Ea L'lew

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Ea L'lew
West Ariddian
university lecturer & historian
President of West Ariddia (self-proclaimed)

Ea L'lew, an Indigenous Ariddian, is the current self-proclaimed President of the Sovereign State of West Ariddia.

Early life

L'lew was born in a very poor family in the smallish town of Valclair, West Ariddia. She began working in temporary, underpaid jobs at the age of 14, eventually becoming a factory worker. She was too poor to afford the university education she yearned for, but soon became an ardent support of the Democratic Communist Party (DCP), in the hopes of one day helping to bring about radical change in West Ariddian society.

At the age of 28, she suffered a workplace accident due to poor safety standards, and lost the use of both eyes; she has been blind ever since. Although the courts awarded her compensation, her boss considered her to be no longer employable, and she lost her job. At that point, she finally decided to move to neighbouring, communist Ariddia, using her compensation money and meagre savings to pay for the trip, and emigrated with several members of her family.

Once in Ariddia, she found work again, and made the most of the country's free education system to finally attend university. There, she studied history, politics, economics and philosophy. After completing her studies, she decided to move back to West Ariddia. She later explained her choice as follows:

"I didn't think running away was the answer. I know many Limean [West Ariddian] Wymgani [Indigenous Ariddians] have left because our culture, our way of life is being trampled on back home, profit has become the only value, the environment, our heart and soul, is being destroyed... But I don't want to get away from it; I want to make it stop. I have that right. I'm a native, and I'm a citizen, and if we're a majority then no-one can stop us. [...] I wanted to do all I could to bring the Communists to power in Limea, and I still do."

L'lew found employment as a university lecturer, teaching history. She also became increasingly active within the DCP, eventually being elected by its members as party leader. L'lew faced President Luc Sands in the 2117 Presidential elections, having received open support from the pro-communist West Ariddian pop singer Ping. Sands, however, was re-elected for his third consecutive term.

The 2122 presidential election

In 2122, chosen to represent the DCP a second time, L'lew promised that, if elected, she would hold a referendum on the issue of the reunification of the Ariddian Isles. This pledge created a storm of controversy. An anti-communist association, Citizens For Democracy, called for the DCP to be barred from the election; they argued that such a referendum would be unconstitutional as it would violate legal guarantees of sovereignty.

Since the CFD's challenge had been lodged on constitutional grounds, the decision was left to the courts. Outgoing President Luc Sands (FDP) said very little, other than a brief mention that, in his view, excluding the country's second largest party from the election would be "very harmful to democracy".

Eventually, the courts barred the DCP from taking part; Jean-Charles Paon (FDP) was, in consequence, easily elected. Massive demonstrations and strikes erupted in protest, and continued for four months; the country's economy was soon paralysed. Faced with a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, and unable to resolve it, Paon resigned, and new elections were held. This time, the DCP was invited to participate, and L’lew was elected by a fairly narrow margin, having promised not to hold a referendum on the rescinding of national sovereignty.

L'lew's election marked a turning point in West Ariddian history. She began to implement radical socialist policies, reversing over a century of capitalist government. Among the tasks she had set out for herself were full employment, full nationalisation of the economy, housing and health care for all, reversing decades of environmental damage and implementing animal rights.

Opposition leader

She was re-elected by a narrow margin in 2127. In 2132, she stood for a third term in office, but was defeated by FDP candidate Jean-Charles Paon (who thus became her successor as well as her predecessor). Aged 65, L'lew returned to focusing on her university job, but remained active in Opposition.

Ea L'lew is a noted militant for social rights, animal rights, ecologically responsible practices, and against all forms of discrimination. She has written articles in various foreign and domestic newspapers, and has given lectures in universities abroad, mainly in communist countries.

Seizing power

In 2143, President Brown stunned his country and the world at large by abolishing the State and declaring "pure capitalism". Four months later, communists began an organised take-over, seizing control of several major industries, setting up workers' cooperatives and occupying the former government buildings. They asked 79 year-old L'lew to take the presidency, which she did eventually, citing the need for a government in the face of military vessels approaching West Ariddian waters from the Unified Capitalizt States and Allanea.

L'lew announced she would lead a 5-year transitional government and implement "sweeping reforms" before organising democratic elections. She called upon members of Parliament to resume their seats, but only 35 accepted to do so.

Preceded by:
Jean-Charles Paon
President of West Ariddia

2122 - 2132

Succeeded by:
Jean-Charles Paon
Preceded by:
Thomas Brown
President of West Ariddia

2143 - present

Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Christelle Zyryanov
President of Uhuhland
Jan. 1, 2125 – July 31, 2125
Succeeded by: