as a whole or in a large way, are decided by that protectorate's government. For example, Typophiles Proper controls the foreign policy, foreign interaction, military and police systems, as well as ares such as healthcare and education, of the protectorates. Almost everything else is left up to the protectorate to decide. However, Vladslepland is the notable exception to this case, and almost all decisions - except regarding foreign policy and the military - is left up to the local government.

Political leaders

Edwin McDowell
Rank 4th Prime Minister of Typophiles
Predecessor: François de Villepin
Successor: Incumbent
Birthdate 14th August 1953
Place of Birth: Garamond
Political party Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

The top two political positions in Typophiles are the Prime Minister, and directly subordinate to it, the President. Unlike most other nations, the Prime Minister wields more power than the President. The current Prime Minister is Edwin McDowell (LDP) and the current President is Veronica Corningstone (LDP).

The duties of the Prime Minister are primarily to manage foreign affairs not only in FAN but in other regions as well. The Prime Minister negotiates all treaties and agreements with other nations, and represents Typophiles at FAN's regional headquarters at Novus Island. The Prime Minister also is in charge of the military during times of war and peace. The job of Prime Minister is open to election every five years. There is no term limit to the job of Prime Minister; however, like all other important government roles, the job is subject to election.

The President's duties are focused domestically. The President represents the Government throughout Typophiles and its Empire. She works closely with the leaders of the Typophilean Protectorates. The President also acts as the supreme superindentant of police except at times of war, when that job is transferred over to the Prime Minister. The job of President can only be attained via appointment by the Prime Minister. As such, the President can change during a Prime Minister's tenure if the Prime Minister so desires. However, a President that served in the administration of one Prime Minister can serve in the administration of the subsequent Prime Minister as well.

Political Parties

Party Leader(s) Description Seats in Presidium
Liberal Democratic Party Edwin McDowell The Liberal Democratic Party (Parti démocratique libéral, Либерально-демократическая партия, Liberale Demokratische Partei) is a liberal political party devoted to greater civil rights and a strong economy. The LDP oversaw the '2005 Transformation', in which a crime-ridden country was cleaned up. Because both the President and Prime Minister of Typophiles belong to the LDP, its policies have enjoyed wide success. The LDP currently has the support of almost half of the populace, which is greater than any other single party. 645
Typophilean Union Party Michel Poutaisse The Typophilean Union Party is a conservative, right-of-center political party. Its platform includes strong national defense, lower taxation, and smaller government. The party has also called for lower crime, but this would come at the expense of personal liberties - an expense that does not appeal to most Typophileans. 258
Socialist Party of Typophiles Vladimir Kruschenko The Socialist Party of Typophiles (Parti socialiste de Typophiles, Социалистическая партия Типофильз, Sozialistische Partei von Typophiles) is a left-of-center political party that follows the traditional socialist line.

The Presidium

In the Typophilean Empire the main governing body is referred to as the Presidium. Each protectorate of the Empire has five delegates. The Republic of Typophiles always has ten delegates, for a total of 23 delegates. The Presidium has the power to impeach the prime minister and the president, and must pass all acts of legislation in order for it to become law.

Diplomatic relations

At present, the Typophilean Empire has numerous diplomatic relations. The most solid and significant ones are listed here. (N.B.: The Typophilean Government does not recognize the existance of the Trodonian-backed Atholonian regime, nor the existance of reactionary regime in Velenora.


  • NAP: Non-Agression Pact. Although in some cases no official pact may be signed, this symbol can also denotate a friendship.
  • EOE: Exchange of Embassies/Consulates. Denotates an ally; however, a lack of this symbol does not mean that this nation is an enemy.
  • TA: Trade agreements. Lowered/no trade barriers, tarriffs, expedited cargo shipments at customs checkpoints
  • MP: Denotates Typophilean military presence. A + means a larger number of troops, a - means a smaller number.
  • TRTS: This nation is part of the Typophilean Razor Train System.

Updated List (last updated 3/21/06)

  • The Armed Republic of Atholon (NAP, EOE, TA, MP+)
  • The Allied States of Binsseland (NAP, EOE, TA, TRTS)
  • The Machiavellian State of Cramsfordd (NAP, EOE, TA, MP- TRTS)
  • The Holy Lands of Etombia (NAP, EOE, TA)
  • The Holy Empire of Kofnar (NAP, TA)
  • The Armed Republic of Maraudersoft (NAP, EOE, TA, MP-, TRTS)
  • The Federated Kingdom of Ness Snorlaxia (NAP)
  • The Space Federation of New Caldari [Caldari State] (NAP, EOE, TA, MP+, TRTS)
  • The Emirate of New Met (NAP, EOE, TA, MP+, TRTS)
  • The Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia (EOE)
  • The Community of Pacifist Cowards (NAP, TRTS)
  • The Republic of Federal Trodenhiem (NAP, EOE, TA, MP-, TRTS)
  • The Republik of Velenora (NAP, EOE, TA, MP+, TRTS)
  • The Republic of Vabania (NAP, EOE, TA, TRTS)
  • The Tasteless Apples of Wahington Apples (NAP, EOE, TA, MP+, TRTS)
  • The Republic of Wes Paradise (NAP, EOE, TA, MP+)

Ambassadors & Diplomats

Typophilean Ambassadors Appointed to Other Countries

  • Alexander Kaplan, Binsseland
  • Ian Portman, Caldari State
  • Grigor Tymoshenko, Cramsfordd
  • Edward Sellers, Maraudersoft
  • Nigel Hawthorne, Federal Trodenhiem
  • Joseph Iselin, Velenora (a diplomat, not ambassador)

Foreign Ambassadors Appointed to Typophiles

Political parties

In Typophiles, there are numerous political parties, but like the United States, only two are relevant in the national elections. These are: the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), and the Conservative Miltarist Party (CMP). In 2000, the LDP candidate for Prime Minister, Edwin McDowell, defeated his opponents to win the national election. His running mate for President, Veronica Corningstone, became the first woman to hold the President's office. They took a rather extreme view towards politics, abolishing many laws on the books. Police and military funding was reduced to almost zero. Although some citizens were happy because of the much reduced tax rate, most were disgruntled at higher crime and local political corruption.
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</div>The crime and corruption also had a detrimental effect on the economy, which suffered throughout 2003. However, by 2004 the crime rate had escalated to such great heights that gun battles often occured in the streets in broad daylight, and the military was in such a state of disrepair that the country was viewed by others as an easy target for invasion. Although McDowell and Corningstone were still somewhat popular, the LDP's standing among the public deteriorated rapidly in late 2004, and McDowell pledged that in the 2005 elections, he and Corningstone would make their agenda more conservative. This promise, along with the LDP slogan 'A New Typophiles', worked, and in August 2005 the LDP candidates were elected by a landslide 79 percent.

Major industries

=== Broadcasting ===
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/362/tbclogonew2yt.jpg
Logo of the Typophilean Broadcasting Corporation.

The state-run Typophiles Broadcasting Service (TBC) is, for now, the sole provider of television and radio services. TBC-TV operates on many channels: TBC+1 through TBC+7 are nationwide, while TBC+8 through TBC+14 are channels for individual cities. The TBC also broadcasts its Galactic Service radio program, once in the morning, and once at night. This program, hosted by Rebecca Waterman in the mornings, Tomas Jungren in the afternoons and Bob Goulet (no relation to the actor) at night, TBC's Galactic Service is the highest rated news show in the Federation of Allied Nations, consistently beating number-two New Caldari HoloNet and number-three Bellanian World Action News (WAN). There is speculation that the government might privatise TBC, but those plans have not reached fruition as of yet.

Razor train service

International Destinations

  • Garamond --> New Mandela, Binsseland
  • Garamond --> Haki, New Caldari
  • Garamond --> Adalya, Velenora (with Nu Velenorian Cuisine served onboard)
  • Garamond --> Yolavia, Cramsfordd
  • Garamond --> Neptune City, Maraudersoft
  • Garamond --> Raven City, Maraudersoft (via Neptune City)
  • Garamond --> Novus (regional headquarters)
  • Garamond --> Callie, Gallente Federation
  • Garamond --> Hueromont, Gallente Federation (via Callie)
  • Garamond --> New Hong, Caldarian Gevon (via Rivalt)
  • Garamond --> Klos, Vabania
  • Garamond --> Pullman, Wahington Apples
  • Yolavia, Cramsfordd --> Cremblle, Cramsfordd

Inter-Empire Destinations

  • Garamond --> Los Dopicos, San Theodoria
  • Garamond --> Rivalt, Typophilean Gevon
  • Garamond --> Berkaterinsburg, Vladslepland
  • Garamond --> Aketia, Industrial Islands
  • Garamond --> Thatcherston, Sly Fox and Birdie
  • Garamond --> Senace Falls, Rockbert
  • Garamond --> Arial
  • Garamond --> Palatino
  • Garamond --> Helvetica
  • Garamond --> Mittelschrift
  • Garamond --> Hoefler
  • Garamond --> Ronfaure
  • Ronfaure --> Mülhausen
  • Ronfaure --> Reutlingen
  • Ronfaure --> Châtillion-sûr-Réalmont
  • Berkaterinsburg --> Aketia
  • Berkaterinsburg --> Rivalt
  • Berkaterinsburg --> Kolpashevo
  • Berkaterinsburg --> Volpakovskiy
  • Berkaterinsburg --> Vladimirovka
  • Aketia --> Rivalt
  • Aketia --> Chiyon, Industrial Islands

the Federation of Allied Nations on NSwiki
Main articles: Federation of Allied Nations
Nation pages: Typophiles, New Caldari, Federal Trodenhiem, Industrial Islands, Vladslepland, Gevon
Regional info: History of FAN, Independence Alliance, FAN Regional Defense Force, FAN Intel, CFANTO
Sports-related: FAN 2006 Winter Olympics
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Category:Federation of Allied Nations.