Color Wood

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The Region of Color Wood is a great region to live in. Color Wood has many allies and friends. Though we are small we make big changes. Color Wood is a democracy and anyone can be elected. All the person has to do is run for the position.

Color Wood is the sign of :freedom, hope, diplomacy, peace, allegiance, sacrifice, and the countries rights in Color Wood


Color Wood was founded under Vulcanth as a colony. Color Wood then broke away from Vulcanth . Color Wood then became rivals with Vulcanth. But in June 2007 a treaty was signed making Vulcanth and Color Wood allies.

In late June 2007 Color Wood became a region under Vulcanth again. There is a plan to move into Vulcanth in July 2007.


There are many job positions still to be filled in Color Wood. If it has an E next to it that mean the job is empty or no one is doing it.

Founder-Anity(ask questions) Delegate-Astegas-elected every two weeks Head Recruiter-Crazy-appointed by founder General-Anity Head of Foreign Affairs-Crazy and Anity


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