Kedalfax Broadcasting Corporation

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Kedalfax Broadcasting Corporation
kedalfaxci9.png<br.>KBC Logo
Type Broadcast radio network and television network
Country Kedalfax, Kedalfaxian Commonwealth
Availability National; Some services available in Audland
Headquartered Kennerwyck, Kedalfax
Launched Radio: 1922
Television: 1929


The Kedalfaxian Broadcasting Corporation was founded in 1922 as Kennerwyck Radio Broadcasting. It first began airing at 810 KHz with the call sign KRB at 6:45 PM on June 7, 1922. The station is still in use today, as the KBC's main AM station. The frequency of 810 KHz remains a clear channel[1]. On a clear night, KRB can be heard as far away as New St. Augustine, NV, over 1,000 km away.


  1. ^  810 is only clear in the Kedalfaxian layer of the Multiverse Cake. The frequency may be in use on other layers, and is used on the RL layer by Wikipedia:WGY.