New Harbour

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Flag of New Harbour

New Harbor,also referred to as "New Harbour", or Novaharboura, is the Kiravian, and former Echoese colony in the Islands of Halako.


When the nation of Weccanfield opened up the Halako islands for settlement, the CFEI was one of the first nations to apply. With ample rescources, the colony became reasonably prosperous. However, New Manth, a colonial claim by Manth, encompassed the Northeastern part of the island. A short-lived joint colony was established, but tensions over land resulted in all-out war between the CFEI and Manth, Qadesh, and Maldorians. After heavy losses, the colony was ceded to the Kiravian Empire, and was renamed Novaharboura.

When a Kiravian fleet arrived to begin the Kiravian settlement of the colony, New Manth occupied New Harbour. A negotiation session was held in Greysand, and the colony was re-cedes to Kirav by New Manth for a sum of money and a defencive obligation.

Kiravian settlement beganin 2 A.C.(New Harbour Calendar). Several settlements were built by the colonists, mostly on the coast. The further inland settlements were mostly mining towns, farm villages, plantations, and military posts. The largest inland settlement is IceDiamond.

Under Kiravian rule, the Echoese were granted dual citizenship in the Empire and the CFEI. Arkik and Coscivian were made co-official languages. The government, which had previously been a direct democracy, was converted into a civilocracy, but with direct democracy on the local levell.


New Harbour is governed under the Treaty of Greysand and the New Harbour Colony Act.

It is a Type II colony, with a civilocratic government. Local offices are elcted by the people, and referenda are often used.

The current Governor is Peale Oceanlife.


[Under COnstruction]