Penguin Islands

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The Penguin Islands is an island chain of 26 small, icy islands in the

Southern Seas. It is a Kiravian administrate, used

primarily as a nature reserve for the variety of eponymous penguins that live

on the islands.


Seirm Novân's expedition reached the easernmost of the islands,

Picoru, but the rest of the PI remained unexplored until trading ships en

route to Kaşran were waylaid by a temperate cyclone. They reched the

boundaries of what Arab traders onboard called "الجزر الباردة " or "Cold

Islands" These were the 3 northwesternmost of the Penguin Islands. A

Kiravian naval ship, the Southwest Bounty explored the islands in their

entirety. A Kiravian settlement was landed on Picoru, and the Territory of

the Penguin Islands was founded. The islands were divided into 36

countyships, 26 of which became nature reserves. A settlement to mine

oceanic sediment was built on Barthuva Island, which prospered and

attracted 1,700 people to the area, mostly on Barthuva,Toveuet, Iceberg

Cliff, and Forlonging Islands. By A.E. 21, (Penguin Islands Calendar), there

were 2,000 humans in the territory. A polar storm struck Barthuva in A.E.

28, killing 20 islanders and destroying the mining and processing facilities

and ships. The remaining 1,442 residents of the island relocated to the New

Penguin Islands, and declared independance from Kirav. The Empire

capitulated, but set up a treaty making it difficult for the new nation to gain

skilled immigrants or raise a military. Penguin Islands proper gained a better

Administrate government, and the economy was stabilized through opening

new industries such as Translation for SOuthern Sea languages,

Algæculture, and the manufacturing of Icebreakers, Coast Guard materiél,

and driftwood decorations.